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Posts posted by cgs

  1. My dog is from WV also, so I'm hoping this protocol works. I would think if your barfed 9 hours after the drontal, that the drontal got into him and maybe it was something else that made him barf. I remember reading your dog barfed it up, so I gave a half pill and then waited about 30 minutes and gave the rest. It says to give with food, so I wanted to do it all close to breakfast and not wait hours. So we'll see. I have him the advantage multi a couple hours later. The OSU document just says to give it within 24 hours and I've read to give them together, so I don't think it matters that much. I'll redose with both drontal and advantage multi in 14 days, per the OSU protocol and redose with panacur in 3 weeks per the vet for the giardia. (I'm not sure if it's 3 weeks from the first dose or 3 weeks from the last dose.) The OSU document also seems to say to give advantage multi every 2 weeks until hooks are gone. I have 6 doses, so I'll keep giving it.

  2. He was eating all his kibble when we first got him--gobbling down 2.5 cups in the evening, so I don't think it's that. I'm going to have his teeth cleaned once we're through the worm meds. He does like the oatmeal though. This morning he ate 1/2 cup oatmeal and about a cup of kibble, but the oatmeal was gone first. He ate his food in a reasonable time I guess, but still takes breaks--goes outside, goes to lie down, etc. Then goes back to it, but ate it all more or less in an hour or so. His poop output has been much less since adding oatmeal. He hasn't eaten any more poop.

  3. After talking to the vet, I went online to see if I could order the next dose of panacur and drontal cheaper than from them. 1800PetMeds looked about the same, but then I checked Amazon and just ordered from there. They didn't say I needed a prescription or anything.The panacur is $10/box instead of $20. The drontal is $44 for 2 tablets. Percy needs 1.5 tablets and I paid $57 at the vet. Anone else get meds off Amazon?


    This is the drontal. It doesn't say drontal, but it's the same company, Bayer, and the same ingredients in the same amounts. And it came up when I searched for drontal plus.


  4. I have Amazon Prime, but only saw the lamb flavor or small breed or puppy. He's on a ToTW duck/chicken/some other fowl flavor now, so figured I'd stick with chicken. I'll probably just head back to Costco. I was just there yesterday.

  5. I did just talk to the vet. She said I can give the drontal any time. I was waiting until I received the Advantage Multi to go with it and that just arrived, so I'll give that today or tomorrow. I may give the drontal in the morning so he's not getting everything all at once in case he pukes it up. She also said I can hold off on heartguard because all the other stuff is covering that for now. She said retest fecal 6 weeks after treatment. It could be done sooner with hooks, but giardia takes longer to die off I guess, so she said wait for 6 weeks. Lulu's test was negative, so I'll retest her at that time also.

  6. I have HeartGuard Plus for him and was wondering if that was good enough for maintenance. I thought I've read here of people saying other things work better. I got 3 months of HG and who knows if he'll even be free of the hookworms by then. Do I even need to give it to him while he's on all this other medicine? I guess I need to ask the vet.


    Tonight will be day 5 of the panacur. I haven't given the drontal yet--I think it has the same ingredient plus some others. I figured I'd wait until he was done with the panacur, but then he'd be bumping up his second dose of drontal (14 days later) with his second treatment of panacur (3 weeks later, which will fall on the same day.) So not sure what to do. I'm hoping the vet calls today with the results of Lulu's fecal test to see if she's got worms now too.

  7. Just looked at Diamond Naturals and it looks almost identical to Kirkland. Where do you get it shipped for free? I see it on Chewy, but it's not enough for free shipping. Not seeing it on Amazon.


    Also, are there any stores that sell it? Always nice to be able to get it somewhere in a pinch if needed. The only place I've seen ToTW is Tractor Supply. I'm not seeing Diamond Naturals listed on any store websites--petco, petsmart, Target, etc.

  8. I'm hopeful he's not actually a poop eater and that he just did it those two times because he hadn't eaten enough food.


    Last night I mixed his panacur with just yogurt and carrots, no oatmeal. He ate that all instantly and then I gave him kibble with oatmeal for dinner, which he ate most of. I'm doling out the kibble slowly so I don't end up throwing it away. If he eats the first half cup, I'll add another half cup. I think last night he ate most of 1.5 cups of kibble and 1/2 cup of oatmeal, so that at least seemed like a decent intake of food.


    This morning he picked at breakfast again, eating mostly the oatmeal, but eventually ate close to a cup of kibble. I had to go out, so he was crated, so I left his food available until 10 instead of picking it up sooner.

  9. Good to know--that's basically what I'm going to do.


    I feel like I'm making some progress on the poo issue. The carrots helped firm it up a bit, but it would still be really bad if he went too often. Yesterday, only 3 poops all day! Morning, 10am walk, and 6pm or so. Today so far morning, 10am walk. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. He'd usually do a poop or a little squirt before bed, but didn't do that last night. I'm thinking the oatmeal I've been giving him is helping with not going so much? And/or the yogurt. He's getting oatmeal with his kibble (and eating that more than the kibble), and yogurt with his panacur before dinner.


