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Everything posted by deboosh

  1. From now on, any time I need the low down on anything greyhound, I will come here, FIRST. So far, it sounds like the recipe for the perfect hound is a spoonful of knowledge, a sprinkling of fate and a big cuppa magic. Thanks a whole bunch, everybody! :beatheart :beatheart
  2. Thanks everyone, you have been very helpful and candid. I am so glad I asked; not only have my eyes been opened, but my mind has, too. I really like the sound of "letting a hound pick us". In my heart of hearts, a velcro dog is at the top of my wish list for desirable traits. Fostering sounds like a great way to find our forever companion. We have a 20 year old cat, and since she had to put up with a bullying brother most of her life, she deserves some peace and quiet during her final years. Until she crosses the bridge, we'll just have to wait for our racer.
  3. I'd like to apologize if this is a dumb question; neither myself or my DH have ever had a dog. We have decided that a grey is the perfect dog for our family but I have a concern about getting a male after talking with my neighbour. She has 2 small male pooches and says that she is constantly cleaning up after their marking everything from eachother to the curtains. Is this true, that male dogs have a tendancy to mark inside the home? As first time owners, we will definitely only want a female if this is the norm. Thanks for your input.
  4. Hi VinnyL, We don't have a grey yet, but are planning to adopt once our beloved 20 year old kitten passes on. We've been trying to educate ourselves on everything there is to know about greys, and in doing so, I came across a pdf article on one owner's experience with her grey's serious corn problem. I think that if the ex racer we adopt ever develops corns, we would try the treatment explained in this pdf link before considering anything more invasive (such as surgery, which unfortunately does not result in a cure anyway). This treatment is not a cure either, but it seems to have given the owner some confidence, as well as confirmation, that her grey is beginning to enjoy life again; not to mention relief that his corns are at least manageable. Here is the link: http://www.steelcitygreyhounds.org/downloads/corn.pdf Are your greys a pair bond? I really hate to suggest this, but If they are not, there is the option of surrendering one, so that both dogs' needs can ultimately be met. Such a heartbreaking position to be in; I feel for your family and hope that you will not have to choose this option. Hopefully, an experienced corndogger will chime in with sage advice for you.
  5. Sorry DeniseL, I should have made sure the above link worked before posting it. Here is the corrected link: http://www.steelcitygreyhounds.org/downloads/corn.pdf
  6. I found this pdf file that describes a treatment that might work for your Miami's corns www.steelcitygreyhounds.org/downloads/corns.pdf
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