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Posts posted by SanTanSnuggles

  1. Have two. One two and a half and the older one almost nine. The young one gives the older one purpose. My first two were single dogs, than after that, I had two and what a difference. Friends make a world of difference. Even if it is a different breed, trips to the shelters, etc, could help find a friend.

  2. http://www.antechdiagnostics.com/main/PatientEducationTools.aspx






    These three sites helped me with my dog. She recently got ehrlichiosis from a tick, fever, muscle aches, etc. We live in Maryland, not sure where you live. Since I have two, they are both on doxy for eight weeks. Than more blood tests. We caught this early on. My boy is eight, going on nine and the girl is two and a half. They are doing good with the med.


    The girl dog had a slightly unusual thyroid reading, so the vet thought, until he checked what was normal for greyhounds. Than the vet said she was just fine. Good luck with yours/ Prayers.

  3. My Surprise has had three lumps on his left leg between his elbow and ankle over the past year. My current vet told me to skip the fine needle aspirate and to get a biopsy and an x-ray and blood and urine and fecal tests. He said that the biopsy only cost about twenty dollars more but they get more material to test at the labs that way. They told me with a fine needle aspirate that if the lump is one of a mixed nature like his has been in the past, that there is a chance of missing tissue that has a concern. Because of his history, they just do the other tests so we have that base line to compare with to check his health and how he does in the future. Waiting currently for his 3rd surgery. The other two were removed by different hospitals and they were not able to get clean margins and it grew back twice. So this time we are trying a little different approach. Dr. Couto http://www.coutovetconsultants.com/is an expert on these issues and he is consulting with my vet. It you join the http://www.greyhoundhealthinitiative.org/

    his consulting fees are much less. Currently he is abroad, but will be returning on the 3rd of October. His web site is worth exploring. You will find many references on this site concerning his experience with greyhounds. Wishing you the best. :beatheart

  4. My Billie-Jo had some of the same issues when she got a little older (13) It would come and go. It broke my heart to see her struggle just to get up. When she could no longer get into a standing position, we both knew it was time to move on. But if there are some things that you would love to do wit your girl now, sounds like this would be a good time to enjoy some new special moments.


    I am a human who has had arthritis since I was 16. One of the things that has always worked for us was to use mild heat while sleeping. It is also good to get some therapy if you can for your girl. Gentle movement is good for you to do for her limbs while you are resting in front of the TV or reading a book.


    A softer bed worked better for Billie and me. The harder beds just did not give when they needed to. I also tried, but hated the Tempir-Pedic

    mattresses myself, but my nine year old greyhound sleeps on one that is about eight inches thick (has been for three years) and likes it the best of all of his beds. My girl who is only two, likes them too. They got them because I did not like mine so I decided to let them try. Who knew they would love them. The greyhounds are doing great on them. Some people and dogs respond to the glucosamine pills, some don't. But I benefit from them and have taken them for ten years. It does take about six months for them to become effective. It puts a little bit of fluid in-between those bones and does give me comfort. I also take a Bayer 325 mg everyday. Soon I will be starting my boy on the doggy glucosamine. Just to avoid the stiffness that comes with age for them and us a little longer.


    I truly hope that you and Riley get to spend more quality time together for a few more years. There are also some foods that may need to be avoided and perhaps a more holistic diet could also help to ease her pain. there are tons of web sites on the net that have good advice on how to go natural on the food. The dry food and some wet foods have way too much old restaurant grease in them that is recycled and old. It really bad that they allow this to happen with dog food. Scary. . I try to give my two as much natural food as I can. I try to avoid dry foods, except for bones. I actually cook for them every night. Sometimes my husband thinks they eat better than he does. :) I try to stick to the core vaccinations and only give them weeks apart and if they need something else, I only have the vet give them the shot if it suites where we live or what they may be doing. Also now learned that some shots contain heavy metals and will be asking the vet to use products that do not. :ghplaybow

  5. I would skip the regular vet for more tests if the kidney test comes out fine and take her to a.center where they have several specialists.

    since her behavior has changed as well as her accidents with both the pee and the poo. You said she used to let you know when she had to go, but now does not.