    My bag of Taste of the Wild is starting to run low, and while I don't want to make too many changes, I'm really thinking of switching to Kirkland. It's cheaper, has the beet pulp everyone says helps (at least some varieties), but is still grain free. I don't think Percy did well with the 2 meals where I gave him just 1/2 cup IAMS and he didn't even eat it all. Hard to tell since there was so much going on. Kirkland is a pain because it's expensive to get delivered and going to Costco is a pain and lifting a 40lb bag is a pain, but so much cheaper.


    Kirkland's lamb variety is lower protein than the others (23% vs 26%), but all are much lower than the ToTW, which is 35% or so. ToTW has a lamb variety that has protein around 25%, but I'd rather go with the cheaper Kirkland. So I'm just thinking about all that. I don't want to get another bag big of ToTW Wetlands (which is what he's on now) if I want to switch him, though my little dog would eat it. Decisions.... I'd probably advise someone else not to change diet right now, but I'm impatient. I'll wait a bit longer, but will need to get the next bag of food in a couple weeks.

  10. I've been adding oatmeal to his kibble for the past couple meals and plan to continue that. I could try boiled chicken, but isn't that just changing his food again? Oatmeal is changing his food again too. I'm trying not to do too much. I was introducing the IAMS slowly. But after two meals, decided not to mess with that right now.

  11. Why would you want to change EVERY possible thing your dog is familiar with?


    He's used to meals.


    The 5 minutes twice a day it takes me to feed my dog on a schedule, at meal time, so he knows exactly when it's time to eat, doesn't tax me a lot.


    Maybe try that?


    Why are you accusing me of trying to change every possible thing, when I've said that I didn't set out to free feed and I'm not trying to do that right now. Maybe in a few months, but not now. He simply isn't eating all his food when it's presented to him. Maybe you've never experienced this. With the worms taking some of his nutrients, I am a little worried that if I give him his food and take it up after a half hour or so, and he's only eaten a quarter cup of food, then yeah, it's going to be a problem if he does that day after day. He's eaten his poop twice and I read they'll do that for the nutrients. (He pooped and ate it immediately before I could even get there, so now I'm going outside with him every time instead of just watching from the window to see if there will be something I need to pick up.)


    I did take up his food yesterday morning and he did a bit better with dinner, but still didn't eat it all. I took that up and he ate breakfast better this morning, but still probably only a cup of kibble and quarter cup of oatmeal. When we first got him, he was eating 2 cups in the morning and 2.5 in the evening and he's 5 lbs below his racing weight, which I know isn't terrible, but I'm worried he's losing more with the worms and not eating. So I'm just trying to get food into him so he doesn't waste away and so he doesn't feel want to eat his worm-infested poop!

  12. Last night I gave him his panacur with 1/2 cup kibble, some yogurt and the olewo carrots. He ate that, but not without a break to go outside. He seems to have a short attention span when it comes to eating. After he finished, I gave him another 1.5 cups of kibble. He ate probably a cup of that. I took it up and at one point he kind of looked for it, but didn't seem to really care.


    This morning, he showed no interest in breakfast, then he finally nibbled a little bit. It's 9:30 and he's barely eaten. I'm going to give him one more chance (he's upstairs with me now, so not near his food) and then take it up and not give him more until dinner. I am starting to worry about his lack of appetite, but with the worms, the meds--who knows what the problem is.

  13. I have been cleaning up each time, but usually wait a little while to let it dry out and I don't follow him out to the yard with the scooper every time. I do watch him every time to see if he goes. No kids walking barefoot in the yard. Even when I clean up, there's some left because it's mushy. If I wait until it dries a bit, I have better luck getting it up.

  14. Percy went out to poop and then started eating his poop! I banged on the window, which usually stops the little dog from doing whatever she shouldn't be doing, but it didn't deter him. I ran outside and yelled, but he had already eaten some. How are we supposed to get rid of worms if he's eating his poo? So gross! and are we at more risk of getting worms from him if he's eaten his poop and then comes inside and is licking his nose, licking himself, etc? Ugh. He came in and drank from Lulu's water bowl. We haven't had her tested yet, but I plan to, but if she doesn't have worms yet, eating his poop and then drinking from her bowl doesn't sound good.

  15. I'm not really worried about him being malnourished from skipping one meal. More that if he only nibbles at breakfast and isn't eating much at dinner,he won't get enough. And with the worms, I do worry that if he's not eating, he'll lose too much weight. His racing weight was 71lbs and he was 66 at the vet. He needs to go back in 2-4 weeks for a second lyme vaccine, so I'll weigh him again then.


    So they eat grass for upset tummy?


    I think tomorrow at breakfast, I'll leave it out for an hour or so, and then pick it up.

  16. Percy has tried to eat some of little dog's (Lulu) food, but I tell him no, and it's the same food and not much of it anyway. Lulu has tried to eat Percy's food, but I tell her no, and his is on a raised stand, so it's harder for her to get. I let her clean up the kibble he's dropped, so I'm probably sending mixed messages there. But mostly she doesn't eat that much, so isn't eating his. I have been picking up her bowl if she doesn't eat it, but I leave his, and she doesn't really bother it.


