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Posts posted by schultzlc

  1. Welcome to GT! Your girl is absolutely gorgeous.


    No, you're not crazy to give your girl a bath to help work out some of the loose fur. I have two black girls, and bought a shampoo specifically for black dogs (I believe it's labeled as black pearl or something like that). It's meant to help reduce dryness and flakes. A nice quality oatmeal shampoo or one made for sensitive skin will also work.


    You'll find she won't need many baths. Mine get one each spring when they are towards the end of blowing their winter coats. Using a curry comb/ brush for horses will keep her black coat nice and shiny. I bought a basic rubber nubby brush mitt in the horse section of the Tractor Supply Store, and my girls love it. The best kept secret of black greyhounds is how easy it is to maintain their fur- they seem to shed less than some colors.

  2. Thank you all!! I am still working on perfecting my bandaging skills on this one, but these tips will help a lot.





    ETA: The Wayback Machine has their happy tail page archived here.


    Rachel, you're an internet sleuth extraordinaire! Thanks for finding this.

  3. Adding photos.


    Here's the wound itself. It looks a little goopier than normal because there's some neosporin smeared on. This shows how high on the tail it's located, and the approximate size.





    Here she is sporting her "tail turban" while eating dinner. One long sleeve is over her tail and tied at the cuff. I am hoping this will keep her away from the bandage, at least while I am home.







    To be honest, this one doesn't freak me out as much as Luna's last injury (like I said, the girl is a maniac). Last spring, she tore a horrendous gash into her webbing that took weeks of vigilant cleaning and bandaging to heal. I am just hoping we can take care of this at home and avoid amputation, but I'll be keeping a sharp eye on the wound.

  4. I am so bummed. My Luna Lou knicked her tail yesterday, and split some of the skin. She's a maniac, and I am honestly shocked we've made it 6.5 years without ever having this issue. Miraculously, it didn't bleed much at all. We avoided the murder-scene blood splatter.


    I cleaned it out, trimmed back the fur, applied antibiotic ointment, wrapped it, and am hoping for the best. An aside, I tried to find the Grassmere link on wrapping happy tail, and their website seems to be defunct??


    Here's my question- is there any chance of this healing decently? The wound is about 7 inches up the tail, so not at the tip. Like I said, she managed to hit a spot that barely bled at all. I would like to avoid amputation if there's any chance this might heal. Has anyone ever used a liquid bandage to seal off a tail wound?


    I will try to get a photo of the wound itself once I change the bandage. She's not super impressed with having her tail wrapped, so she's been wearing a "tail turban" that I fashioned out of an old long-sleeved t-shirt while I am home.



    P.S. Here's one liquid bandage product that I was looking at: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3307+20712+21573+21318&pcatid=21318

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