    I experienced some of those signs with one of my greyhounds and she had a more serious condition. Prayers for your girl.


    I have a boy who is almost nine. He is

    having issues with a tumor in his leg that regrows and so far after two surgeries, they have not gotten clean margins. He is scheduled for a third tumor removal

    soon. Other than that, he is in good shape. He has been with us for six years. We have had the pleasure during our time to have been owned by six greyhounds

    since 1989. We are currently owned by two and they rule the roost. .

  6. Well, the news today is not good that we got on Surprise. He has another grade 1 to 2 tumor on his leg again for the third time. Have a request into Dr. Couto and to the vet to consult and to see what they are saying. Hoping that surgery can be done yet again and that they can use the 5/FU shots again. This time the vet has the supply on hand and can start it immediately after surgery that day as Dr. Couto would have liked. The last time, it was difficult for the vet to get the material and it took almost a month for them to get it. So perhaps that contributed to the fact it grew back again and even a litter quicker than before. That of course is only part of it, as the two previous surgeries that were done by different vets, did not get clean margins. It will be a long weekend waiting to see what the vet comes up with. Please keep Surprise in your prayers.

  7. The doctor took the biopsy and said that it will take till Saturday or Monday to get the test back. He did two of them. One of the lump and one of the skin. They will email me the reports to read as soon as received so I can read them and ask the questions.

    He said it was not a fatty tumor and that most likely it was the same issues as before. He is also consulting with Dr. Rasmussin from the Hope Center and more than likely Dr. Couto again. When the growth returned,

    it returned, it returned in the front of his leg this time. The other two times, it was on the inside of his leg between his elbow and his ankle. Pray that this time it is nothing.

  8. I have had six greys over thirty years. Most of the time, I found that if they are unsettled, it is because they are trying to tell you something that may be important. They usually seem to settle in very quickly.


    I have one that currently is almost nine and he has some growths that come back on his leg. When ever this happens, he follows me around and tries to hand me his paw. I know it is time to go to the vet. Otherwise he is very stoic.

    Worming medication will make them want to go out to do their duty more for sure.

    Another of my girls, had GME and she did not want to leave my side once she became ill. Her medications made it necessary to take her out several times a night. she did have pain and cried.

    My Heartsweet who was independent, did not want to be alone when she came down with bone cancer.

    My first girl was independent for most of her 13 years. As was my Stormy.

    Sometimes it is such a simple matter that they are trying to tell you about. Once fixed, all things go back to normal.


    Does anyone close by have a pet like a hamster or such that runs in a cage and can she hear that at night, or some other critter. If no animals or people are around to disturb her than I would take her to the vet for a full work up of blood, urine and stool check and a real good exam. Also, perhaps she may be lonely and needs another friend (dog or another greyhound) to comfort her. I found that having two is so much better than one. They play and hug and love on each other and by the time it is bed time, they are sleepy tired. Two are not much more trouble than one. Sometimes leaving music or tv on for them matters. My Surprise loves to bark at other animals on the tube. That may help some of the sleeping all day. I could understand if she

    is not getting stimulation in the daytime, that she may want it at night. I also have about six dog bed throughout the home, so they can change the area where they are laying down at as they want and they are all not the same. Some are real soft, some med foam and others just have some stuffing in them. They like to change where they are sleeping often during the night. they switch around with each other.


    I try to feed my greys with natural foods and actually cook them meals. Some of the dog foods out there are made with old restaurant grease or other bad additives in them that could cause food allergies or worse. If your little lady has allergies to things like that, perhaps she could be trying to let you know that. .


    You sound like an awesome mom. Hope that folks on this site can help you figure her out. Each one is so unique. The folks on greytalk have been wonderful and have been a great help to me as I have experienced different issues with my last three. It is so good to have this community. :)

  9. My Hashtag Pasadena sometimes gets red eyes. But I have noticed it is more at times after she has done some serious hole digging or after a bath. She seems slightly more sensitive than by boy. It usually goes away in a few days. You could ask your vet for eye drops for the irritation to see if it clears up the issue. If not than I would take her to the eye doctor at the Hope Center in Rockville, Maryland. They have an eye doctor there that could help you for sure.

