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Posts posted by ivon

  1. Ok, you already got lots of good advice, I just want to add some here, because I am dealing with a "new" hound too, one who raced and then had a few litters of puppies, and at almost 9 years old finally has a forever home. At first, she was perfect, as in does nothing I don't want her to do, very demure, sweet hound. Then she started "exploring", and was shocked to find there are rules, she never had rules before. Just a minute ago I found she had taken my reading glasses from the bedroom, carried them to her crate, and started chewing them. This is not bad behavior, she just didn't know....she doesn't know that jumping up on people is not so good, that "tasting" everything in sight is not good, that food out in the open doesn't mean she can have it. Little by little they discover new things, and it is up to us to teach them, yes, you can do/have this, or no, you can't. The good thing is, once a behavior emerges, you can either re-enforce it, or shut it down. Not until that behavior comes up is that even an option, and they are so smart, they get it fast. These dogs don't know right from wrong, they try different things, and it is up to you to deal with it. Karma can jump on the counters, but to this day she hasn't taken anything, I know she can, if she wanted to, clear it all, and one day she will, and hopefully I catch her and can say "NO", until then it is up to me to keep harmful things out of her reach. I get what it is like, imagine being in a new work place, and not knowing the unwritten rules, and you know what the dogs go through. Until now, they had no idea there were rules....

  2. From the time Karma first arrived at our house 3 1/2 months ago, she showed marked anxiety whenever either of us was leaving the house, when DS left for school in the morning she would stare mournfully at the door for a few minutes, when I left for work she would anxietiously follow me around and tried to get out the door with me. So from the get go I made sure leaving and coming home was not a big deal, I practiced coming and going for shorter periods of time many times, I would jingle my car keys and then not leave etc.

    This morning, for the first time ever, she was on her dog bed and just watched me walk out the door from there, the same way Spud always does! Yay, big step for her, I was so happy!!!!!

  3. Some do, some don't. Around meal time everyone does...we move around our house like a school of fish :lol


    OMG, this! I always wondered how those of you with a large number of dogs get around your house at all! Spud is content to watch me from his bed, if I go into another room he will follow me there most of the time. Karma is up my butt at all times, and an hour before meal time they are both glued to me, one on each side of me, I can't count how many phone calls I missed because I couldn't trip over them fast enough :)

    Karma is also suspicious of the vacuum cleaner, she is not afraid, but clearly she doesn't trust it, she will follow me around with a worried look on her face and supervise the Dyson, as if she thinks it could attack me at any time.

  4. I miss the double-click too, but ok, I will learn to live without it. However, another thing I noticed, all the threads are marked as read, I know I have no life, but there is no way, so this makes it harder to tell if there is something new in a thread I've been following, just reporting it, not bitching :) Oh, I use Firefox, if that helps....


    Clear your cookies, or at least your GT cookies. It is good to clear them all once in a while, but if you just want to clear the GT one, there is a link at the very bottom of the page. That should help. You will need to log in again once you clear them.


    I did clear the cookies, and logged back in, same thing. It used to be that any topic I had not read showed up in bold, it also did that that if I had read it but someone added a new post, now none of the topics show up in bold, so I can't easily tell if I read it or not since someone else posted. I tried it in Firefox and IE, looks the same in both, just reporting it, may not be an issue to anyone else. Oh, and I did not hit the "mark as read" link, or else this would make sense, first I thought maybe new topics added after the upgrade would show up in bold, but they don't.....

  5. I miss the double-click too, but ok, I will learn to live without it. However, another thing I noticed, all the threads are marked as read, I know I have no life, but there is no way, so this makes it harder to tell if there is something new in a thread I've been following, just reporting it, not bitching :) Oh, I use Firefox, if that helps....

  6. I use the WWW harness for Karma, got it at 2Hounds, Karma is not a spook, but she has a high prey drive, and a thick neck, I can't quite trust a collar to keep her safe. As to the SUV issue, I had to laugh too, because for years I was lifting Spud in, front feet first, then boost in the rear. Until one day DS said "Wait him out, he has to think about it, he will jump in." Sure enough, he's jumped in on his own ever since :lol

  7. Wow, how scary! We have a pretty good group of people that bring their Greys to playgroup, we typically have 15-20 dogs, and if any one of them causes trouble it gets fetched and taken aside. All dogs are muzzled, and owners are attentive and stay close to their dog(s), just in case, and are ready to grab any dog if needed. In this heat I usually grab my two after a few minutes of running anyway, they are old but don't know it, and I don't want them to overheat, luckily they come to me when I call them.

  8. I thought this was the best part:

    "I became interested in this problem when I adopted an old (11 ½ year old) greyhound (returned to the adoption group by another family). According to her medical record, she had gone to the vet yearly for vaccinations, teeth cleaning, and to have the “seed wart” removed from her right rear foot. Shortly after she came to live with me, she fractured a toe on that same foot. After wearing a splint for 6 weeks, lo and behold, the corn was gone, never to return for the next 3 years of her very long life."


    Even though, be careful with a splint, it can cause other injuries, so check it frequently.

  9. Poor baby! At least it happened on a Friday and you don't have to use the e-vet!


    That's what I said, when I left her at the vets! They need to wait til noon since she had breakfast before this happened, then they will put her under and stitch it up. It's in a bad spot too, where it just keeps stretching and opens wider every time she moves, thing is, she will be nine years old in 4 days, but just a bundle of energy, flinging herself up the stairs at 20 mph :eek

  10. This morning Karma was out in the yard and coming barreling towards the deck, per usual taking all 6 steps in one jump, and she hit her leg on the top step, ouch.




    I was going to fix it up myself, but decided we are going to see the vet, the cut is deeper than I thought initially......poor baby, this has got to hurt.....




    She is back home, all stitched up and wrapped, we also had a small growth removed from her back leg, while she was under, she seems fine though.

  11. It does sound like severe SA to me, and to start with at least I would consider the medication route, your vet can prescribe something. Then, back to basic alone training, leave for a minute, come back, repeat, when he is ok with that, go for a few minutes, etc, be gone longer times, you may have to increase the time you are gone very slowly. Also, the first ten minutes that you are home, ignore him, no talk, no touch, no eye contact, the same goes for the last minutes before you leave the house. I would also make sure he gets a good long walk before you leave for the day, sometimes just going out in the yard does not empty a dog, but walking gets things moving, it will also tire him out. If at all possible I would get a behaviorist involved, to see if this really is SA, and if yes, to help you with the alone training.

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