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Everything posted by MSTmom

  1. So happy to hear you didn't give up! Patience it the key with greys. Our boy had a very hard time being alone when we first got him. I started leaving him alone for 15 minutes and then 30 and then an hour. I always left the blinds open so he could see what was going on, then one day my boyfriend left him out and closed the blinds and he went CRAZY. He ripped off and chewed the slats that were blocking his view. At the time I was working from home so he wasn't home alone for too long, but then I started working full time, and we got him a crate. He LOVED the crate but after a few weeks we started testing him out alone and he was perfection (as long as he can see outside haha)
  2. We were having the same problem with Steven. A few weeks ago he started waking up at 6 am dying to go out. As soon as he was out in the backyard he was chowing down on grass and plants with long leaves. He wasn't vomiting after but also wouldn't eat and his stomach was gurgling like crazy. He didn't lose energy at all, he was thrilled to go on walks, but was not eating. We just left his food out and eventually he would go to it but it took a while. I even tried giving him pumpkin, and a new food but nothing really worked. Someone on here suggested giving your grey a little food before bed, so we did. It's been a few days now and Steven is back to normal! So thank you to whomever had that suggestion!
  3. Yup! Totally normal. Our boy, Steven, did the exact same thing with our shoes. He took every single pair from around the house and made himself a neat little pile on his bed, didn't chew a single thing. He doesn't do it too often now, we've had him for about 8 months, but every once in a while he picks up my gym shoes right after I've taken them off, I think he goes for the ones that smell like us the most, but again no chewing just moving. We ended up just moving our shoes out of reach and only leaving out his toys in a basket for him to get to. It took a while but he finally goes for his toys and again, straight to his bed. Also lots of cuddling!
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