  10. Took Surprise to the vet and he is scheduled to get a biopsy on Wednesday morning. It is looking like there is a new growth on his same leg. We talked about surgery and about how little material or skin is in the area of the growth. The plan is to remove it, then allow the wound to fill up to heal. The doctor assures me that seems to be the best for his situation. While he is under they will do teeth scaling as well. A lot for one old dude to go through. Praying that everything goes right on Wednesday for Surprise. Will talk to the other doctor to do Dr. Couto's shots again on the spot where they are removing the new growth. Otherwise he is a very healthy big boy as far as they can tell. Took in his urine and stool samples and they look the same color of the two year old greyhounds that we have. He eats very good and seems to do all of his duties just fine.


    Of course when things happen they never seem to happen in just one thing. Hashtag Pasadena, the two year old loves to dig our yard full of holes. We fill them in and she digs them out. She is a beautiful small white greyhound with some red ticking. Well, that is most of the time, till she digs up roots of trees or grass, than drags them into the house with a big wad of dirt hanging off of them. But darn, she is so cute we just let her be the puppy like little girl she is. She also is very good for Surprise. But getting back to the point, she may have jammed her toenail and may require surgery due to her enthusiasm. So she is on pain pills for the week with the hope of her getting better. Otherwise she will have to have some surgery done on that toe. UGH.


    Husband just finished getting a stint put in celiac artery in his abdomen. Doing pretty good. I was hoping more for a quiet summer this year and getting some much needed yard work done. But......... that may have to wait for next spring. Fall is fast approaching and we have to now prepare for the winter. We mainly heat with wood, so its stacking the wood and dealing with all that work that goes with it. But nothing is so beautiful as watching the fire as it warms the body. The kids love curling up on the beds close to the wood stove.


    I made arrangements to go to Dewey for Greyhounds at the beach this year for just a day, but now that all depends on how they do. I had wanted to see Surprise romp in the sand some and chase a wave or two. It would have been good for his soul. God has it all in His hands and I trust that He will see us through this yet one more time. Just want what is best for the greys. They truly give me a lot of Joy. They are both a little mad at me as before we took them to the vet, I had the little hole diggers take a nice warm bath before they went to the doctor. Not their thing. They much rather roll in the grass and the dirt and chase each other and dig holes. Since Surprise is black. you do not see it so much. But baby girl is supposed to be white. I do not need to say more. Tomorrow morning they will be a little better when it is walk time. There is nothing they like better than their morning walk in the park. They would forego food to walk in the park.

  11. Tomorrow evening Surprise goes yet again to get his leg examined. There seems to be a new lump on the same front left leg. Small, but in a slightly different place. It is in the very front of the leg and not on the inside of the leg like the other two that were removed. He did good on the shots the vet gave him to fight the 2nd lump. He had no reactions to the shots to write home about. We are praying this is not another problem. I am hoping that it could just be scar tissue or such. It was a year ago in July that these issues first began. surprise is eight years and seven months old on sept 22.

  12. San Tan Snuggles started with the head shaking some in the beginning when she got GME. Some circles and than playing oddly with her food. Than she could not walk. Thanks to a friend who helped me out with her, we were able to enjoy her for a few months more She regained her walking again, but never all the way. She will always be my baby girl. If caught early enough, it can be helped and with the right meds. Just a hard thing to treat. I will never regret having the extra time I got with her. It was a lot of work, but she gave so much love in return. Hope you find a simple cure and solution for your Deedee.

  13. My kids love chicken, chicken, chicken (no bones), costco dry salmon kibble and costco milk bones and sometimes a little beef (no bones). The chicken, and beef are all cooked in the oven, plan, no additives. They both can not wait for their bowls. They also get wild salmon when I can find a sale on it. They have no diarrhea and the stools are fine and they have no itching. Hope she gets settled into what is just right for her. My two get a little milk after they eat. They love ice cream too. My boy does not like scrambled eggs, but my girl likes them and some toast. I feed them three small meals a day. So they have plenty of time to run in the yard an hour afterward and play so they get exercise. I use natural peppermint and clove oil for fleas and ticks and it works good. Perhaps the use of that instead of a flea collar or spot on flea and tick treatment once a month may work better. The peppermint and clove oil spray comes from amazon and is not expensive. I use it about once a week lightly. That may help the itching skin. ?

