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Everything posted by scullysmum

  1. I hope all the angel babies had a good day.
  2. Zoe taught me that trust and respect are a two way street, but I always got back twice as much as I put in. Also that my home and my life would always be empty without a dog in it. Mulder taught me that no matter how bad life may seem or how bleak the future may look a smile and a wagging tail could heal every ill, and make the world a good place. He had so much joy in his heart it touched every single person that he ever met. (and now I am crying like a baby)
  3. Oh No, I am so sorry. Have a peaceful journey Miss Magic.
  4. That is so sad. I am so very sorry. Run free Baxter you have many new friends waiting for you
  5. scullysmum


    I'm so sorry. Run free Tommy
  6. What a wonderful story. I am so sorry for your loss. Run free Tiger
  7. Merry Christmas Mulder, Zoe, Shadrach, Meshach and Spotty.
  8. Run free sweet little pupper, you have many friends waiting for you
  9. Thank you. I am really missing my angels this year.
  10. Happy Birthday Dear Happy Gotcha Day Angel Bool
  11. run free sweet doggies, you are in a far better place now.
  12. I am so sorry, that is the most wretched luck to have. Please do share some stories when you feel up to it. I lost one of my boyz before I found GT and have been able to share some of his stories with others here, it has helped me to heal.
  13. I am so very sorry, she was so beautiful. Run Free Rival
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