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Posts posted by SanTanSnuggles

  1. I have a little girl that likes to chew the doorstops. I have to make sure they are secure in the doors or she will take it to her bed. I have to hide them when not in use. She has never swallowed the wood however. I tried bitter spray and tried really hot pepper juice. She liked the taste. You could try that with your boy to see if it works. She even chewed on my end table and a nice bookcase. But stopped when scolded on those. She tried that when I was not with her the first time. She has an older companion who never did that and he is like a mentor to her. She is white and loves to dig holes and roll in the dirt.They have a ton of toys to play with and a nice fenced in yard. They get bones every day after their meals. She is just active and I keep an eye on her really close. Perhaps there is a smell that attracts him to the rotten wood. Some dogs, like humans have Pica. Or maybe an animal peed on or leaves a scent behind on the old wood and it attracts her. I live in the country, so scents are around a hundred fold and they do not miss them. All my greys ate grass. Perhaps a companion would be an awesome attraction for your boy. I also make bone soup for my crew.

  2. My Surprise, age 91/2, male-Took my boy to the vet today as we suspected an issue with his Salivary Gland, Cause not yet determined, but suspect that the younger one who likes to face butt in her playfulness, damaged the gland. The vet did an aspiration, an xray and blood work in-house and sent some blood work out and the results for that will be back on Monday noon .The xray does not show any masses in the chest or neck or face area. The blood work looks normal for a greyhound. He does not have a temperature. The aspiration in the swollen chest area, shows saliva. His lips, neck and chest areas are soft with fluid. He has some pain and he is on Tramidol 50mg, 2 pills, morning and night and doxy 100 mg 2 pills, twice a day, We are going to see a general surgeon on Monday/Tuesday to see what we can do. He is eating good, drinks great, and will take short walks with his playmate. He is urinating properly and poops are normal. He is eating a little less. We are trying to get through the weekend as easy as possible. I have read that the swelling can be somewhat reduced by warm compresses and by message. Also by eating something sour (good luck with that). Please share your experience if you could concerning this condition and how it was resolved. Hoping to get some detailed replies, so when I talk to the general surgeon on Monday/Tuesday, I can ask the proper information before going forward. My vet said that he does not have experience with salivary gland damage/blocks and that is why he is sending me to the general. He said he has only treated one in his lifetime and that one went away naturally. It was in an older dog. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Linda

  3. So happy to hear that she is doing better today. That must be a relief for you. Hope everyone got better sleep.

    Hope you will keep us posted once they find out why she got the fever in the first place. Mainly, and most important

    is how much better she is doing. :thumbs-up

  4. Got Seresto Collars for my nine year old and my three year old. First time we have used them. They have been on full time a few weeks now and we have not had any ticks. We live right next to a state park in MD, so there are many creatures around with many kinds of ticks. I let them get used to them the first week by putting them on a few hours and than removing them. I increased the hours each day and took them off at night, than left them on after a week 24/7. I just wanted to see if they were doing okay with them. They did not show any reactions and so far after I put flea collars on them full time, we have had no more ticks on their little bodies. The nine year old is black and has thick coarse hair and the three year old has soft, thinner black hair and pink skin underneath. She is usually soooo sensitive. So far all is good. I am a little anal about tick stuff because in the past with the spot on at one-half the dose, i often got bad reactions. I also spray furniture, rugs, beds and dogs once a week with a natural flea and tick spray that contains cedar, pine, and peppermint oils in a low dose to help insure we are doing the best we can afford to keep them safe. MD is a very serious tick state with about six different disease the dogs can get and humans. On You Tube you can find out information about tick boxes. If you buy the commercial kind, they are very expensive, but if you make them yourself and you can get the chemical yourself on Amazon. Good to review many of the instructions to see what works for you. They go on exterior areas where your pets and kids are not. Just another avenue if the typical things available do not work alone. The tick boxes are just an additional precaution, especially if you have lots of wild animals around.

  5. Saw that you can buy tick tubes on Amazon. One of the comments on Amazon was you can make the tubes yourself out of something like the right size pvc pipe and use the correct amount of Permethrin on cotton in the pipes/tubes, space appropriate distance apart . Permethrin is also sold on Amazon. Read all of the comments on both products. Ticks are just crazy here..

  6. Does anyone use Natural Tick Boxes in their yard to help control infestations? We use Natural Yard/ home spray of cedar, clove and peppermint oils to help keep the populations down, but my husband saw something for a few minutes about Tick Boxes, and we were wondering how useful they are? We live in Maryland, next to a state park and that helps explain the situation.The commercial boxes are very expensive with the service. We can service ourselves. But was wondering if they work?