  14. My beautiful little white baby with brown ticking was just under two when she came to live with us. She has such beautiful white fur and soft pink skin. My very first white little girl. To look at her you would think she was so dainty and innocent. That is till she finally has some grass to roll around in and holes to dig until her heart is content. She got red spots on her belly area and they looked a little irritated.At first I thought she had ring worms, or small fleas that I did not see. My husband figured it out correctly. It was just spring time or summer time little nats in the grass that she rolled in. She was sensitive to them and got bit and that gave her the red marks. I bathed her in natural shampoo for sensitive dogs who may have had ring worms and got a cream and put that on her area.. I continued to use the cream on her a couple of times a week. In a short time, the bite red marks were gone. Either it has gotten too hot for the nats or they just do not like the peppermint and clove oil tick/flea spray I use on my two greys. I do not like to use the spot on as both of them have had bad reactions. So when ever I can, we go natural. The bath soap, cream and spray come from amazon, Anyway, she is clean as a whistle now. That is except for the dirt she loves to dig in. Hope your concerns are resolved as simple as mine were.


    Her thighs sound to be natural to greyhounds. Also, I changed my girls diet to chicken, chicken and chicken and salmon dryfood from costco. Beef now and than. Once I changed the food right after she was adopted, the hair on her thighs came in beautifully. No longer hairless. The vet tested her to see if she had a thyroid problem. It came up slightly off on one test, that was fine later. She loves the costco milk bone brand also. No more bare thighs. I would not worry about her large thighs. Hope you include her picture when you get a chance.

  15. T3-R Triple High Impact Mice, Rat, Rodent Repeller

    Product claims it is:


    • Safe to use around cats, dogs, humans, children, and all house hold electronics. Repels by using specially designed dedicated sounds above the human hearing. No poison or Chemicals used to repel, 100% Safe and Green Earth Friendly.
    • Powers Out Mice, Rats, Squirrels etc. with Repulsive Ultrasonic Sounds (sound above human hearing).

    • ==============================================================
    • has anyone used this as a pest repeller. and will it work with the greyhounds?
    • I do not want to hurt their hearing and do not know if it would hurt our greyhounds in any other way?.
    • Need to get rid of squirrels and some mice. Also may use it in my enclosed barn.


    I do not like trapping so much and want to keep poison away from my greyhounds.

    The critters can move back to the forest next to where I am.

  16. Wow, what a long story I could write. My first two greys were onesies. The girl would howl sometimes because she was lonely. My second one, a boy was stoic. But when other dogs would visit, he was interested. After he passed, We got two together. What an awesome thing. Surprise and Heart Sweet. He was the over dog and she the under. She would stand under him. It was very funny. They were perfect together. Always slept touching each other. Ran together, ate out of the same bowl, walked together. Even got spaded together. She passed after 4 years from bone cancer and he was so lonely, so we than got San Tan Snuggles immediately. She run up to surprise and bumped him to make him play. She gave him purpose again. So sad that we only had her for 14 months as she passed with GME. He stayed by her side the whole time as to tell her that she was not alone in her time. We waited three months as my husband had a difficult time with loosing two (heartsweet and snuggles) within about a year of each other. Surprise is now 8 and our new baby girl is 2. What is so cool is that she like HeartSweet loves to get close to him. He lets her get away with anything that she wants. They really play hard each night around 6 PM for about two hours, come in to eat together and later sleep together. She is a smaller greyhound of about 57 lbs and he is 84 lbs. Size does not matter here. He is recovering from Chemo. I give her the credit for making him move. She will bark at him till he responds. Than it is play. play and more play. We love it. It is no harder to be owned by two. It is better. When you are not there, they have company. Just imagine if you never saw your own kind again. It also teaches them to socialize better. The older one teaches the younger one, When we introduced the newbe we did it in our drive first, than the fenced in yard and than the house last. that way it was a casual operation. Also I would give the newbe a toy and a blanket to smell on the way home, so it would get more use to Surprises smell, I really hope that you get a number two and watch them make music together. To tell the truth, I would love a third. They can be addictive! :ghplaybow:ghplaybow

