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Posts posted by maximum

  1. I just can't believe this...I am so, so sorry, for your sudden loss of the wonderful, glorious Dee. She filled your lives with so much joy, so much love, so much joie de vivre, the void she has left behind must seem unnavigatable. But I do hope (and really, believe) that the memories of her life, the woefully inadequate 9 months and 17 days that were filled with so very much of - well, just Dee-ness - bring you comfort. They enriched all of our lives here on GT so very much, her short time with you must be a lifetime of stories and smiles for all of you.


    Run free, when and how you want, and always towards that garbage can, sweet Dee... :f_pink :f_pink :grouphug

  2. We have not been to a chiro or acupunture yet, The doc had said to ween him off over about a month and then do more tests as the specialist thinks its more a spine disease. I can't remember the name of it. But I am calling her first thing in the morning to ask if I can just keep him on the 35kg dose well doing tests.


    The chirco will be brought up tommorrow and I will get him in to see if that helps at all.


    Thanks everyone.


    I'm so sorry Connor is having trouble again. Definately bring up Chiro/acupuncture. Even while he is on the metacam (and keeping him on it for the rest of his life is an option, medically wise), he could get chiro/acupuncture treatments and they may even help him get of the metacam or maybe get to a lower maintenance dose. Chiro can help amazingly, and someone who knows what there doing can work with the other courses of treatment...If your vet does not know any vets who do chiro, don't be afraid to call human chiros - some will work on and have training in animals as well.


    Good luck, it can be a tough journey trying to figure out what is wrong with our babies...


  3. Oh my gawd!! That must have felt so uncomfortable for the poor, sweet girl. She must feel tons better!! Here are some "glad that is out of you and hope you feel better" hugs and treats! :dogcookie :dogcookie :grouphug :grouphug


    Just out of curiosity, do they feel there was a correlation between the enlarged spleen and the bloat? I can't imagine that two rather unusual and significant events are unrelated...

  4. Awww, poor sweet girl. Max sends his sympathies, as he will be having the same thing done in a year or so. He is down to 13 teeth, in spite of having annual dentals and daily brushing, so the vet and I figure that they might as well come out, and not put him through any more anaesthetics (he is 10 and 1/2).


    I'm sure she is going to do just fine - give her some nice frozen yogourt from us...

  5. Janet, I'm just so sorry. What else can I say - her legacy is unquestionable, the wonderfulness of her life a fact. If only they could all just stay with us forever... :f_pink :f_pink :f_pink:grouphug :grouphug Keep an eye on your mom, Miz Foxy. She will make you proud...

  6. I was just thinking about Connor the other day, hoping he was better... :( I know you've tried and looked at a ton of stuff, but it really sounds to me like he has some neck/back problems. The straining from the IBD could have strained or pulled something, that still flares up. Has he been to a chiropractor or acupuncture? Max has problems with his neck, and as it gets bad, his jaw tightens up so much that when he yawns it locks, and he cries and cries until it relaxes. Once it gets to this point, the vet does an adjustment, and he is fine. It might be worth a look...good luck

  7. Three years...my goodness, it can't be that long. I'm sure it was just yesterday, seems like just a heartbeat ago...I still think of him so often! I have some of his pictures on my screen saver at work, he makes me smile, especially the one where he is roaching with his Christmas booties on...Maddison, you were such a special houndie...hugs to all of you, :grouphug I hope his pics and memories make you smile.


    Have you ever heard Young@Heart's version of Fix You? Very moving...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-3IT4TeSxY

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