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Posts posted by vsrenard

  1. She got a DSP injection, but I will ask once we get the rest results back.


    She's ok, thank you for asking. She's behaving normally, just won't eat much. I got her to eat a few dried chicken breast treats, some jerky treats, and some braunschweiger. No to any normal boiled or baked meats, no to the rotisserie chicken, no to the kibble, no to even crackers.

  2. Brin is done with her procedure and is apparently doing well. Her small intestine is definitely inflamed but we won't know more until we get the biopsy results hopefully tomorrow, Fri at the latest. They are starting her on a steroid empirically, which will hopefully help her appetite. We'll pick her up in a few hours.

  3. She's not eaten much today. Maybe a few ounces of cheese, some jerky treats and some biscuits. We did get her anti-emetic down but not tre probiotic.


    One new symptoms is that she is now having time leakage accidents when she is laying down. I'm doing to ask the vet for antibiotics to treat her incontinence empirically.

  4. Brin is home. Her creatnine and BUN values are back in normal range. She is still dehydrated but we decide to forego another day of iv fluids in the hopes she will eat at home (she did not at the vet's). Her ultrasound came back normal with "mild bilateral renal change w/o evidence of renal obstruction or neoplasia. Pyelonephritis cannot be entirely excluded." Her pancreas appeared normal but no enzyme tests were done.


    At this point, we have no idea what is causing her not to eat and what elevated her kidney values. She is on an anti-emetic and Florti Flora. I offered her yogurt and kibble with no success. She did eat a chicken jerky treat. We are both boiling and baking chicken breast right now. If that doesn't work, we'll try more baby food, and canned tuna.


    Not sure what else to do.

  5. Just got back from vet. Brin's ultrasound is normal, with no obvious change in kidney size or blockages. Did a blood test and her BUN and creatnine levels have come down a little. Still high but that they've come down is encouraging. We left her overnight for iv fluids and another blood test in the morning. Her test results and symptoms don't quite make sense, not sure why she won't eat well. But she did beg two slices of L's cheesecake this morning.


    We are hanging in. I am a mess, and L is trying not be behind his stoic demeanor. Brin has never spent the night outside of a "home" before. Breaks my heart.

  6. Thank you all. I appreciate the thoughts and the advice! Brin ate a little bit of canned food yesterday and some cheese, but this morning only ate a couple of dog treats. Still, it's something.


    Her baseline blood work from 6 has always been in the normal range, except for a slightly elevated creatnine six months ago with some dehydration. Her urine sp gravity is 1.019, with no protein. Temperature is normal. No TBD panel was done.


    This came on rather acutely. She was eating fine (and even trying to scam an extra meal here and there) up until Sat morning. Good news is she's prancing about and even asked for food this morning even if she wouldn't eat anything I offered.


    Thanks for all the advice. Now I've got some questions to ask the vet. :)

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