  7. So sorry to hear about your Gallo. So young. I understand how we can miss them more than our humans at times. They give us joy beyond understanding. Each have their very own special gift to the one they adopted. Just reading your post brings tears to my eyes, but with very sweet memories. I have a very special spot in my yard where I lay my guys/girls to rest. Just outside of my kitchen window, next to the pines. Yes, I talk to them and tell them I will see them someday soon and to keep each other company, till we meet again. Many prayers for you.

  8. My Pasadena got it and was on doxy twice a day for eight weeks. Also my Surprise at the same time as a precaution due to having other issues.

    That was in November 2016. They seem fine now.

    We live in Maryland, right next to a state park. From what I read, they should be tested in six months after treatment.

    My vet said I should wait to give her the antibiotics to see what happened, but after reading about it, I called the vet and

    he gave me a prescription for both. He said that there were two theories out there. Some said to do the doxy right

    away, while others said to wait to see if they developed bleeding. I chose not to wait and treat.

    There is an intravenous treatment they can get if the doxy does not work. That can be costly and intensive without insurance.

    We believe that our pups were caught very early as other than the blood test, they showed not symptoms. This website from CDC shows some

    statistics on areas where the tick is. https://www.cdc.gov/ehrlichiosis/stats/index.html

  9. So very sorry to hear about Taylor. Have been following yours and Taylor's story. Thank you for sharing all the sweet things and the hard things of your journey and Taylor's.

    God Bless you for all the wonderful time you spent with him. You and Taylor have been an encouragement to many.

  10. I have been respectfully owned by six greyhounds since 1989. Once I learned that two are better than one, I did not want my friend to be alone. So, for me it was more right to adopt a new greyhound friend as soon as possible. My Surprise, who just turned nine this year in February, has his third partner. He is so much happier when he has someone to run with, or sleep with or just be with. When I look at how happy he is with a partner, it makes me smile. I surly miss my other friends for sure, but I know they would approve. Just the fact that you brought up this subject makes me think that you are ready for a new family member. Spring is around the corner and is just a wonderful time to consider more joy. :beatheart

  11. Had four girls and two boys. The girls never smelled unless one of he boys lifted their leg and peed on them Or if the girl managed to rub their neck in the poo of another animal like a cat. One of my girls loved cat poo to roll in. That really smelled. My current girl love to groom herself. Very much a lady. They get krill as an omaga vitamin every day and that does not have a fishy smell. Does your vet notice the smell? Could be she is just sensitive to certain foods or detergents you wash her bed in? My mother in law had to use clear tide or she would break out. :hehe

    Perhaps she has an allergy to some type of plant she is exposed to on her when you are taking her on her hikes? This is an interesting subject for sure.

  12. My HeartSweet would have them a couple of times a week. We knew about keeping their backs cool to keep their temp down till they can get to the vet if they are long.

    Six months later she developed os, but I was told that was not the cause of her seizures. I kept her close to me. They never lasted long,

    but were very active. I would have to lay across her so she would not bump into things. She was on medication almost immediately after they started.

    She went to the rainbow bridge at five.


    My Surprise had one about a year after we got him and it lasted for hours. He stayed at the ER for the day. Than he never had another one. Amen to that.


    Hope you find the reason and just the right treatment. My son had them at birth for four years, than they just went away. He never had another one. There just

    seems to be no rhyme or reason for them sometimes. My friends had a small dog who has had them forever. He is about 12 years old and does great. Meds control them just fine.

    No other problems.

  13. I have had three greyhounds that had seizures. My Surprise had a massive seizure that lasted for hours, but it went away and never came back. He was only two at the time.Surprise will be nine in February 2017. Amen to that. My HeartSweet had several of them for six months and was on medication. Later she developed bone cancer and passed. She was only six. My San Tan Snuggles had one, but was controlled after that with phenobarbital. she had to take many medications. The neurologist determined that she had GME. She passed three months later. She was just a little over five. I would see a neurologist if possible as there are so many reasons this can happen. I let my local vet keep my girl at his place longer than I should have. I should have immediately taken her to the neurologist, It would have saved time and dollars for sure. She would have received the right care sooner, had I not hesitated. I hope that all goes well for Buttercup.

  14. Was told that the best they could do for him was amputation by the Hope Center surgery department and from a vet in Dutton Mill Pennsylvania. The vet in Dutton Mill said that his dog had one and he left it alone and the dog lived for three more years to about the age of twelve. Also that the growth did not grow much. The oral cancer treatments and the shots did not work for Surprise. They said it was a fibrosarcoma. The growth seems to have gone away for now and he is running all around and seems to be doing good. I was quoted nine grand for radiation from the place in Leesburg. But no guarantee that would fix it either. Since it has basically not grown and it does not cause him pain, we decided not to do anything for now.

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