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Posts posted by heartdogs

  1. I had to let Patches go to the bridge this morning. He came to me as a sick little boy that grew into the most loving, gentle big dog. A big part of my heart went to the bridge with him as I told him now he is whole & can run with Lucky, Speckie, Hombre, Honey & Miss E. All the dogs here are upset with me because they saw us leave together & he didn't come back. Run free precious until we meet again remember Mom loves you & you'll always be No 1 hound!!


    Sorry didn't mean to post twice but my computer is acting up.

  2. I had to let Patches go to the bridge this morning. He came to me as a sick little boy that grew into the most loving, gentle big dog. A big part of my heart went to the bridge with him as I told him now he is whole & can run with Lucky, Speckie, Hombre, Honey & Miss E. All the dogs here are upset with me because they saw us leave together & he didn't come back. Run free precious until we meet again remember Mom loves you & you'll always be No 1 hound!!

  3. I know it sounds crazy but you can spray the dog with vinegar & drop the ticks you remove from them it abottle of vinegar too. The dog only smells like a pickle for a short time but this something that can be repeated more often than the Frontline. Also here in north TX the ticks seem to have built up a resistance to Frantline. When I have a lot of fire ants I didn't have ticks but last year we had so much rain in the spring the ants were drowned out so we had a terrible tick problem.

  4. Poor Miss E went to the bridge this morning after a very painful weekend. She was my first senior grey that I flunked fostering with 6 years ago. She was a big brindle girl & so velcro from the minute she came to me as a foster. She helped Shadrach when we lost Lucky & he was lost without his comfort buddie. She didn't like to go out of the house & was good with all the dogs that came to stay. I told her to go find her friends that went before & that she won't be alone or in pain again. Good bye sweet girl everyone misses you here at home.

  5. Thank you all for your thoughts. Several of the dogs are still looking for him. Hombre was such a good boy & so quiet unless he spied a cat! Most of the dogs won't even sleep on his pillow by my bed even when I tell them it's ok, it's strange they way they all react to the loss of a pack member.

  6. My grand old man had to be sent to the bridge this morning. He shattered his left shoulder & there was no way to fix it. The vet said he had a severe case of osteoarthritis and she'd never seen such a break as he had. He was such a reserved old man when I got him 4 years ago but was really coming out of his shell lately. Last night he insisted on sleeping on a pillow by the head of the bed instead of at the foot as he normally did. Now all the other dogs are wondering what's happened but at least he's pain free. I told him to go find Honey & they could run together again. Sure do miss him!!

  7. The vet told me to slowly roll the bottle between my hands before giving Noel her shots as this makes the temp warmer & the needles are very fine. If I don't warm the insulin right there are times Noel will whimper but for the most part she doesn't pay much attention as I was also told to give her a very small treat after the shot & she is the only dog that gets one at that time so she thinks she is special (she is!!). Now she will come find me when it's time for the shots but didn't do so at first. Also I rotate from side to side so the shot isn't always given on the same side. Good luck, your dog will adjust to this routine as you get more comfortable giving the shots.

  8. When Patches started his eye drops he acted like your foster & the doc said to teach him & all the other dogs to let me check their eyes by gentle rubs around the eye & across the lid so that he would get used to having me put the drops in. Some dogs are like many people & just don't like things near their eyes. It took awhile but worked & I rub all the fosters this way so if they every need eye meds or to have something removed from their eyes they don't freak. Try to stay calm & work quickly & the dog will adjust-Patches has had Pannus for over 10 years so now I just ask him to come to me to do his eyes & he does or if he's resting I just lean down & medicate him. My problem is all the other dogs want me to do them too.

  9. Hombre was panting a lot until he check up last year when the vet said it was related to his heart & put him on 20mg of Benazepril a day. Now he only pants like the rest of the crew from running or barking at the stupid cat that teases wveryone outside. Hombre will be 11 in April. Good luck with her.

  10. I know how you feel. The week of Thanksgiving I came home to find Speckles dead in the middle of the livingroom. I can only guess at what the other dogs thought. Patches has had the hardest time as Speck was his Momma when he was apup. Maybe our girls can work as a team to keep the rowdy dogs in line.

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