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Posts posted by Xan

  1. FL, that's great to hear about the current status of the front leg.


    When you said about stabilizing the back leg, I remembered being told by some Dane people about these knee braces that Danes often need. I looked them up (because of Wabi), and found lots, aimed at cruciate injuries. Have I already mentioned this?? :P If I haven't, I'm sorry it took me this long to think of it. If I have, sorry for repeating myself! :lol Search for stifle brace, or dog knee brace, and see if you find something that might help.

  2. Sending just bucket-loads of gentle hugs, soft pillows, ice cream, and good drug-thoughts for poor Lucy!


    Happy's snoot was so swollen after she got a bunch of teeth out, including two canines, it made her look like an English bull terrier. :lol But she healed up fine.


    Hopefully Lucy will be milking the heck out of your sympathy begging for special food in no time! Try to remind her that with great strength comes great responsibility. ;)

  3. Beryl, I'm keeping you close in my thoughts. Hershey and EZ, too. Let's see. Hershey needs a chant ...


    *A tail with cancer is a good one to lose. Lost cancer is the best kind! An easy year is in store for you and yours. What the heck: take two!*

    *A tail with cancer is a good one to lose. Lost cancer is the best kind! An easy year is in store for you and yours. What the heck: take two!*

    *A tail with cancer is a good one to lose. Lost cancer is the best kind! An easy year is in store for you and yours. What the heck: take two!*


    :bighug :bighug

  4. You probably want to take her in anyway, but if the only thing they're going to do is take out the catheter, you can do it at home. I did, and if I can do it, you can! And maybe nicer than they would.


    Here's what I did (with vet's permission, btw!)

    Take off the vet wrap, being careful not to pull on the catheter. Get some vegetable oil, and soak the adhesive bandages down to the skin. You may need to add more as you go down in layers. When it's nice and soaked (takes a moment, may help to sort of rub it in), just start unwrapping it. Have some sterile gauze (just a pad, not for wrapping), and some fresh vet wrap ready. When you get down to just the cath, put the gauze over where it goes under the skin, and just pull the cath out, pressing down with the gauze, and wrap securely *but not too tightly* with vet wrap. Don't worry, she won't shoot blood all over the place. Think when you give blood: no real biggy. You can take that bandage off in a few hours.


    Our vet's office told me to just cut the tape and "take it off", but it would have taken her skin and fur, too! The oil works great to just dissolve the adhesive.


    I'm so sorry you all are going through this! It's just awful when they feel so bad, and finances are so tight, isn't it?


  5. Oh dear oh me oh my! :unsure I don't like all this!


    It's so wonderful that you're keeping such a close eye on his progress that you can tell if his leg is a little warmer than normal. You must be so nervous to leave him now! *biting fingernails*


    Well, I think the thing to do is to set up a Very Loud Chant 'til you get back to take your normal level of care of him. That way, we can chant, and you can go have a good break, and come back ready to do battle, if necessary.


    *It's just a bug, which will fall to the drug! Yeah! It's just a bug, which will fall to the drug! Yeah! It's just a bug, which will fall to the drug! Yeah! It's just a bug, which will fall to the drug! Yeah! *


    Go have fun! We'll keep up the chanting. :)

  6. Thanks, everyone. Today is the first day I've felt like I could think about her in a happy way again. I really went deep into the grief over the last several days, but now I just can feel that we really did what we could, and she's not struggling anymore.


    And that's right.

  7. Taking measurements sounds like a good idea. Gives you some hard data, too, as opposed to, "I dunno. Does it look puffy to you? In this light? At this angle?" :P


    *Knocking furiously on wood* Oh, I bet the dogs will both be utterly fine while you're gone on your much-deserved vacay! In fact *knocking knocking knocking* maybe you'll even come back to some improvement!


    Glad Kaylee's ears are all better!

  8. Thanks, everybody. You're all being so sweet!


    We're going through all those painful adjustments: Gee, there's more room on the floor without the extra dog beds; we don't need all four leashes on the hook; I'll put her muzzle away, and her collar, and her coat, and her bowl. Without all her medical stuff on the counter and in the pantry, it now looks empty. There are all those meat things in the fridge - the other dogs can polish them off, but there they are, reminding me of the struggle to tempt her, the failures.


    I keep looking out the window to where she's buried. H went out to visit her late last night. I ordered a small brass heart tag with her name on it, and "our girl" for myself.


    Grief stuff.

    Happy Happy.


  9. It's been a weird night for us. DH and I have cried on and off, remembered, laughed even. Wabi snuggled with Brilly quite a bit. We think she maybe really does miss her snuggle buddy, Happy.


    Thanks everyone for your kind words of compassion.




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