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Posts posted by Annette

  1. 5 hours ago, okslater said:

    Thanks everyone. The surgery went well. No sign of any metastasis that they could see. The adjacent organs looked ok, except for the pancreas which is inflamed. They want to keep her in extra days for the recovery due to the pancreatitis which is fine by us. Hopefully she behaves herself as she is quite feisty and doesn't like strangers. Now it's just fingers crossed that it's benign and the pancreas recovers...

    Good news.  Keeping Lemming and your family in our thoughts.  Here's hoping that the tumor is benign.  Just over 24 years ago our greyhound, Icabod had a tumor rupture on his spleen.  It was hemangiosarcoma.  He made it 11 months post tumor rupture.  Sending lots of positive vibes.

  2. Does anyone sell screaming monkeys anymore?

    I have seen screaming flying monkeys that you pull back on their feet like a slingshot and they scream as they fly through the air.  I am just looking for the "plain" screaming monkeys.

    Banjo (we adopted him in September) is our first greyhound who really plays with toys.  He will turn 2 on Thanksgiving this year and he still hasn't developed a "sane" brain yet.  He is loveable, sweet, and crazy.  He loves his toys :wub:

  3. 10 hours ago, RaineysMom said:

    my Rick has a regular harness because he goes batsh*t when he sees a squirrel -- I mean OUT OF CONTROL -- jumping, spinning, hitting into me (nearly knocking me over!).  Nothing has worked trying to change this behavior :(  He's super treat motivated but if there's a squirrel?  NOTHING gets thru to him.  I could be a giant piece of raw beef liver (his fave) and he'd only pay attention to the squirrel.  We've named him The Squirrminator. :blink:

    he'd break his neck if we just had the usual collar (that were FINE for all our other hounds... <_< )

    What brand of harness do you have?  Does it fit him well?

  4. Will a harness keep an energetic greyhound from jumping?  If so, what is a good brand that will fit correctly on a greyhound body?  I remember trying a harness with Rhett many years ago, and it never fit quite right.  It always seemed to rotate around his body.

    We had a spook harness for Miriam since she was a full-blown spook.  That fit well, but I was hoping there might be a normal harness that would fit Banjo correctly and hopefully help with his jumping habit.



  5. 23 hours ago, cleptogrey said:

    If the pin was Sterling and hand crafted I would value it at $85-100. 

    Look on eBay under vintage greyhound pins. 

    I don't think it was vintage.

    I actually saw one like it on a greyhound group's Facebook page auction, but of course that was before I knew mine was stolen.  Of course I can't remember which group had it in their auction.


  6. 51 minutes ago, oldrunners said:

    I cannot count the number of bunnies, wild hares, heartthrobs and tribbles my dogs have enjoyed over the years!  How sad.

    I know.  I only found out because I went to the Aid 4 Greys website and there were no bunnies, tribbles, and other stuffies for sale so I went to her facebook page and saw condolences.

  7. I am not sure if is the correct area to post.  If it needs to be moved , please do so.

    Our house was broken into and trashed.  As we sift through and clean the mess or just go to the spot where something was kept, we discover more stuff that was stolen.  

    One item that was discovered missing probably isn't worth a whole lot monetarily, but is priceless to us was a pin that I won at the 2005 Dewey Beach Gathering.  I believe the pin might have been called something like the "Elegant Lady and Greyhound" pin.  

    I have attached the best picture that I have of it.  I hope someone might recognize it and would have a better picture or know who may have sold them.  I am trying get pictures and descriptions (and current values) of items stolen for insurance.

    Thanks for any help.



    art deco greyhound pin  cropped.jpg

  8. I want to thank everyone for the kind thoughts and condolences.  

    It is so strange here.  We had Miriam for 10 years.  Today was the first Saturday that we slept late with no puppy interruptions for us to get up.  Her queen bed is still in the livingroom where Casey kitty now lies on it from time to time.  

    Her ashes came home today.


  9. Miriam came to us almost exactly 10 years ago.  She came as a foster in July of 2011.  Dixie and Casey seemed to know before we did, that she was part of the family.  From day one, Dixie had "that look" about her. Casey the kitty immediately upon being released from his carrier, started grooming, licking and chewing on Miriam, who literally just walked in the house after being picked up by Roy and I to foster. And she didn't attempt to eat Casey. After visiting the person who was interested in adopting Miriam, it was determined that it was not a good fit, and the adoption did not happen.  Miriam officially became part of our family in the middle of August 2011.

     To say that Miriam was shy was an understatement.  She was a full-blown spook who was afraid of us a good part of the time.  I think it took at least a couple years before she would approach Roy.  She wasn’t just afraid of men.  She was afraid of Roy’s mom and sister when we first adopted her.  When it was time for her to eat, we gave her meal in her food stand and sat “bolt still” without even a whisper.  If we would talk, whisper, or shift in our seat she would become afraid and not eat.  She was afraid of so much stuff it is hard to remember all that scared her. 

