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Posts posted by shawna

  1. We had the same issue with our shy foster. I ended up leaving him out (with the door to the house open) until he was exhausted and he finally follwed Tractor in the house. He wouldn't come in if we were standing anywhere near the doorway. Of course, this is the same dog that spent the first month cowering in a corner of the bedroom.

  2. I do a rotation diet with the dogs. I usually use TOTW Pacific Stream because of the salmon (they have dry skin and the fish oil seems to help), the Fromm's gourmet four star diet (pick a different protein source every time with that one), and Professional's Choice. I don't seem to have a problem with sensitive stomachs, eye watering gas, the big D, or finicky eaters. Luck me.

  3. We moved a month ago and I've had to baby gate the dogs in the bedroom at night because they'd been eliminating in the living room. So, now I'm locking everyone in the sunroom when I leave for the day and guess what? The boys are still peeing/marking in the house. I've been cleaning ever puddle I find with Simple Green, waiting for that to dry and then putting enzyme odor remover down.


    Here's the big question, has anyone ever used the UC/blacklight thing and does it work? I don't want to go spend $20 and not have any results.

  4. Ok, we've had a cold snap in MS (compared to Florida) and I've noticed that both the hounds have dry, flaky skin on their bellies and sides. Tractor's isn't as bad as Mojo's. However, Mojo is also scratching at his, making it worse. I've added fish oil to their diets, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I could do.

  5. Tractor had hookworms. You have to use Ivermectin or you'll never get rid of them. You can use the same kind they use on cows (Tractor Supply has it) and you use 1/10 cc for every 10 lbs of body weight. It usually only takes once. But if you need a redose, wait a week. DO NOT DOSE ANY HIGHER than 1/10 cc for every 10 lbs though. I had a lab eat a whole tube of apple flavored horse dewormer, that was a trip to the vet...

  6. Thank all of you. Tank was my special boy and he was a wonderful ambassador for the greyhound breed. I have to go to work tomorrow and tell people there, lots of the people I work with loved him too. And that is going to be really, really hard. We went to see Andrea at Helping Hands Rescue this afternoon, she and her volunteers all hugged me and my husband. I miss my baby.

  7. Well, the bloodwork came back. Tank has liver failure. He's got an appointment to be put to sleep this evening. There is nothing that can be done to reset his liver and a flush will only get rid of the biliruben for a day or two. Which, while it would buy us some more time together, wouldn't cure his liver failure.

  8. I am having to put my heart dog Tank to sleep this afternoon. He has liver failure and there isn't anything that can be done to reverse it. He's been feeling down for a week or so, and when we got the bloodwork back from the vet, well, the decision was made. 5736_1086096759550_1440354075_30224547_5151887_n.jpg


    I love you Tank. You've been one of the best ambassadors gor retired greyhounds that ever was. Mama misses you.

  9. Went to the vet yesterday. He drew some blood, he's not convinced it is a dental issue. He says its just a typical greyhound mouth, so while he will need a dental eventually, right now he wants to see if there's something in the bloodwork. And Tank's on antibiotics. I made him some egg drop soup last night. I have some soup bones defrosting and I'm going to go get some beef broth and make some sort of soup from that. Tank ate some of the chicken and drank some of the broth last night, but he's not real intersted in it this morning.

  10. So, when it rains it pours! Tank is going for his exam tomorrow, and then to schedule a dental. Why? Because he seems to have a rotten tooth and he's not eating anything. I'm panicking because he's not eating and I am stretched thin while I'm job hunting.

  11. We're treating with antibiotics. The vet is pretty sure its a bug, she's sent samples out for analysis. So, we're covering all the bases. Still, not my idea of a good time. There are some things that are just nasty to clean up at 2 am. He's feeling blah and trying to sleep in the bed, so I know he's not up to par. I'm hoping he'll feel better in a few days. Everyone else at home is ok, so we'll see how it all goes.


    Well the results are in. Looks like he has hookworms. So now EVERYONE at the house is on Strongid. Oh boy!

  12. We're treating with antibiotics. The vet is pretty sure its a bug, she's sent samples out for analysis. So, we're covering all the bases. Still, not my idea of a good time. There are some things that are just nasty to clean up at 2 am. He's feeling blah and trying to sleep in the bed, so I know he's not up to par. I'm hoping he'll feel better in a few days. Everyone else at home is ok, so we'll see how it all goes.

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