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Posts posted by EddiesMom15

  1. Sweet Pea hates coats. However, since I turn the heat down to 60 at night in the winter, I put a light fleece coat on her at night. Her favorite is lined with flannel, so no static!


    Normally, she doesn't wear a coat outside. Just runs out, does her duty, and comes back in. If she's going to be out any longer than a quick potty break, or if weather is severe, she wears her winter coat from Gini's Greyhound Fashions. Not inexpensive, but IMHO, worth every penny. Gini's coats are built for cold Iowa winters. It's just a shame that Missy Pea hates them so much!

  2. I have a senior broodie who is losing weight she can't afford to lose. Missy Pea is also a picky eater. She will eat a full meal at breakfast, and again at dinner, but will not eat much in between. She's eaten Satin Balls in the past. I am wondering if anyone has had success making a form of the recipe into jerky. Pea loves jerky!


    Thoughts? Suggestions?


    In case anyone wonders, Pea eats a half pound of Freshpet Select (Beef or Poultry) mashed up and mixed with one cup of Kirkland Select Chicken & Rice at each meal. She will eat small amounts of treats between meals. We've tried going to three or four meals spaced out between breakfast and dinner with no success. We've tried adding more kibble. Sle leaves it in the bowl.

  3. Sweet Pea has a badly healed right front leg. She broke both the ulna and radius. For some reason (Don't ask why, I don't know) the break was not treated correctly, and both lower leg bones slid over the joint and fused to her humerus. Amputation was considered, but she uses the leg for balance. Mitty Pea can't walk worth a hoot, but boy, she can run like the wind!

  4. A quick update: Missy Pea would not give a urine sample. I thought she had been tested earlier this month. No such luck. So, she's on a two week course of Ciprofloxacin, and remains banned from the couch. For some reason she tears the blankets and piddle pads off the couch, but not off the loveseat. Kittehs are having a wonderful time hiding under the couch cushions.

  5. Missy Sweet Pea (age 12 1/2) has started having piddle accidents in her sleep. This is a recent development. Earlier this month, she had an issue when her storm meds failed to clear her system as usual. She was extremely groggy, and spent the night at the vet's office on an IV. She chewed that out, broke out of her kennel, and spent the night roaming the clinic! Luckily, no harm came to the clinic bunny, but you should have seen their faces when I told them Pea has been a stakes racer!


    Since then, she has recieved no meds for rain/high winds. Unfortunately, she is wetting in her sleep. I plan on taking her to the vet Monday to rule out a urinary infection. In the meantime, I am putting piddle pads under blankets in her usual sleep spots.


    Any other suggestions or comments?

  6. The Kirkland Select brand is not the same formulation as Frontline or Frontline Plus. Both Frontline products are safe for use on cats. KS is not. Since I buy the largest Frontline Plus size (1 large dog dog dose = 8 cat doses) and use it on all my pets, it has to be cat safe.


    I do purchase from my vet. This year, they were offering two free doses per six purchased. Couldn't find that deal anywhere else.


    Edited to add: Wal-Mart carries a fipronil product equal to Frontline, called Pet Armor. However, it lacks the (S)-methoprene added to Frontline Plus for tick control.

  7. Thanks so much to all who have offered advice/suggestions. Zippy is the first foster I've had fresh off the track.


    He's crated anytime I can't see where he is, including nights and when I'm at work. Zippy goes outside as soon as he comes out of the crate. I get him out fast, so he doesn't have time to think about marking. Lots of praise and treats when he pees outside!

  8. I have a new foster, Zippy. He came to my group Sunday, was neutered, cat-tested and came to me Monday! Zippy is a sweet guy--bit of a doofus--but has yet to understand he doesn't have to mark every vertical surface. EVERY vertical surface. If I'm not watching him, he has to be crated. Can anyone recommend a belly band maker in the Midwest? Will his marking behaviour stop/slow down when the testerone in his system lessens?



  9. You may want to read some of the threads about Ace. It does nothing to calm your dog, it makes it so they can not react but they are still terrified inside. In my opinion it should NEVER be used to treat anxiety simply because it is NOT an anti-anxiety drug, it is a tranquilizer. Xanax or Valium is a much kinder option.


    Thank you for your concern. I have already discussed switching to Xanax with my vet.

  10. Sweet Pea is helped by a Thundershirt, however it does not eliminate the need for drugs. If the storm isn't too bad, she can get by with one Benadryl. If it's bad, or at night, she needs a Benadryl and a 25 mg ACE. For best result, I need to pill her about an hour before the storm arrives. Will be watching the radar today! We have popcorn thunderstorms forecast.


    Editing to add: We've been suprised by thunderstorms the last two nights. Both mornings we awoke to find that Sweet Pea had the poop scared out of her, literally.

  11. I've been approached by my group to take in a special needs foster. This is a young dog that had several epileptic seizures while at the track. Since coming to our group, he has only had one seizure, on the day he was neutered. I am told he is doing well on phenobarb.


    I've had a cat with a seizure disorder, but not a dog. What should I know. Are there signs I should be looking out for before a seizure? What should one do when a dog is actively seizing, other than make sure there's nothing he can hurt himself on?


    Comments appreciated!

  12. We're having some issues with a new foster, and I'd appreciate suggestions.


    Miss Hottie bounced from a home that wanted a lovey, huggy, kissy hound. Thursday night, my DH tried to pick her up, and was snapped at. DH is fine, however we have learned that Miss Hottie has issues having her belly, feet, or backside touched. Apparently, her trainer said it took five hands to trim her nails.


    I understand why she shapped at DH. She thought he was trying to restrain her. I'm looking for ideas on how to help her through her fear of being restrained, and having her feet/belly/hiney handled.


    Thoughts? Suggestions? She's really a lovely girl, a petite cat-safe red brindle with touches of white. Hottie is affectionate, but on her terms. She will lay her head in my lap for loving and skritches.

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