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Posts posted by lothianjavert

  1. I'll bet ahicks51 will know what it is! :rivethead


    I'm no entomologist, but I play one on TV.


    Asian tiger mosquito, fully engorged after eating a meal of blood. Saw 'em first when I stayed in Houston in '91. Aggressive.




    As for worrying, sure. Global warming, necrotic American credit, melamine in the food, a waxing full moon- I'm liberal, so I like to worry a lot about everything. But the heartworm prophylaxis will be doing its duty tonight. Can I get an 'amen'?


    We have those little ba$tard$ here. AJ is right, it is an engorged tiger mosquito. I actually miss our old mosquito. These are SO much more aggressive than what we used to have. (they've essentially replaced the brownish mosquitoes that we used to have. The tigers are more aggressive, carry west nile, and also unlike the others, are out in broad daylight. UGH!!)

  2. I am all in favour of feeding sugar beet pulp, it is not a "useless" filler as some people think....but it is wise to find the cause of a dogs digestive woes rather than just covering them up.


    I think it is more a question of apporpriate food source rather than useless. I certainly seems to help older horses keep weight on but...my dogs aren't horses.


    Now I think its time to post the story of the squirrel and the beet pulp...

    The Squirrel and the Beet Pulp


    I LOVE that story!!!! :lol :lol I've thought about picking up a bag of it at our feed store, but they only have the beet pulp w/ added molasses. And only in 50 lb bags! :eek I don't need THAT much beet pulp! :lol:P

  3. We went through this with a foster, and he ended up needing more of his tail taken off. (total of 3 surgeries. Thank doG the last one healed finally!) For him part of the issue may have been a weakened immune system from the tail having been horribly infected (he came in off the hauler like that, it was an old injury)


    Ace may need more of her tail amputated, like my foster did. They didn't take a lot more off, just enough to get to good healthy tissue that had a better chance of healing. Hopefully she doesn't. :hope


    Keeping Ace in my thoughts!

  4. I'm so sorry! I"m sending more prayers for Mia! I hope she feels better soon!


    What dosage of Doxy do they have Mia on? Sebau was on 600 mg/day of doxy for her lyme, and it took a dose that high to really have an effect. (she was a bit chunky at the time, at 65 pounds)

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