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Posts posted by cgs

  1. Ugh, I hope it doesn't take that long! I'm cleaning up the yard after every poo, in part just because the yard is small and Percy likes to dash around sometimes and I do t want him stepping in it. We're doing panacur, drontal, and advantage multi, and then repeating.

  2. I was wondering the same thing, though mine isn't quite so bad. In the evening, he's usually mostly down for the count and won't move after dinner. Right now he's lying nearby as I sit at my desk. He won't follow me right away if I get up, but if I don't come back, he'll come find me. He'll also just do laps around the kitchen/living room/dining room on his own while I"m puttering around the kitchen. I was wondering if it would subside.Sometimes I don't even know if he's there. I turn around and there he is.

  3. Yes, the Kirkland has chicory root also. This is the Kirkland adult dog food, not the Kirkland naturals or whatever it's called. I would love to not have other things added--that just costs more.


    Today the weather is nasty, so I'm thinking maybe he'll only poop twice since he doesn't want to go out. He went once this morning on a walk (didn't go first thing in the morning because he just wanted to come back in. He barely even peed) and has gone out once to pee since then-but peed on the deck, rather than go down the sleet covered steps to the yard.

  4. Here we've got 3-5 poops/day with the first usually pretty good and the others sort of variable. I'm switching from Taste of the Wild to Kirkland (Costco), which has dried beet pulp like the IAMS. Percy didn't like the IAMS at all (offered it twice and he ate the old kibble and left the IAMS behind as much as he could), but likes Kirkland. He's been rejecting the olewo carrots, so I'm just going to see how he does on the Kirkland. I'd love to just give him kibble without carrots or anything else. He gets his next round of panacur and drontal and advantage multi in about 10 days.

  5. Every day is different, but he seems to have his appetite back. He's no longer interested in oatmeal and is mostly rejecting the olewo carrots. He's eating all or most of his kibble and sometimes eats it mostly at once. Other times he still grazes over an hour or so, but he's usually finishing up rather than just eating a little and maybe wanting more hours later. I've mostly taken it up if he doesn't finish in a reasonable amount of time. He's off medicine for now and will do another round in 2 weeks, so I guess I won't be surprised if his appetite diminishes again.

  6. I'm slowly switching him to Kirkland, but now he's pretty much rejecting the olewo carrots. That's fine if the Kirkland works to firm up his poop, but we'll see. I've been giving him the carrots mixed with a dollop of yogurt in the morning before breakfast and he'll eat that, but if I mix the carrots with his food, he'll pick around it. He's been pooping 3-4 times/day. Still a mix of firm, soft, and runny, though usually not too bad. I would just feel better taking him places if it was easy to pick up. Next weekend my daughter has a horse show and we'll probably be bringing Percy since we'll be out most of the day. Poop that's hard to get up won't be fun.

  7. I'm brand new to this too, but I was thinking back in the crate would help him know it's time to sleep. Do you put him in the crate when he's home alone or do you baby gate him in the living room? If he's only in the crate for sleeping, then back in the crate might help.


    Or could you try just not getting up early on the weekend in the first place? Percy goes in his crate around 9:30 and gets out around 7:30. Maybe just sleep in to begin with.

  8. You can check the ingredients online. I didn't compare ingredient by ingredient, but they seemed pretty similar. If you have a Costco and a Costco membership, definitely worth it to go get the Kirkland brand there.


    Percy seems to like it. I've only given him a little bit, but he ate it out of my hand, which he didn't do with the IAMS. He ate around the IAMS kibble, but ate the Kirkland that as mixed with his food. In fact this morning, he's only been nibbling on breakfast, but instead of eating the oatmeal and leaving the kibble, he ate the kibble and left the oatmeal. It was 1/4 cup ToTW with really just a sprinkling of Kirkland.

  9. Thanks, good to know. He also barfed sometime overnight. Not much and it didn't bother him--he didn't wake us up. Or maybe he barfed more than what I saw, but ate it. Anyway, it was more than 12 hours after the drontal. He hasn't been very interested in breakfast. Didn't even eat the oatmeal part of it. But he seems fine otherwise. Alert and happy.

  10. Yeah, today he had a pretty good breakfast, but for dinner just at the oatmeal and a little kibble. I took up his bowl and will try again in an hour. He's definitely not an inhaler. Even when he eats, it's like he has attention issues--takes a bite or two, does a couple laps around the kitchen, gets more, goes outside to pee, eats a bit more....

  11. Same here for where he poops. I walk around the block and then around paths in the neighborhood and he's been good about going along the paths, which aren't anyone's yard and sometimes in the more wooded areas of the paths. And the paths have trash cans, so bonus.

  12. I just got a 40lb bag of Kirkland chicken and rice food for $29 at Costco. If Percy does well with it, I think I can handle a trip to Costco over 4-6 weeks. I'm not sure how long a 40 lb bag would last. The 30-lb Taste of the Wild is getting low, but probably still has a lot more servings in it and I've been using that for 3 weeks. So at least a month for a 30-lb bag I guess. Fingers crossed for Percy liking it and it helping with the poop.


    Now to figure out what to do with the 15-lb bag if IAMS that he didn't like and didn't seem good for him....Anyone in Maryland (MoCo) want it?

  13. I gave him more kibble because he had finished and was looking for more. He pooped much more so far today, like 4 times by noon. So I think the kibble (high protein level) makes him go more. Less kibble and more oatmeal seems to produce less poop. I'm going to get some Kirkland food and start introducing that in.

  14. Does the poop go back to being worse when he's off it?


    The vet did say you can retest for hooks sooner, but since giardia takes longer, she figured just do one test at 6 weeks. But I'd kind of like to know if the hooks are at least gone so I can re-treat if they're not, so I might do two tests.


    Reading more about giardia and I'm starting to worry that will be hard to get rid of, though the vet said it's easier. I'm reading that they shed cysts and they need to be bathed and have their bedding washed. The giardia level was lower than hookworm, so hopefully not that bad? *sigh* I'm hoping this doesn't take months to knock out and that following the advice here works.

  15. Ok, thanks. I figured I'd get around to asking the vet at some point. She also recommended fecal check at 6 weeks and again, I don't know if that's from start of treatment or end of treatment. I'm thinking end, since she said giardia can take a while to die off.

  16. It seemed hard to get the Advantage Multi on his skin vs his fur. Our little dog has long hair, which is easy to part, but I had trouble with parting Percy's hair. Hopefully enough of it got to his skin. I parted the hair with a comb and tried to hold it apart with my (gloved) fingers, but it still seemed hard.

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