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Everything posted by ScootersMom

  1. Wiki, what a beautiful place to go walkies!! Miss Chris won horse race monies!!! Breathing sighs of relief over the Derby -- no wrecks, no spills, everybody seems to be okay. Haven't heard anything about catastrophic injuries, etc.
  2. We should start calling Richard 'Dr. No.' That seems to be his answer to everything. I hope everyone has a pleasant Sunday. Hope the lost Houndie will come to the peeps who want to help. for Miss Sherrie's surgery tomorrow. It's an off-and-on sunny day today. No rain coming until tomorrow. I'm waiting on my grocery delivery and just realized that I forgot syrup for my French toast. I have honey but it's not the same. Oh well. '
  3. Miss Jerilyn, Mr. Google says that Angel Trumpet is not the same as jimson weed but it sure looks the same to me. Be careful with it, 'K? The ScooterMan was also askeered of flies and other bugs with wings. He would run outside to hide under the deck and wouldn't come back in until I hunted the evil thing down and killed it. I'm hearing bad things about big flooding in the Houston area. Has anyone heard from Miss Sherrie?
  4. Miss Mam, I hope you feel better soon. AndiPants, I think that is correct about the safe place. Then the portal slams shut, never to open again. When you invoke the "safe place" at another time, it opens a different portal. There are trillions of them!!! I was a very good girl yesterday and today. I got some things done that were on my list! Now I'm tired. It was supposed to rain today, but it didn't; dark clouds built up and then sailed on by. We're supposed to get rain tomorrow and Friday, maybe we will and maybe we won't. Past my bedtime -- have a good night everyone!
  5. Andi, I'm always ready to learn new skills!! I can't do anything right now because I have to watch the weather and then have lunch. ::snork::
  6. Whoops!!! Miss Halise, I know that wasn't even close to being funny when it happened, but . . .
  7. No, but I know how far Pepsi will squirt if you accidentally puncture an unopened bottle with a knife! Sparkle City made me think of Robin (not our Dr. Robin) Sparkles on How I Met Your Mother. (Miss Noo Carol putting off doing things that should be done by being silly)
  8. Nice yoga class today, then I took myself to McDonald's for a Big Mac! The gutter guys came shortly after I got home and cleaned the maple seeds out of the downspouts. I hope they don't get clogged up and run over into the basement again. Tomorrow will probably be another laundry day. Once I get it all done, I can get on with my life.
  9. FancyToo, Miss Dr. Fruutkake is indeed a Woman of Valor!! And Miss Elizabeth is right, I think all of us expected a rescue on horseback. Miss O!C Hancy, 'Iris' comes to mind for the purple bike. Bitzi, once again the storm split and went around us on both sides. We got nothin'. There is a phenom here that the weather people call the Tonganoxie Split. Storm fronts coming from the west sweep across on the interstate until just before they reach Tongie then split off into two fronts to the north and south. Those of us who live a couple of miles off the interstate don't usually get any weather when that happens. It's a nice day again today, sunny with not much chance of rain. My basement is quite happy about that, it has quite enough water, thank you! There should be a yoga class this afternoon, though the library has not sent out the zoom link. I'll have to check on that in a bit. Flight Behavior is turning out to be quite a ride. Ms. Kingsolver drags you from one thing to another unrelated thing in a speedy fashion. I'm about 1/3 of the way through and can't imagine what else she has in store for us. One more cup of coffee then I'll get dressed to go out. Even if there isn't a class, I can browse the stacks in the New Arrivals section. Then I'll have the usual Monday late lunch and go home.
  10. Our weather is settling down a little. The storms have lessened, tornadoes were all to the north and have gone away. We have lots of thunder and lightning, though, and quite a bit of rain. It's supposed to rain for the rest of the night and into the morning. This might be a good night to curl up early with a book. Ducky, I hope you have a better night.
  11. Miss O!C Nancy has a bicycle! I like bicycles, rode mine all around everywhere. Glad you can ride without any discomfort -- must be the horsee riding muscles, eh? All the storms missed us yesterday, we shall see if tonight's round does too. The online forecast doesn't mention anything severe, just a couple rounds of heavy rain. Miss Nancy Burgh, I'm glad your visit was productive. though I'm sure you'll be glad to be home. Little Ivy PrettyEars, I'm sorry to learn that 2 of your playgroop houndies have da ebil *C*. It's hard to lose friends.
  12. FancyToo, I'm glad you are feeling better, sweetheart. And you got to go walkies with Daddyman! Licks and nose kisses . . . . Thanks for thinking of me, Bitzi. The nasty weather just evaporated around us. There were tornadoes to the north and tornadoes to the south. We didn't even get any rain. Weather folks say its over for tonight. Tomorrow night another system is supposed to come through, hope it does the same thing!
  13. Oh, Ducky, I'm so sorry that little Rita is gone. She knew she was loved and had her best life with you. It's nice to hear that siblings are getting together and spending quality time. I don't have siblings, but I miss my cousins. Cousins are your first friends and your forever friends. Miss Sherrie, I hope your surgery goes well. Tiller is such a good nurse and will make you feel better. The temperature is going up this afternoon, so we are thinking that the storms will be brewing tonight. I piddled around the house doing little things, ignoring the mountain of laundry. Hope I'm able to get started on it tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
  14. for Rita and for FancyToo. Lupin, you were maybe right to warn! Why, that could have been a chupacabra sneaking in to get your mama!!!!! We had a nice spring day yesterday and a good time at the philosophy discussion. However, our pizza procurer decided to go to a different restaurant, and I didn't care for their version. I still like Pizza Hut best. It started in my state, and I will always like it! Weather report: Today's forecast: cloudy, cold, and rainy Tomorrow's forecast: cloudy, cold, and stormy Friday's forecast: Cloudy, warmer, and more stormy Saturday's forecast: Cloudy, 80 degrees, and even more stormy through to Sunday morning. Weatherman says to expect maybe 4" of rain overall. Next week should be better, though they say it might rain again Wednesday. April showers, ya know! I'm going to try running some errands if I can dodge the rainy-rains. Then I might just find a blankie and a glass of sweet tea and read my book. Hope everyone has a good day.
