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Posts posted by Mercsmom

  1. This is a good story to read. We just returned from Florida where our pool water was in the high eighties to low nineties. Mercury doesn't like going in the pool so we rarely press it other than to have him stand on the top step with his feet in the water. If we do take him in, it will be good to know what to watch out for.

  2. This thread is particularly pertinent as we just had a longggg night with Mercury coughing/gagging/retching. He acts like he has a piece of biscuit caught in his throat but this was (*yawn 3 a.m.) many hours after having anything.

    Just now, while I was cleaning bile off the carpet, I noticed a couple of small biscuit pieces. He gulps his dinner and needs water in it to slow him down. It all looks like he's not swallowing properly.

  3. look for a personality that fits this list rather than a gender. can't recommend this enough







    Yep, what he said. :nod


    If there are no noticeable differences, please consider going with whichever is least adoptable, (in other words, a black male).

    I've talked to many dog people who have consistently said males are more affectionate. As I've only had one male, and only one grey, I won't comment on a sample size of one.

  4. My vet also said that "routine" expression is not advised as it then becomes necessary. Sort of like a human taking a laxative frequently and then finds him/herself dependent on them. I have read similar discussions but, of course, it's all opinion.

    I do know that it is best done outdoors, weather permitting. Others suggest the bathtub. But (butt) you've got to clean the tub when you're done! :eek

  5. Yes, when Kramer gakked up a pile of wriggling foot long night crawlers, it was very much like a horror movie. I didn't have my glasses on (at first) and was very sorry when I put them on and realized the worms were freaking moving!!!! I threw them in the disposal and ran it for at least five minutes just to make sure they were dead! Ick....creeps my out just thinking about it!


    You and me both, pal. Thanks for that visual. :puke



    Aside from hound feet, they could easily be coming in attached to someone's shoes. When they dry out, they're kind of.... sticky.

  6. I think it might be the anticipation of getting the treat making her just a wee bit excited, so she yawns.


    I agree. A yawn, at least in humans, can occur when the body needs more oxygen (ever wonder why you might yawn when you're all hepped up about something? that's why). Excitement = yarn.

    Btw, do you know how many times I yawned reading this thread? :blush

  7. I do two things:

    (1) At mealtimes, Mercury isn't allowed to approach his dish until I say "O.K." It keeps me in charge (at least in my mind)

    (2) We practice "wait" with treats. We started this is obedience class where we'd line up treats on the dogs' legs and they weren't allowed any until they got the signal.

    After all this, he still sometimes lunges at treats. I'll stop and say "gentle" with the treat firmly in my closed hand so he knows he's not getting it until he's gentle. (He also sits for treats or whenever he wants something.)

    I think dogs are like children. There will be times in their development when they push the boundaries. What they can get away with becomes the new accepted behavior.

  8. There's nothing wrong with clinginess. It shows she trusts you to take care of her.


    I have more luck with cream cheese than peanut butter for pills, don't know why. Maybe it's easier to roll a ball out of the cream cheese. It works best if you can get her to catch the treat when you throw it. That seems to encourage gulping rather than chewing. Then again, Mercury only chews when necessary. He hoovers kibble and anything else that'll fit down his throat. *sigh*

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