     We had her for close to 2 years when she gave us our worst scare.  It was winter and around 8 or 9 degrees above zero in the middle of the night.  Miriam needed to go out, and since we have a fenced in yard, we just let her out.  Little did we know that she was so afraid of us that she had no plans of going back in the house.  I think it took almost 20 minutes to get her into the house.  I was in tears by the time she was worn out enough from her fear and the cold.  Roy was finally able to get a hold of her and bring her into the house.  We attached a 15-foot rope to her collar for the next couple years and bought her a spook harness.

     We are not sure when it happened, but she blossomed into a real pet who was not afraid of new people and actually sought out attention from them.  Several years ago, we ended up moving into an apartment that faced a busy state highway at the top of a hill at the edge of town.  There is a lot of semi-truck traffic and they love to use those “Jake Brakes”.  The first time I heard them I nearly jumped out of my skin, but Miriam was not bothered by them.  Her favorite thing to do was to lay in the sun on the hottest days.  At the last GPA-WI Greyhound Gala pre-pandemic she was crowned queen of the Gala and was presented with a large, round Kirkland dog bed.  She knew she was queen and that bed was her favorite.

     Five years ago she was diagnosed with Copper Storage Disease (liver disease) and she had to go on a low copper diet.  We planned on feeding her a commercial prescription diet, but the company that made and marketed the food irritated me so I consulted with a registered dietary veterinarian and I started making Miriam her own special meals.  The girl ate better than Roy and I most times.  Her internist said that Miriam had a very good chance to live a long greyhound life. 

     Like most “old folks’, as Miriam aged it became difficult for her to get around.  To make things worse, she had corns which caused her to slow down more.  The last few weeks we have had to persuade her to eat her homemade diet.  She even did not eat her marshmallow dessert on one occasion.  We finally found a veterinarian locally who knew how to hull corns.  Her corns were removed this past Saturday.  One of them the vet called a cutaneous horn and it was huge.  We were sent home with tramadol for pain.  The tramadol was not cutting the pain.  On Wednesday, Roy reached down to pet her on the neck and she screamed in pain.  Off to the UW Vet School to get her help.  X-rays were taken of her spine, neck, and lungs to rule out cancer and to see if the cause of her pain could be found.  There were no definitive answers.  She was transferred to neurology yesterday afternoon and they did not like the amount of pain she was in.  They originally were going to do an MRI on her neck to see if there were any tumors.  She was on a fentanyl drip that had to be increased in strength to try and keep her pain in check.  Today, instead of doing an MRI, a fine needle aspirate was done.  It was determined that she had lymphoma and that it probably metastasized to the neck and that was most likely causing her neck pain. 

     Miriam was such a wonderful girl who blossomed into a wonderful pup that amazed us every day.  She was loved by her parents and kitty brother. 

     We were able to go into the clinic this afternoon and be with her when she was released from her pain.  We will miss you forever Miriam.

  10. Our little girl is doing a sleepover at the UW Vet School in Madison. We don't know if having her corns hulled stressed her enough to irritate an existing condition that she hasn't been telling us about. Most greyhound parents know how stoic they can be sometimes. We were sent home with tramadol on Saturday and Miriam pretty much went through most of it with no relief. Her walking got worse instead of better.
    Yesterday morning she didn't eat her marshmallow after she finished breakfast. We figured that she may have decided we were trying to trick her since we were giving her pills with a marshmallow chaser. Last night she ate it without hesitation after her supper.
    This morning when I got up she was in what looked like your typical dogbed fail position with most of her body off her pillow. She struggled to get completely back on the bed, and when she did she was panting a lot. She also was not interested in breakfast.
    Roy was going to keep a close eye on her and figured if she didn't improve by lunch time he would take her to Madison. Around 6:45 he bent down to pet her neck and she yelped. He called in to work to let them know he wouldn't be able to attend a meeting and that he had someone who would go in his place and he probably would not be working today. After that he called me. I finished up a batch of work that I started then I headed to Madison. Only the patients are allowed in the clinic so I met him there in the parking lot.
    What we know so far: Xrays aren't showing signs of cancer on her spine or in her lungs. There is a great deal of pain in her neck. She is on a pain medication drip. She was transferred to neurology and agreed with the emergency vet that the pain in her neck is concerning.
    Tomorrow she will get an MRI done and we will go on from there. If there is any lumps to be removed, they will be and then biopsied. If there are no apparent lumps, I am not sure what our next step will be.
    The emergency vet also mentioned that her neutraphils were out of wack (my words, not hers). I am not sure what she said the level was.
    Miriam is just shy of 14 years old. Her birthday is on September 30th.
    Will keep you updated as we learn more.
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