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Posts posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Sounds like you are taking it all in stride. Good for you. It's all very new to him, and he doesn't know how to signal you to go out and relieve himself either, so it's good you are taking him out on your own accord, but he'll figure it out soon. They love routine, so once you settle into that, it should go more smoothly. Remember to go easy on the treats too, or he'll get an upset tummy and have more of a problem in the house than just pee. :)

  2. I think they gravitate to dirt or rocks out of habit (maybe she used to do it before you had her) and I think it's also to curb hunger so they in a way work hand in hand. I remember reading up on a bunch of weird things when Kasey was eating poopsicles. If she's overweight, that might be an indicator of an insatiable appetite. Perhaps look into green beans, beets, etc as it's known to be filling?

  3. Hmmm, 20 mins like that is kinda long...I've never had it last quite that long around here. That used to happen to my pom if he would pull on the leash a lot on a walk, the constant pressure on his throat was the culprit and it could be re-created by palpating the throat similar to if a collar were on. Did a strong leash walk happen prior?

  4. The only other side effect I've seen is unsteady footing/wobbliness (could be from dizziness) as they adjust to a new or increase in dosage. Never seen a dog have stomach issues from it.


    Did you see my thread about meds I need to get rid of. I have a ton of 300 mg Gabapentin if you want me to send it to you. I could include that DAP collar that I never got around to sending that I feel really horrible about. :blush Though to be realistic it wont' go out until after Christmas.

    Thanks for the offer. I'm not sure if he will stay on 300 mg capsules after his check up in early Jan, so if someone takes dibs before that time, it's ok with me. Otherwise I'll let you know.

  5. Wendy was just prescribed gabapentin for arthritis pain. Do you give your dog the medication every day even if there is no obvious pain?

    I've only had to give gaba when there is a noticeable issue, and in both of my boys cases (LS and neck/limping) I've had to give it. I'm not sure why that would have been perscribed for arthritis though. I'd say to give it to her to see if her mood/actions change for the better.

  6. I've used it quite a bit with Kasey, but not so much with Ryder. Aside from it apparently causing sedateness....I laugh when vets say that for use in a greyhound.... anything else that can usually occur with it's use?


    Ryder has been on it for a week now, 300mg twice a day, and he gets them with his meals. I've been noticing regurgitation, but only just started yesterday/today. Is it they type of med that Pepcid should be used with? I had Kasey on Pepcid because of his reflux, but have never given it to Ryder much so I wouldn't know if I should!



  7. Awh. Kasey didn't know how to play during his first year home!


    How long have you had yours?


    Sometimes you just have to find a toy that speaks to them. Some don't like squeakies, some just love them, some love to play just tug of war, others will chase balls.....


    Have you tried mind stimulating toys, like hiding food in a container and them trying to find them?

  8. I am in Minnesota too. Allie and Davis limp after just a minute or two in this cold. They love their fleece-lined Muttluks. They even stand completely still, side-by-side for me to put them on.

    We have MuttLuks too, but I only put those on when it's REALLY cold. Both MuttLuks and Pawz have their pros and cons.


    I find though that MuttLuks aren't the best for when a sudden patch of snow requires the urge to be jumped into! The snow piles in and the boot just falls right off no matter how tight they get strapped down. The purple Pawz are really great for quick outs and withstand the snow jump urges. Ryder also often pees on his foot, so I found they are easier to just rinse than the MuttLuks.

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