    I wasn't trying to free feed Percy--just leaving his food out until he eats it. It's now early afternoon and he has eaten most of his breakfast, but not all. I guess I worry that if I pick up his bowl and he hasn't eaten much, he's going to be malnourished. I'm also sort of assuming that if I pick it up, he'll ask for it later--whine, etc. Should I not give it to him, so that I teach him to eat all at once?


    Free feeding, once we're through the medical issues, would be nice. I do find it easier because then you don't have a dog that expects meals at a certain time. I have friends who will ask me to go to their house at 5pm and feed the dog because they won't be home until 8. We don't have that problem. However, with the olewo carrots, I do need to have him eat, so it gets in his system and they get dried out if they don't get eaten.

  17. What exactly is wrong with free feeding? I've read that it's bad, but I don't know why. I'm assuming it's partly because they'll overeat, but if you "free feed" by leaving the "right" amount of food in the bowl in the morning, then tossing whatever's left and giving the right amount in the evening, is that a problem?


    For medicine I can mix it with something extra yummy--I may get a little canned food for that--and make sure he eats it before giving him his kibble.

  18. I probably have too many variables in play to even bother worrying right now but....


    When we first got Percy 2 weeks ago, he would eat most of his breakfast and gobble down his dinner. Then he started grazing more through the morning for breakfast. Eat a little, go back a bit later for more, etc. But still ate his dinner all at once. The past few days (I really need to keep a food/medicine/poop diary) he's been slower with dinner, sometimes grazing through that through the evening.


    Last night, he had his first dose of panacur powder--hookworms and giardia. It took a while to get him to eat his whole dinner. This morning he had no interest in breakfast. But there's the time change, so maybe it was too early. And a bit later he went outside and barfed up some grass (and then tried to eat more grass.) I put a little yogurt in his bowl as an incentive and he seemed to pick up a kibble, suck the yogurt off, and drop the kibble. He did that for a while and while he did eat some kibble, not much.


    To get the panacur in him tonight, I'm planning on giving him just a half cup of kibble or so, soaked to soften, mixed with olewo carrots, yogurt and the panacur. Hopefully with a mush, he'll just eat it. Then if he eats that, I'll give him the rest of his kibble--usually 2 more cups.


    For 2 meals, I had added a half cup of IAMS because I was going to switch foods, but he was acting weird, and then I didn't want to introduce another variable, so decided to stop. That was Friday night/Saturday morning and he didn't even eat it all. Today is Monday, so that was 3 meals ago.


    So I guess two questions:

    --when should I start worrying if he's really not eating. I do think he may graze more on his breakfast.

    --is it a problem if he grazes? Our little dog has always "free fed". She never ate on demand, so we just left her bowl out for her. I've heard of some greyhound owners who say their hounds free feed. I've also heard it's bad, but I'm thinking if I don't just keep refilling the bowl (like we do for our little dog--we really don't keep track of what she eats), then it's fine. For him, I would fill it twice a day and not more.

  19. Thanks! So I guess he's 3+. :(


    I started him on the panacur tonight. I'm waiting until I get Advantage Multi (had to order it and needs vet approval) before I give him the Drontal. And I want to ask her about the panacur and drontal together and about the next round of panacur, which she said would be in 3 weeks.

  20. Ignore my question above. I reposted it in the hookworm thread.


    I started giving Percy IAMS last night. 1/2 cup mixed in with 2 cups of his other food. He didn't seem to like it--wouldn't eat a kibble from my hand and seemed to be trying to eat around it in his bowl, but ate some. This morning he was hyper. Had pretty typical poop for him. Then he didn't poop for a long time, which I thought was good and his next poop would be firm since they're firm as long as he doesn't go too often. But he went in the afternoon and it was really runny--worse than when they're just loose.


    I decided not to give him anymore until after we deal with the worms, because I don't want to have too many variables going on if he reacts to the meds. But I'm thinking maybe the corn in the IAMS isn't good for him. I might have to try the sensitive stomach variety which is grain free. But that's not any cheaper than Taste of the Wild. I'll probably try the regular IAMS one more time after worms are gone to see how he does.

  21. It's the same ingredient as panacur, which I keep hearing doesn't work. And lower concentration. But yeah, cheaper. :/

    Can anyone tell me what the 1+, 2+ 3+ numbers mean? The vet told me 11-30 for hooks and 1-10 (or something) for giardia. When I asked about the 3+ kind of number, she didn't know. I can't find anything online.

  22. Now my new question.


    Vet said that Percy needs panacur for giardia. She said that should work for hookworms too, but when I told her what I've read here, she was fine also prescribing Drontal for the hookworms.


    But I found this chart here:



    And panacur is fenbenzadole, which is also an ingredient in drontal plus. So am I going to overdose my dog? She said to give the pancur every day for 6 days I think. It's a powder. The drontal is one dose of a tablet and a half. I'm not going to give the drontal until I also get the advantage multi, which I had to order. But I'm wondering about even starting the panacur (and I want to return it if I don't need it because it's expensive.)


    Is the regimen for giardia just different? Is it safe to use these meds together? I feel like the vet should know this, but she didn't have any qualms about prescribing both and I didn't know the details to ask.

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