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Posts posted by Sambuca

  1. How hard did she bite? Did she leave a mark or break skin?


    To me, it sounds like she'd had enough. Either he hit a sensitive spot or she just got over stimulated and that was her way of stopping him. A vet visit may be in order. You can also imitate what he was doing while giving treats so that she associates those sensations with good things.

  2. In the BBQ picture she looks very underweight. In the other 2, she only looks like she could gain a few. I've found that as puppies grow, they go through periods where they grow in height and periods they grow in weight. While they grow in height, they often look thin and lanky, so I'm wondering if that's what's happening.


    As for the head down, it could be some fear, but I'm wondering if she just really likes her neck being rubbed and is encouraging you to pet it. She may have figured out that the neck rubs feel best in that position.

  3. A growl isn't a bad thing. Dogs can't talk. This is his way of saying he's uncomfortable.

    One thing I do when working with new dogs is when I get them to give me a toy or bone, I'll often give it right back, unless there's a reason they can't have it. They learn it's not a huge deal to give it to me because it comes right back to them. I give a lot of praise and when I give it back I let them have it at least 5 minutes before I'll do it again. I feel if I do it too often then they'll get annoyed. I know I would. :lol

  4. Bu was like that. He just stayed in his crate for months, even with the door open. I'd have to crawl in the crate to put his leash on him and drag him out. With time, patience, and love, he got over it. It's been 5 years and people who meet him are shocked to hear what he was like. He's now goofy, sweet, and loves people. Certain things, mainly noises, make him hide still, but we've come very far.

  5. She looks good to me. I even get the too skinny comments from people with greyhounds! My response is that they are athletes and my vet and I are extremely happy with their weight. If they push it about Bu (which is usually who they comment on) I tell them he's allowed to eat as much as he wants and usually eats 6-8 cups of kibble a day. Short of shoving more down his throat, there's nothing I can do. He's happy and healthy where he is.

  6. It's just me, but I've seen this often. You don't enforce what you say often enough. Sailor loves doing tricks for treats for me. When out, he's learned that if someone else asks him to do something he can stare at them for a bit and he'll get his treats anyway. People think he's cute so they don't wait him out. It drives me batty!

    My suggestion is if you want him to lay on his bed the first time you ask, ask him, then if doesn't listen gently garb his collar and bring him to the bed. He'll learn you mean business.

  7. Bow is really easy and everyone loves it! I taught it by capturing it when the dogs would stretch. They now do it on voice command and if I bow to them.

    Touch is also good. Just have him put his nose to their palm. They'll be giving consent by offering their hand, but it's also easy for most people even if they're bedridden to put their hand off the bed.

    Spin is cute.

    If he's not normally a big tail wagger, you can teach him to wag his tail on command. It works best to start them in sphinx position and any time he moves his tail, click and treat. Once he has that down, start while he's standing. It only took Bu a couple days to learn to wag on command while laying down. He doesn't stand often enough to bother while he's standing. :lol

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