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Posts posted by gazehund

  1. Since curiosity killed the cat and I'm not feeling too wise at the moment...


    Everyone who only does Rabies (Like I do), how do you handle your rescue groups that your involved with? Are they ok with that? Do they give you push back? etc


    I am not involved with any group. My hounds came directly from their racing kennel. Stud farm in Cracker's case. My hounds' previous owner is fine

    with it. She does the same for her hounds.


    Edit to add my first found hounds came from groups. They didn't give me any crap about only doing rabies. Their adoption contract stated

    the dogs needed to be kept current on vaccinations. Rabies is the only vaccine requirement in NY and the only one my hounds have ever received.

  2. We had an 8 year old retriever when I brought my greys home. He was unsure at first (he'd been an only dog his whole life) but eventually learned to love them. When he went blind, they were his seeing eye dogs. :) I've since added a Great Pyrenees and the boyfriend's Australian Shepherd. I agree that the dog should be neutered, but to say that a greyhound can't coexist with an intact dog is ridiculous. The grey may likely put the lab in his place (and it's been my experience that females are the best at teaching this lesson, though that's a generality), but once the lab learns his boundaries they should do really well together. Definitely try to match energy levels. There are plenty of high-energy greyhounds out there that would get along famously with a non-greyhound. Good luck in your search! :)


    Totally ridiculous. I happen to have two intact males in my home, both greyhounds. One is a super star racer who has

    been a stud. The other has not needed a dental yet. No way will he make puppies ever. Breeding a mixed breed dog

    because BF "wants puppies" is beyond irresponsible. You know that, obviously. That said my stud boy would be great

    with a lab. I often think he IS a lab. He has boundless energy and would happily put an energetic puppy in his place.

  3. Is my wanting to keep him selfish, when I should be considering his needs and admitting that he may be happier elsewhere? Or do you think we just need to stick with it and give him more time?


    Yes, in my humble opinion it is selfish. The dog is terribly unhappy there and is demonstrating that every way he can. "Sticking with

    it" and giving him more time will only serve to give the dog more time to be miserable. I have not read all of your threads. The ones

    I have read seem to hold a common thread of being more concerned with your floors and possessions. Maybe that comes more from

    your husbands feelings than yours, I don't know.

    It also seems pretty obvious your husband is not on board with a dog. Not meaning to sound harsh, just what I have

    gathered from the threads of yours I have read. If your group is suggesting you return the dog than please do so. As others have

    said step back, talk with your husband and really listen to what he has to say. Both verbally and non-verbally. Then think about

    a dog and what expectations you have for that dog. If you are expecting a dog to never scratch hardwood floors, to never make

    a mistake and to never be sick than your expectations are too high and maybe a dog isn't for you. Best wishes to you in your decision.

  4. By the time Hurricane Irene reached upstate NY last year it was a Tropical Storm. It still did billions of dollars

    of damage and 42 people lost their lives. It hit exactly 6 days after Flupascrackerbox got home.

    We didn't do anything special as none of my dogs (including Cracker) are storm phobic. Pooter is a little

    nervous now that she is older. We put her in our bedroom and close the drapes and she is fine.

    Other that that we have a generator, plenty of food and supplies on hand (human, dog and cat.) All of the

    vehicles are always full of fuel. The only added precaution we take after a storm is to make sure the fence in the

    dog yard is intact. Other than that we just use common sense and make sure we are prepared.

    Our power was off for 36 hours after Irene. We were comfortable and safe. We live way out in the country.

    Long power outages are common for us.

  5. I use a raised feeder/water bowl and the absolutely best on is a "Neater Feeder". The cheapest place to buy one is on EBay and I just got my second one for about $45.00 (no shipping). It ends putting towels under the bowls and cleaning the walls!


    My male Da Vid (when he is well) loves stuffies. I buy them at Good Will or garage sales. No buttons or other things he can rip off. Also, I do not buy the ones with 10,000 little beads in them.


    I have a baby gate, but don't have to use it much. Congradulations!


    Mini hijack but thank you for mentioning the Neater Feeder!

    I think I saw it in another thread. I have one coming today.

  6. Lots of theories on bloat for sure. I use raised feed and water bowls for my hounds and have right from the get go. I have always used them, even before hounds. To me it just looks more comfortable for a tall dog to eat from a raised platform rather than the floor. I have never had a problem. My personal belief is that bloat is more genetic than anything else.


    My dog cars are an SUV and a minivan. No experience with back seat liners.


    Toys. Only two out of seven have played with toys. Both males and both preferred large soft stuffies.

  7. Winny doesn't sound all that timid to me. My spooky girl would not let us get a hand on her for 10 months.


    Winny just sounds young and unsure of herself to me. I agree with Jenbo. Bring her home, shower her with love

    and attention and you will not know she is the same dog in a few months. Take things slow and let her figure

    her new life out for herself. Don't expect too much from her and let her come to you. I promise you, she will.

    I love my big goofy boys, but I will never be without a female in the house. In my experience females provide

    balance and compliment the goofy nature of the boys with a little more independence and smarts.


    Happy Birthday! I would love to see a picture of Winny!


    There she is. Beautiful!

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