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Posts posted by TINMANPDX

  1. When we first got Elliott, he would always want to squat over small bushes or groundcover as if to hide his poo and make it more messy and difficult for us to pick it up. I swear, it was like he had been trained to do it that way. We put up with it for a couple of weeks because he was our first dog and we just were stupid about stuff like that, but eventually we got him to redirect. Lea often pees on the sidewalk the minute she gets out of the car - no matter how short the ride - like she feels she might not get the chance otherwise - she will also poo about five steps later. She is very efficient like that and we always know what to expect.

  2. Good thoughts going out to you and Nash. My girl, Lea, came to us with a toe amp - have no idea the cause, but she gets along fine on the foot. It is sad that he won't be able to lure course - I am sure he enjoyed it and it kept him in good shape - it is a calculated risk whenever we let our greys run, I suppose.

  3. Looks like a corn to me too - they start flat like that, then start to pop out more as time goes by. I use vitamin e oil or badger foot balm (which smells nice) on my kids, who both are corndogs. once the corn starts to pop out a little more, your vet or vet tech can hull it - or if you are brave, you can get a dental elevator on e-bay for not very much ( 5-8 bucks or so) and hull it yourself. There is a good site that shows how to do it - I am sure someone will refer to it in this thread - I cannot recall the site name. You might want to have your vet take a look for this first time and watch them do it before trying yourself, should it reoccur.

  4. For some reason, if given the option, my girl, Lea will choose hard surface or walking path over grass - She doesn't limp on the grass, though. She also avoids puddles. The opposite is true of my boy, Elliott - he prefers grass and loves splashing in puddles.

    I hope it is just a matter of preference for your pup and not something hurting.


    Love your siggie by the way

  5. Lea, our girl, usually sleeps next to my husband's side of the bed. Sometimes she licks the wall - I think because our boy, Elliott is on our bed and she isn't, or maybe she gets cold or feels lonely or insecure ... who knows? I usually ask my husband to see if she is licking herself or the wall - usually, she stops once he turns the light on and gives her a couple of pets and a blanket. Elliott does this occasionally too ... His bed is next to a power outlet, so I put baby safety covers on the outlets ... he definitely does it when he is jealous that Lea is on the bed - he will also come and whine at us individually to let us know we should kick her off and let him up ... little stinker.

  6. When I walk my two in our neighborhood, there are dogs at a few of the houses along our route that bark and snarl like crazy and make a fuss when we pass by. I have always found it interesting that neither of mine get ruffled about it - they stay at the same pace and don't look agitated or fearful ... Sometimes my boy will stop and pee on a bush or fence along the yard of the barker as if to say, " see how much I care!"...

    The barking bothers and annoys me more than them, but I try to just act like them and carry on like I don't notice.

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