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Posts posted by Riverhound

  1. Not the same situation -- not at all, but when we brought home our second GH, our first hound's personality changed in ways we really didn't like. We're working through it, sort of the way you're starting to, with lots of time when it's just him and one of us, special treats, new toys, and extra (short) training sessions. We also try to give him time and space when she's not around; in my hubby's office in the mornings, in the bedroom with me at night (I crash early), and in the living room with us both (other dog gets crated). It's working well, and he's getting over the crankiness/upsetness/confusion he was going through six months ago. It's not perfect, but he's happy more often than not now. It's pretty amazing what some ice cream or a burger does for his mood, too! Good luck to you and Rajah.

  2. Poison control said they might barf, but not to worry about it overly much. Said it's not a bad brand for them to have eaten. Joe is conked out; Brees is chewing on a toy. I just popped a beer. Hubby will be home from work in 10 minutes. He's the designated driver tonight.


    Really pleased with Home Again. Didn't know that having the chip did more than help get them home if they get lost.

  3. Dumb, dumb, dumb.


    I left a cooler in the kitchen with a food-smelling ice pack (Polar Pack is the brand) in it. Went to the bathroom. Small hole in in the ice pack, and glop spread around. I think they ate some, but don't think they got much. It's labeled non-toxic, but I'm assuming that's non-toxic to people and not necessarily dogs. Dumb.


    Link to MSDS for Polar Packs:



  4. VPI had BETTER pay more than $600. I just got the surgical estimate. It's more like $4000. Otherwise I'm moving all three dogs to a different insurer.



    I love Trupanion. It'd probably be expensive for Opal, but Emma and Tanzanite wouldn't be too horrible.

  5. Say this is OT but I wonder if you could check to see if the harness could be adjusted to go back further on her torso. It looks like the strap & buckle are very close to being in the underarm area that could cause some chafing.


    I don't like the way it fits, either! It's velvet lined, and doesn't seem to bother her, but it does look uncomfortable. The instructions say to tighten as much as you can. :dunno

  6. You'd think I would know better by now than to just open the door without checking for critters. I've got a young, seriously high prey nutjob on my hands who just lives to "get the thing." :brick


    Anyhow, I opened the door, Brees went out, I saw the kitty, yelled "Brees, no", Brees saw the kitty -- and she kept eye contact with me! Then kitty ran off, and Brees still hesitated just long enough for the cat to make it over the fence. Brees did a lap of the yard, hoping to find another, peed, and trotted right back to me when I told her to.


    So not perfect by any means, but better. I'm not going to the vet with a dying cat and a scratched up houndie this morning!


    Brees is a good dog.



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