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Posts posted by kikibean

  1. 2 hrs is the absolute max we will leave them under. If it's a senior with a really bad mouth or something, we will do half the mouth and the go back and do the other.

    The problem is that if they're under longer than 2 hrs, when they flip them back over their blood pressure drops dramatically and combined with the anesthesia they can stroke out. My friend's group recently lost a dog during a spay / dental when she was under for like 2.5 hrs. Just not worth the risk as far as we're concerned. We'd rather do two dentals a month or two apart.

  2. I've got 2 broodies at my house now, plus a 13.5 yr old girl and a 6 yr old boy. I got Voo Doo (age 6) in January and brought Barb (age 9) home as a "foster" in March. They get along fine and they're also fine with my older girl and my boy. They were both from the same farm.


    Before that I had two broodies - mother and daughter, along with the girl who's now 13.5 and a different boy. They all got along fine as well.


    Broodies are my favorites :)

  3. We keep Poise pads and vet wrap on hand for those types of things. Poise pads soak up a LOT of blood. Rocky had a stitch come loose when he had a bump taken off his leg and blood was spurting everywhere. We wrapped a Poise pad around it and then vet wrapped the whole thing so we didn't have blood all over the car. My vet was so impressed he said he was going to buy Poise pads to keep in the clinic. We've also used them on ears with vet wrap.


    They're also handy in belly bands for boy dogs. MANY uses!

  4. I'd talk to your group for sure. And maybe see if they have a behavioralist or trainer that they would recommend that you try working with.


    Some dogs are just not cat safe with all cats. They might be fine with cats that ignore them or stand up to them, but will chase a cat who will run or who they can tell is afraid. Some dogs also seem to be more interested in certain colored cats than others. We have someone who does most of our cat testing of dogs straight off the track or farm, and she will tell you there can be a difference in the dog's reaction based on color of cat.


    If he can't be redirected from the cat, I think you need to talk to your group and see about working with someone who is experienced with greyhound / cat interactions. Advice on a message board can be very helpful but in this situation, for your cat's safety, I really think you need an experienced person to actually see the interaction between them and advise you on the best course of action.

  5. Molly is 13 and is not getting any shots. She doesn't go anywhere and only goes out front on a leash to potty. I think the chances of her biting someone at this point are slim since she barely gets off the sofa. She had 3 yr rabies when she was 10 and her last DHLPP.


    Wingnut and Voo Doo get DHLPP every 3 years and a 3 yr rabies. Once they hit 10 I stop DHLPP all together and do a 3 yr rabies and that is their last one.


    My vet would like me to still do the DHLPP every year, but they're my dogs and it's my decision so he doesn't give me too much trouble about it.

  6. Kerry, I'd get hold of Teresa or Suzanne at Treats Unleashed and see if she can recommend a food for Sierra. Teresa recommended one for Maddy that was easy for her to digest and that she actually liked to eat. Some of the other staff may be able to help you as well, but I know Teresa and Suzanne are great at helping choose foods. Leann may even have some ideas.

  7. If you take him to the vet, have them check his prostate. I had a foster who was pottying in the house and I was 100% positive it wasn't behaviorial even though the vet insisted it was. We went round and round and she finally checked his prostate only to find it was infected. Round of antibiotics and everyone (including him) was happy again and no more accidents.


    Just a thought since apparently it's not something they automatically check.

  8. A second dog may very well help the SA, but I don't think anyone should adopt a second unless they really want a second dog. It may not help. Is fostering an option?


    Medication can sometimes be used short term. A lot of times it helps put the dog in a frame of mind where they can focus on the training that's being done instead of focusing on their anxiety. She may be able to wean him off the meds once she has success with the alone training.


    I also agree with a peanut butter kong, radio or tv left on, crate in an area where he normally spends time and exercise.

  9. Can you tell me how to make a word a link? I can't remember how to do it.

    I want to add Romey's name - Nose Stradamus to my signature like the others and have it link to his GD page when you click on it. I have the others that way, but I can't figure out how I did it. I see how to add a link, but I don't see how to make the link say something other than the website, if that makes any sense.



  10. The first dog I wanted to do the shots on was a foster who had been being seen by a specialist. He flat out refused to do the shots because he said they wouldn't work. I took the dog to my vet and asked him to do it. He didn't think it would work, but agreed to do it because I was really insistant. Those shots kept Benji going for 2-3 years, and my vet has become a firm believer in them and has given them to many greyhounds.


    I tried them with my old girl Mimi and she had no response to them at all. Most I have know have had relief from them.

  11. Wingnut is on Trifexis. I dip it in peanut butter and I don't think he even chews it. I think this is his 3rd month on it. Molly is on Advantage Multi. She is 13 and has had some tummy issues and a bout of vestibular, so I don't want to risk giving it to her. And, I doubt she would eat it.


    I recently had a dog at my house w/ fleas that I didn't catch for a day and a half. Neither of my dogs got them, so both products are working.

  12. We lost Rocky to hemangio. He seemed fine when we went to bed and by 6am he was gone. I'd have your husband keep an eye on his gums. Look at them now to see what they look like and then check them that they don't get pale.


    Rocky threw up at 3:30 am and we thought it was something he'd eaten. He was a little fidgety, but again - we thought he'd eaten something that was making his tummy upset. I kept checking his gums and at 5:30 they were pale so we ran him to the e-vet about 3 minutes from our house. By the time we got there his blood pressure was so low they couldn't even get a reading. They suspect the hemangio was in his heart. I will say that I don't think he ever suffered. I think he felt off and not great, but he never acted like he was really in any distress.


    He really didn't even have any symptoms in the days leading up to it. We were totally blindsided. He was only 10 and had always been the picture of health.


    So sorry about your boy :( Spoil him rotten.

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