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Posts posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Nope. Usually if he drinks I know he should go out in about an hour so I just be aware of when he does drink. If it's bedtime, he can have a sip but not drain the bowl. He usually doesn't drink before bed though so we're alright. Once we're tucked in, he doesn't get up until morning with me.

  2. Carry some pieces of cut up hot dog in your pocket and reward every time you walk in the door. That should get some attention. It might have to do with something your husband routinely does that your pup likes but you might not be doing something he likes routinely. I'm with ya though, I'm always the bad cop and do all the un-fun things like nail clipping etc, so I am not perceived in the same light I think. Make sure hubby is both good and bad cop, and that you are too.

  3. If he ate faster than normal, it could also have been some acid reflux?


    I tend to avoid feeding immediately after activity and as long as the dog is panting - this in my mind is the best prevention. Once they are calmed down, it is the best time to feed. However, bloat can strike out of the blue as well, so you can eliminate the chances but it could still happen. Deep chested dogs just happen to be more prone to it than other breeds.

  4. Ryder only ever knew a house with another greyhound and when Kasey passed away he changed dramatically. He was his rock. Mind you, he didn't have severe changes to diet etc that you are describing, mostly he has "emotional" issues. I don't think he'll ever psychologically be the same unless I get another grey to keep him company.

  5. Kasey was never a great boating dog, he also was never a fan of the water. We tried on a family weekend, and he just wasn't built for it. The water was also rough and he would not settle and lay down on the boat when traveling. His one and only boating experience that day wasn't the best for humans either, so when you do get your pup, make sure to introduce him/her to the boat on a very calm day, and head out for a short day trip. If the dog can't handle that, you'll know. :)


    This doesn't mean that all greyhounds can't do boats. They have varying personalities, some are way more courageous and some are more laid back and some are rather timid of motion and noise. Ryder LOVES the water, but I never got him into a boat to check out how he would fare. As mentioned above, ensure that you tell your adoption group about your desire to have a boating dog and the people that know the greyhound the best will be able to figure out if that dog has the right personality for what you are looking for.


    A life jacket is a must.

    I'm also not sure you want to lift a grey on and off the boat all the time. Ryder for example weighs in at 75 lbs. They can usually walk right on like humans do.

    No idea about going to the bathroom. We swam out to an island and he went there. Greys (like most dogs) treat their home like their crate and likely will not soil it. Might have to train them to use one part with artificial grass and or pee pads.

  6. :D YAY!!!


    I personally suffered from IBD in my teens and I can tell you it is no picnic. Even drinking water wouldn't agree with me.


    Have you been able to find out what kind of dietary trigger she might have? Is she always regurging the same stuff? Food trials are never fun. Try to start perhaps with a Limited Ingredient Diet and build off of that? Are you feeding kibble or raw? I see you mention homemade, but what was she having before?

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