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Posts posted by JaimeL

  1. I live in a small town in a fairly quiet neighborhood. I still am trying to walk early a.m. so there would be a very low amount of distractions. Even without any people, dogs, cars, he just doesn't want to go further than about 50 feet down the sidewalk. I was hoping that his ability to go places would make him more adoptable. Just feeling frustrated and thinking neither of us are enjoying this and it's not going to change. Thank you for your thoughts.

  2. I've been fostering a almost 3 year old greyhound for 8 months. My group hoped that living in a calm home with confident greys would help his "shyness". It took about a week for him to come around to me, accepting treats from my hand. We walked on leash in my fenced back yard for 3 weeks before he felt safe enough to do his business on his own. New people in the house scare him, but if they throw treats to him he will finally take a treat from hand but not allow pets. Biggest issue is going on walks. It's a no go. Same time, early a.m., with a pal, just with me, luring with treats. So question is, do I just stop the walks after trying for 8 months. He is certainly being a hard one to place, and not going for walks limits who would be appropriate for him. Such a good and biddable hound otherwise. Thanks for any advise. 

  3. I am so sorry you are going through this, it is hard. It is time and Henry knows this also. As the others have said, spend some quality time together, tell him how much you love him. If possible have a vet come to your home for his euth, I find that is easier for everyone. You have been blessed to have Henry for all this time, be kind to yourself.

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