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Posts posted by claudiav


    Just came upon this thread and it may answer my question...our new pup Jim Copper (female) was 60.70 lbs on June 17 when she was treated at the vet in Florida before coming to NJ where she was 61 lbs on Aug. 23. We fostered her for a month and recently adopted her and her first visit with my vet is Friday Oct. 25. I am afraid to see what she weighs only because her ribs seemed to have disappeared and I saw mention of Kiowa in your post. According to Greyhound-Data, her grandfather was Kiowa Sweet Trey. Does this mean she may be prone to beefiness? This kid would eat until the cows came home and I give her 12 ounces of ProPlan chicken 2x daily and her snacks are miniscule but she is always hungry and when I put food down for my other grey I must guard it. If she wasn't putting on weight I would suspect worms. Opinions, please.


    I know the ritual of trying to fatten one up, while guarding his food from the other (who will take it from his mouth if she could)... I don't understand how Leyla became a chowhound, literally overnight... this girl was always my "picky pants" always sniffing everything, and always turning her nose up at it.... now she wants to take every morsel of food... I don't know if it's related to Remy's death, who used to be my chow hound...


    I have to feed Sarge first, always, and block Leyla while he's eating, or deciding if he's going to eat, or she will dive in before he makes up is mind... she's incorrigible! I tend to obsess over her figure too.... holding back on treats when her last two ribs don't show as much... while trying to shovel food down Sarge's throat so he can get out of the 60's.... it's awful...

  2. Sarge does this all the time it seems.... this boy is DEFINITELY happy!!!! so I also think it's cute and irresistible... he has what my DBF call "oriental eyes" .... he squints his eyes and puffs his lips... that is one happy boy... he enjoys touch and attention, like no one else... :beatheart:beatheart

    Taylor and Face do that when they are getting their Vitamin D in the back yard.




    I LOVE these boys!! I can't wait to meet 'em in a month :beatheart:beatheart :beatheart countdown to FL trip is on....

  3. Have any of you guys ever heard of, or had experience, with OS in toes? Sarge has a swollen rear toe that doesn't seem to bother him in the least bit, but I'm sure you know the sinking feeling, especially when I lost Remy to OS just 3 months ago... I'm paranoid... I felt around the swelling and it doesn't seem to me to be soft tissue swelling.... there is no loose/extra skin, or mooshy gooey pocket, if it was a soft tissue injury... the bone itself seems bigger than the other toes... this appeared suddenly, out of nowhere.... DBF said he was running around in the yard yesterday, but I would think it would cause him pain if he sprained it, dislocated it, or injured it in some way, and it's worrysome that it isn't............. (sorry no pic... I will see if I can load one tonite if I can get a good pic of it)


    Am I being a freak? I am trying to wait and see if it goes down on its own in a couple of days, since it's not bothering him otherwise...

  4. Our 12 1/2 yr old Bess is causing us agita with her on again/off again interest in food. I took the advice of another forum member and bought canned tripe and all the talk of it being smelly is absolutely true, by the way. That was enticing for a day or two and I was only using it as a topping and mixed into her kibble. Now she is turning her nose up at it and we are now onto canned vienna sausages (ok, but no big deal) and canned sardines in tomato sauce (which I rinse off before serving, I couldn't find any plain during my panic shopping trip.)


    She upchucked some yellow bile today and there went a bed because it soaked through to the stuffing. I picked up Pepcid and gave her a pill tonight but not sure if it will do any good as I did not pulverize it and it is supposed to be chewed before swallowing. I just coated it with peanut butter which she never turns down but this time she did and I had to push it down her throat. Tomorrow I will scramble up a couple of eggs and see how that works. She used to like hard boiled but that is old hat by now...


    Oh no.... again? did you try giving her the can of tripe without kibble? Leyla inhaled a can this morning... don't forget canned cat food.... the stinkier the better.... Sarge has bee giving me some trouble too... he is tired of the kibble and canned food he's been eating for a month now... wouldn't go near it since the weekend.... picked up another gastro intestinal vet food and he's scarfing it down... good luck!

  5. noooo...... I can't believe this.... he can't catch a break, this pup.... I am thinking of you two...


    I don't think it 3 days for OSU to respond... I got the same message in April, when Remy was diagnosed with OS and consulted with them... Dr. Kellog responded that same day... I don't know how things have changed since, or how Dr. Cuoto handles consults at his new place....


    Praying for you.... so sad...

  6. I've never dealt with a clot before, so I don't know anything about it... might sound ignorant, so I apologize.... if they know where the clots are located, they can't insert a needle in them and break them up, or inject something to break/dilute them? I can't believe what pain he's experiencing from this, yet it seems like they should be able to treat it somehow... poor baby... my hopes and prayers are with you...

  7. No. Doesn't matter.


    Here dogs go through the door first so it's easy to close it after us all, and they eat first so they're content during people dinner.


    same here.... dogs go first so we don't repeat accidents and shut storm doors on tails :headwall (leading to partial tail amputations) and pups eat first (1) b/c I take an hour to eat and (2) b/c they would refuse their food if they smelled something better... no one here has any confusion about who the leader of the pack is.... they each know their place...

