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Posts posted by 2hounds

  1. Deer Missus Xanner Danner,


    I wood likes too offer my ex-purr-t eyesite too takes a look into this issue on the Hoo Hoo Waht Waht! I am a sitehound yoo no!


    I will also check out herb nibbles! Thanks for the mammories! YOWZA!


    I eegerly awate yer call!




    Guinn :smokin


    PS. These exams r free of charge!!!! ;)


    :rofl :rofl :rofl


    THere should be a peeing in my pants emoti because I am laughing THAT hard!


  2. Thanks for the prayers!!


    Donna, thanks for the post. The e-vet is quite certain it is HGE from a toxin or her food (but she's on lamb and rice?!?!). She's always been a grass eater and a barfer, but never this bad. She's at the vet overnight getting fluids and antibiotics. I'll call around 11 to see how she is. Poor baby. That blood is sooo scary!

    thanks again!




    Which lamb and rice food is she on? I ask because I have a call in to the vet right now for Iceman. He was just there Monday for his yearly and everything checked out fine but he had a little bit of bloody D earlier. Let me know what you find out.

  3. If you haven't already, send her vet records to Dr. Couto. I have heard back from the vets at Ohio State and we are going to do a test on Monday to see if she is positive for anaplasma. Other than that, they said that the treatment was exactly what they would have recommended. (Mia was on 20mg Twice/day pred for the first several weeks)

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