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Everything posted by knightfal

  1. I now keep a supply of pred in the house after what happened to my dogs. I used my personal doc to get it, way easier than the vet. That way we can give him a dose as soon as a problem would arise.
  2. you can try these to herbs, "Angustura Vera" and "Hypericum Perforatum" You can also try DMSO gel. DSMO GEL or the DMSO cream with additives. DMSO Cream With Additives I only found this stuff recently (after Bullet passed) from my uncle who owns a horse farm in VA. He uses it on the farm animals. He said you have to be careful with this stuff. You would need to wear surgical gloves and use a tongue depressor to apply it to the dogs skin. You would need to shave the area in question and apply it there. Your dog is most likely not going to like it because he will smell like and his tongue will taste garlic. But from whats hes told me this stuff works wonders and the smell is worth it. Just don't get it on your skin or you will tastes garlic on your tongue. Good Luck.
  3. I am very sorry for your loss!
  4. knightfal

    My Sweet Belle

    I'm very sorry for your loss.
  5. I am very sorry for your loss.... Hang in there, the tears will stop one day....
  6. I am so very sorry for your loss.... I fell your pain and sorrow.. Run free Isis
  7. We are actually thinking about getting Blast a friend. He pretty much just sleeps in the bedroom all day. I do take him with me to pick my daughter up from school which gets him excited. Other than that he just bums around. You can tell he misses Bullet.
  8. I am very sorry for your loss. My Bullet just passed to the bridge. I'm sure he' s playing with your buddy.
  9. I'm so glad Jazz is happy and living with other Greys.... You have a nice family of pups there! Since Jazz is from the same litter you should know that both Bullet and Blast suddenly lost use of their back legs. Blast dropped 3 days before xmas but was able to stand within 12hrs, recovered fully with in 3 weeks with high doses of steroids, and as you have read Bullet didn't. I think ruptured discs are running in our family. Other than that they were/are healthy. Bullet was the alpha, usually pretty laid back and lazy. Blast is the total opposite, hes fully of energy and kinda hyper. Bullet would walk right next to you on the leash while blast is trying to rip your arm off. Totally opposite personalities that were best buddies.
  10. Welcome to a happy retirement Ovie....
  11. Thanks, and we are from Wexford
  12. Thanks everyone, I'm glad I found Greytalk. Pat, Thanks for the warm welcome. And yes all of our Red Tigers are stunning aren't they. I like that picture of your TigerPower, looks like he has a curly Q tail like my Blast.
  13. Bullet on the left Blast on the right. Bullet and Madison Madison putting band aids on Bullets scars! Blast on the left, Bullet on the right Blast Blast all comfy! Bullet all comfy! Bullet standing proud!
  14. Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Jason, my wife is Kelly, and our daughter is Madison. we have had greyhounds for 9 years and love them so much. We are from Western PA. Blast is our current Grey His brother Bullet just passed Will have a gallery up when I can.
  15. I am very sorry for your loss.
  16. Robin, I am sorry for your loss. I just lost one of mine and I feel your pain. May your sweet Polli romp around with my Bullet!
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