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Posts posted by maximum

  1. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

    If I were at home I would have you over for supper tonight...so you could be close to Loca and you could get a free meal! :)

    Hope you and Loca hear nothing but good news today...


    think it's finally time to change vets? :lol

    Yep!! I'll be going vet shopping too - this is just too much! FYI, I believe Rose was happy with her experience in New Hamburg...Glad Guelph has her pain under control, hope this is all manageable! And, anytime you need to bounce (ideas, yourself, whatever!), just call... :grouphug


  2. Robin, sorry the girl is having a rough time (and you too!)- I wonder if maybe the pyran (or whatever that was for hook) upset her a bit? I hope she is doing better now, and the metacam helped with any discomfort...ignore those poor, unenlightened souls, they have no right!

  3. I would start with a complete blood panel to look for signs of long term infection.

    would this be different than her annual senior blood work?


    (also switching trues food made her utis completely disappear...shes on chicken soup for the dog lovers soul and has no pee problems ever anymore)

    food makes a big difference with her. i had recently switched to Orijen and her peeing was even worse, so I switched back to California Natural. She's still peeing :(


    I don't have any suggestions, Robin, but thought I would share that Max had issues with Orijen (with all of the 100% grain free foods that we've tried actually). He drank huges amounts of water and pee'd like crazy. After less than a week off of it, he was fine. So might be related. But given her history with UTI's more work on an ongoing infection might be merited...


    Hope pretty girl is feeling better!

  4. I am happy to report that the pathology came back totally benign!!! Max says thanks for all the good thoughts GTers!! He will continue his work on removing the stitches on his own and hopes to have them all gone by Monday, thus avoiding another trip to the uber-ebel vet!! :rolleyes:


    Here he is all worn out, from working on those stitches!




    Lisa & Max (I don't need no stinkin' vet!)

  5. Phene!! Baby!! Oh poor boy...I know he was feeling kind of punk yesterday, but he should be a bit better today. He'll likely need his food softened for a week or so, until things are healed up a bit. After that though, he should be able to eat pretty much anything. Max is down to 13 teeth and is still able to eat hard, albeit crumbly, treats. One benefit, bully stix last forever with him now! :P His biggest issues are with drinking water (it runs out the sides, poor boy - you might want to put down a towel!) and ETS! His little tongue is always hanging out the side, especially after he shakes his head :wub: But really, otherwise, Phener should be okay. And he'll feel better having those teeth removed!


    :kiss2 for Phene, to feel better soon...

  6. sending many, many positive thoughts Max's way. of course he'll be fine in time for our next visit to NCR :)




    geez, between Max's and Phene's visits to Michelle today she'll be able to afford a second Hummer :lol



    Yes, indeedy! I could probably claim the seats and doors! :rolleyes:

    What was the fabulous Phener-weener-beener at the vet for? I hope he is okay; did Loca convince him that the peanuts would be a great idea for him too?? :lol


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