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Posts posted by palmettobug

  1. Mom leff us AGIN! She had to go get herbs medicines, and sum odder personal care stuff.

    Has anyone else noticed that the liquid Benadryl (and even the "z-quil" version) now contains sucralose AND sorbitol? Mine was way out of date, so I chucked it already. I got the pills instead.

    Elizabeth, I stepped in fire ants while I was working the border. I had to drop a 12 lb gun belt, boots, and trou in a very tiny inspection booth bathroom. Fun times! Nasty little bites, they get a little pus-ee cap that won't pop and take forever to heal. You may laugh heartily at me, I saw the nest and still stepped right in it. :haha

  2. Gud rainy Toesday! Mizz Patsy had a successful hunt (for clothes!).

    Fuzzy gets hexcited about owtdoors kittehs, but nawt about indoor ones. Diz particular kitteh roams da neyborhood, we don't know iffn sumwhun owns himz. Mom duz NAWT like dat owr neybors let dere kittehs roam.

    Jupe, buddy, I habs dun dat myownself, I suppose we are feelin da urge, but don't habs enuff to get it goin. Sum moar carrots for yoo?

  3. Pyggy, did yoo stick yer head in a rose bush?

    Hmm, mebee it wuz a fox whut ate dat birdie?

    Mizz Ducky, Mom wuz speculatin--we found a millipede in da grass last nite--we all had a gud sniff and Fuzzy tried to eet it--dey put out a nasty juice--culd Flashy habs picked one ob dem up?

    Mom washed da Long Bloo, it still not Sooper clean, but bettah dan it wuz. Ob corse, Da Galoot had to celebrate her return by doin butt-tukk zoomies in da howse. He iz :crazy

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