  8. poor poor boy.... that is so strange the corn coming back so soon, if they went as deep as you say... I hulled Remy corn every 3 - 4 weeks, and when he had corn removal surgery, it was several months before it returned... that is crazy.... what also puzzles me is that you say he's NEVER had relief when corns were removed... I almost feel like it's something else, b/c if you remove the corn (by hulling, or surgery) they should have relief within a day or two... walk without a limp until it grows back... I can't believe that he would still be limping after that.... I feel so bad for him..... he's such a trooper....



    please keep us updated on what you learn... the lymph nodes swelling, and the lump falling out of him is troubling too... keeping you in our thoughts constantly... :hope:candle:grouphug

  9. All my dogs learned it rightawayquick, but Sarge took almost 6 weeks to learn it... I thought it was too small for him (he is exceptionally tall) so I bought a monster size one and replaced it... now a human can enter it... whatever... but he did seem way more comfortable once I changed to the bigger one.... but he too learned to come in, but would not go out on his own for another 2-3 weeks after he learned to come in... Thank goodness!!!

  10. doubt it... it's more likely behavioral.... something's spooking him... try nudging him along with your knees to his butt and lots of praise... try to get him focused on you, rather than whatever is making him nervous.. take your time... he'll come out of his shell and gain more comfort with you and his new life as a pet...

  11. I used to not like hearing that a dog may not be the right fit for certain families, but I've come around to the idea... sometimes it's just not the right fit... doesn't mean he's a bad dog, doesn't mean you're bad owners, just not the right circumstances for everyone in the family... having reread your prior post again, I'm starting to think he is just not with the family he's meant to be with... maybe he needs to be with a family with no/older children, maybe he needs to be an only dog, maybe he needs to grow up and learn how to appreciate retirement... I tolerate a lot b/c I am pretty strong minded, but an attack on a family member won't fly in my book... and if you are worried, or can't give the full commitment to working with him, I would talk to the adoption group and ask if they have a hound that is older, maybe lost his home thru no fault of his own, and would be a better fit... IMHO, Payton needs to go to someone that knows how to work with sleep/space issues, and can rehabilitate him... before it turns ugly...


    Good luck!! please let us know what you decide.... and please please please don't give up on greyhounds... they really are gems

  12. Claudia, food changes don't cause bacterial overgrowth. That is not your fault!


    Further, my vet never ever recognized the possibility that our dog's SIBO was SIBO! I had to finally just *order* them to do a culture & sensitivity on the poop. This is not your fault, and I'm glad you have a much sharper vet than we did. (Well, like my vet, yours went after it first with Tylan, which is too mild.) Repeat: Food changes don't cause SIBO (unless the food is contaminated, and that's a different issue entirely).


    Sorry to sound ignorant.... I've learned so many abbreviations here... What is SIBO?

  13. I changed Sarge's diet abruptly when i adopted him, and likely caused the whole problem. Though, I'm still confused why it took 4 days for the diarrhea to start. However, when it started, it was AWFUL! It exploded out of him, he couldn't control it, he was having accidents in the house, yet his appetite was ON! I waited too long to bring him in b/c I wanted him to see my regular vet, who was not in for 4 days. By then, she took one look at him and said he needs to be admitted, he is severely dehydrated. I freaked out and blamed myself, but I didn't know these diarrhea episodes can be so dangerous with greys, and they can lose them if severe enough. I learned my lesson, that's for sure: no more abrupt food changes, and no waiting over 24-48 hrs of diarrhea starting.


    As a result of that severe dehydration, two months ago, his kidney values dropped drastically, and we have been monitoring them to make sure they slowly come back up. I am giving him weekly B-12 sub-q injections. Thankfully, we are not in the kidney disease stage... but he did have some damage b/c I waited too long and he was so badly dehydrated. It must be at this point that he picked up the infection and it has been HELL to get rid of it. We are now on Zeniquin, and within 2 days I have already seen an improvement in his poops... we had our first non-diarrhea, slightly formed poops and I swear I did a celebratory dance. He loves this Iams low residue vet food, and he's eating it with gusto. I can't remember the last time he ate the same food three times a day --- much less, with gusto! So I think we're on the right track. My vet agrees and I can't be any happier.


    God, it's been a long, rocky road, but I am hopeful we are turning the corner.... and I am so elated it's not cancer!!! he wasn't responding to Tylan and his appetite was not improving... like I said, he even went on a four day hunger strike, and I had to feed him by syringe... I thought he was dying....


    now we gotta fatten up my gorgeous bag of bones :beatheart

  14. Thank you Kudzu! yes, CBC, U/A, stool sample, testing for Addison's disease, testing for Malabsorption vs Maldigestion, and FISH testing have been done prior to ultrasound. Stool sample a month ago revealed campylobacter infection in the large and small intestine, and the malabsorbtion due to the kidneys having been put under the stress of severe dehydration (he has had diarrhea for 8 weeks now). He was on Tylan powder for a month, but it seems it didn't kill the campylobacter infection, which she said is very resistant to many ABs. So we are now on Baytrill and hoping those do the trick. I was concerned there was a tumor that was causing him pain, and that's why he has not been eating.... he went on a four day hunger strike... we gave him inappetance and anti-nausea pills.... I have even fed him by syringe b/c he wouldn't eat and I will not let him waste away.... i'm hopeful that she doesn't see what typically would look like cancer, but more likely the infection that has not been killed off.... of course, if Baytril doesn't work in 14 days' time, it may be time for that biopsy (upper GI endoscopy) which I swore not to put him thru... and if his appetite doesn't improve, he will need to go on some sort of steroid, but I am so worried about it as he is already a bag of bones, and I don't want it attacking any other organs in the process... this boy raced @ 78 lbs and he was down to 64 yesterday.... the Baytril needs to kick that infections' ass and my boy needs to gain weight!!!

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