  17. I am trying to be natural with the tick/flea stuff. I spray with mint and clove oil (they have no negative reaction so far), About every 7-10 days, My guys used to use the spot on stuff, but after two of them got very sick, And that was when I used it only at the half amount, I wanted to go natural. It really depends on where you live and the exposure they have to the environment and other critters. We live next to a state park on two sides of us. We have a fenced in yard and we keep the grass well trimmed and the weeds down. I use no pesticides anywhere near them. Sometimes one has to worry about the pesticides that the neighbors use, because they can be blown into your yard by the wind, or carried by the rain, etc. Education in your counties and help others be more aware of things that can hurt our pets. Some folks just do not think about what they use in their space. Also if you live in the country, ask the farmer what he is spraying on the property when planting and spraying for weeds and insects. That stuff blows in our yards and also can hurt our kids and fur babies and more. A lot of farmers have gone to using foam with the products to keep the dust down. Always good to have an alternative product to suggest to the neighbors if you speak to them about what is on the grass, crops, etc. No one likes people in their face. I know and apologize for getting on my soap box, but sometimes we blame ourselves for what happens to our fur babies, because we do not know what other environmental things in other yards are doing to them. :ghplaybow

  18. I have found that sometimes they just need a friend to be with. Be it another greyhound or some other wag. I have a newish girl that loves also to take things to bed. She takes my bra to bed with her every night. In my world, she can do not wrong. But what is good is that I have a grey boy who is seven. He is very well trained when it comes to the potty situation. She learned from him what was right. Perhaps an older brother or sister wag would help? I have found that taking care of two is just as easy as one, but it gives them a friend to bark with, sleep with and more. Once I had two together, the difference is profound. So much better. Each one is different. I want one more, but that has to wait for now. If two are better than one, I can hardly imagine what three will be like. When I got the girl for the boy, she came home on his bed, and also I put his collar on her. By the time we got home three hours later, she was comfortable with his smell. She just turned 2 in May. Field trips to meet a newbe might help to find just the right friend. Good Luck with the training and bed storage. They just love us so much. I have found that gently taking away an item she should not have and replacing it with a good strong toy helps take the attention away from other things. Also she loves having a boat load of stuffies in her bed. Security. She emptied two whole cloths baskets of toys to her bed her first night in. Fun to watch. Some folks just put out a few stuffies at a time and alternate them daily. Gives them a change of pace. I leave on the TV for her when not home. She loves watching it as well. He and she bark at it a bunch. Soft music can help tone it down some too. I am always learning more stuff. Now I just have to figure out to stop the hole digging. They both do that and than lay in the nice cool dirt. I do not mind that either, just that it makes it hard to cut the grass with the lawn tractor. She is my sixth greyhound. Have had the privilege of being owned by 13 different pups so far during my life. Once they learn they are in their forever home and you will be back, things should greatly improve. My boy wears his emotions on his paws, and it would break his heart if I gave him a word that was anything else but praise. I found that distracting them from bad habits and reward all good ones will change world.

  19. http://www.cdc.gov/leptospirosis/index.html


    just wondering where your guy was born or traveled ?


    Our chemo boy got signs of this and a lot of runs. Once he went on a 10 day antibiotic, it cleared up


    This can effect to kidneys.


    East coast has been pretty wet this year a well.


    If your grey is from out in the mid west or such, they have some tick issues we do not have much here on the east coast as well.


    I get and keep all lab reports on my two. Have a history to compare. I pay for the labs so I always get all copies and results of all tests.


    I am just a grey mom, but if I have this stuff, than I can share it with my vet should there be an emergency.

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