  15. FancyToo, I'm so glad the culprit is a tick and not da ebil C. Hope the doxy and pain meds make you feel better riteawayqwik! Ivy, you look mahvellous in the pinky-lilacky colored collar. Miss Elizabeth and Miss Vanessa, I had migraines that were awful until menopause hit and then they all went 'poof' and I haven't had one since. Just one more reason to love 'the change'.
  16. : The one I'm reading now is Flight Behavior. I just started but so far it's good. I LOVED Demon Copperhead. It's a very good read; Appalachian and Dickensian at the same time. HAPPY BURFDAY, LUPIN! Baknforfnbaknforfnbaknforf for FancyToo. Angus, what a fantastic time you had at GIG! So much fun! AndiPants, thanks for the lovely pictures. Tomato blooms already!! Wow. Your outdoor area looks very comfortable. You and Flizzie look comfortable, too! Lupin, what a wonderful weekend of adventures you had. I love the video of you trot-trot-trotting along the beach! Oh My Dog! Lacifer fell into a black hole! Oooh, pretty collars for Angie and Kiva. Well I need to run some errands. I'm out of postage stamps and almost out of gas in the car. Both are kind of important. Wish the Post Office had a drive-through window instead of steps and a broken elevator. ::sigh::
  17. Glad everyone is home safe and had a good time. Miss Ducky, I love the headband! FancyToo, we will be baknforfing and keeping for you to be okay, precious girl. for Dr. Fruutkake. Still cold here, frost warnings, blah, blah, etc., etc. Then storms over the weekend. ::sigh:: I have yoga today and can't wait to get back to my Barbara Kingsolver book. I did manage to remember to water the houseplants today. Maybe I should make that a Monday morning thing so I don't forget? Later PS: Chag Sameach!
  18. Glad to hear that everyone had a good time at GIG. Also glad that Nori was found and is OK. Nice llama, Ivy! I would snuggle with that myownself. I have a peenk pupper and a peenk piggie that I can sleep with when the weather is cold. Speaking of cold, we are still in the 50s during the day and had frost/freeze warnings last night. Supposed to warm up a little bit this week I think. Going back to my book Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver.
  19. Great pictures from GIG. Thanks for posting. Glad that Nori has been found and thanks, Miss Ducky, for helping the searchers. On this side of the windows it looks like spring. On the other side of the windows, it feels like not-spring! I'm going to find a blankie and take a nap. Later!
  20. Happy Birthday all around to everybody and everyhoundie who is celebrating!!! Wonderful pictures of GIG, all the houndies are so beautimous and the hoomans are beautimous too! I am waiting for the lawn guy who said he would be here today. He's already 2 weeks late with the weakest excuse ever. The neighbors are starting to come by, asking about my tall grass. Mowing seems to be something that's hard to get done these days. Oh! Oh! Oh! Update! Update! The lawn guy just pulled up and unloaded the mowers. I'm soooo happy! I take back all the bad things I've been thinking and saying today!!- My cousin sent me a present -- it's a tri-fold package of sticky notes with alpacas on them. Very sweet, she knows I love alpackers. If you Google "Jot Sticky Notes alpacas" you will see it.
  21. Rainy rainz and stormy stormz coming through the area this morning. So far nothing too bad here at the moment. As predicted!!! Boston Dynamics announces the New Atlas! Not as friendly as the old Atlas and not as graceful, more like Terminator meets C-3PO. Safe journey to everyone going to GIG!
  22. Miss Ducky, Wonder Dust wound care is a very good thing. We used it a lot on the horses who banged themselves up and got tangled in fences all the time. It worked for owies on the dogs and cats, too.
  23. Miss O!C Nancy, Boston Dynamics is an American engineering and design company founded in 1992 as a spin-off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It's based in Waltham, Massachusetts, owned by Hyundai Motor Group since 2021. They build robots to work in manufacturing and exploration as well as human services. 'Well-known models are BigDog, Spot, Atlas. and Handle. Atlas is a bipedal humanoid robot developed with funding from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency for a variety of search and rescue tasks. Atlas was unveiled to the public in 2013. Speculation is that Atlas has reached its maximum usability and is being shelved to move on from hydraulics to a more independent mobility. .
  24. Miss Chris and Miss Lucy, you have some nice plants to start out the season. The snapdragons are so pretty, and all those beans and peas and 'maters sound so good. Miss Jerilyn, the wind just kicked up here to about 25mph. that no trees or limbs come down. We might get storms later this afternoon if the sun comes out but most likely they will be in central Missouri to our east. There were t-storms and a couple of tornadoes to our west this morning -- we just had some soft rain. Hope t!here is no damage in your area this evening. The yard man called today -- he says he has some openings that he can squeeze me in. **??!!! The last thing I said to him when he trimmed the mulberry tree last fall was "I'll see you in the spring when it's time to mow." Hmpfh!! A little sadness here -- got this notification from Boston Dynamics this morning. I loved Atlas.
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