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Newbie, be gentle

Newbie, be gentle (2/9)

  1. Also, here is a picture of Kahn with his tiny dachshund sister, Johanna. Not a predatory bone in his body
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss as well. If Killian was anything like Kahn, that's a hole in the heart that can never be quite filled. Where did you adopt Rooftop Collins? I wonder how he made it to you and Kahn made it to me in New Hampshire. I imagine Kahn and Killian are frolicking together once again Here is a picture of Kahn sunbathing. Did Killian enjoy this as well?
  3. So I'm gathering that FGF Baby Blue was not a good racer? Perhaps destined to be a beloved companion instead of a fearsome competitor? Was she an E dog? Is it a miracle that she made it out or is that common for that poor of a racer?? From the stats I saw on TrackInfo, she was not a dog to put money on... Do you know if there are any videos of Kahn? Or is that too far back for the replays? Thank you so much for all of this information. You are a spectacular resource and a very kind individual to offer this service! Best, Courtney
  4. I saw your response to the "Can You Help" thread and just had to reach out to you. I was about to add Sweet Lily for my greyhound, Rooftop Kahn, but saw that you had already added her for Rooftop Collins. I can't believe I stumbled upon Kahn's brother's human!

    Sadly, Kahn passed away a few weeks ago at 13 1/2 years wise, and I miss him so much. I think of him every day. I was wondering if you had any pictures of Collins just so I could see what his brother looked like in retirement? Here are a couple of my favorites of Kahn. He will live in my heart forever.

    All the best to you.


    Rooftop Kahn.jpg

  5. My boy was Rooftop Kahn!!! Do you have any pictures of Collins? Wondering if the brothers look alike...sadly Kahn passed away three weeks ago at 13 1/2 years wise. I miss him every day. Here are a couple of pictures of him:
  6. Congratulations on welcoming a senior bonded pair into your home! Sometimes the universe knows better I got teary-eyed when you described Penguin. My first greyhound, Rooftop Kahn, just passed away 3 weeks ago at 13 1/2 years wise. Gable Dodge was his father. Kahn was also quiet, sweet, gentle, exuded serenity and had the most soulful eyes I've ever seen. How did you know about Gable Dodge? Did you have other hounds related to him? Your description was just so perfect, I wondered if this was a recognized trait with a lot of his offspring. Just curious... Lastly, I am now fostering to adopt a little retired racer girl who just came up from Florida. Her great grandfather was Gable Dodge, and she reminds me so much of Kahn. Same eyes, same demeanor. It's uncanny. Here are a couple of my favorite pictures of Kahn:
  7. Hello! I would love if you could tell me about my first racer...his race name was Rooftop Kahn, male, born 2/1/2006, ears were 26H and 36341. He just passed away in July. I saw some of his race stats years ago, but I couldn't find any video footage of his races...maybe there are none going back that far. Where did he race and how did he do? I would love to honor his memory by submitting a picture and bereavement message on greyhound-data.com, but whenever I try to create an account, it just redirects me to the main page. I am adopting another racer, just recently brought up from Florida...race name FGF Baby Blue, female, born 12/18/2015, ears are 125B and 67845. Her great grandfather was Kahn's father (Gable Dodge). If it's not too much trouble, I also would love to know any info you can find on WW Selena Shot, female, born 1/20/2015, ears 15D and 65740. As an aside, do you know why so many greyhound litters have those prefixes like rooftop, fgf and ww? Is that an owner or trainer preference? I've always wondered that. Thank you so much for offering this service. It means so much to know the history of these greyhounds. All the best to you.
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