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Posts posted by cleptogrey

  1. 2 hours ago, Irish said:

    thank you cleptogrey. I appreciate the ideas and the husband ;) I'm realizing this more and more, that my husband comes first. which should've been obvious in the first place. oops. (sorry honey xo)

    your most welcome. 

    try bringing your dog in weekly for nail trimming as well. and do get the tacky paw or something similar- non-toxic. the old stuff was a rosin type product. think about it, gymnast us rosin all the time, but this is not messy. 

    good luck w/ all and keep that spouse truckin- 

  2. look up tacky paw, show people use it for their dogs for indoor ring. some dogs do skid out. i think i saw it on amazon but cherrybrook should definitely have it.  if you can't find that product google  "what is used on show dogs paws to stop them from skidding out"

    sorry, but husband trump dog. the stuff really works.

    oh, yoga mats slip, low profile neoprene runners stay in place. but with the parkinson shuffle even that is dangerous. the elderly fall and either break their pelvis or hip.

  3. adequan injections?

    dd's dog is on pregabalin vs gabentin. more $$$ but processed differently by the body and is used in conjunction w/ metacam. i had great results w/ adequan for felix and her dog is now getting shots as well and there is a marked difference. Maggie has major arthritis to her shoulders, no sign of cancer just really bad arthritis. yup, she still had a gimp w/ the drugs but the adequan made a big difference.


  4. On 6/20/2023 at 2:52 PM, nycinpdx said:

    I've wondered about this. Did you use Blue Pearl Pet Hospice? 

    i have very negative feelings about BLUE PEARL pet hospital and i'm sure their hospice is connected. I personally know 2 people who were taken for $30k rides and their team of vets, vet tech, receptionist won't give you the time of day when you call. from what i have been told they never consider quality of life and are out for the big bucks and abuse loving pet owners.I also looked up reviews when my good friend's dog was sent there. They were horrible!


    have you spoken w/ your vet re: quality of life? if he is down to 60# from 85 that should say something. your hand feeding, letting him out many many times a day/night, your not sleeping.  I'm sad to say he's failing. I just can't believe that your personal vet has not discussed this with you.

    I'm hoping for a peaceful time for you and your boy together and ultimately a stressless time for you. We all go thru this, very rarely is it a sudden demise resulting in a quick passing. The pros and cons of modern medicine.

    Big Bottle Blue Cheap Mouthwash
    3 C. Epsom Salt
    3 12 oz cans/bottles (stale / cheap) beer
    Mix the 3 ingredients together until Epsom Salt is disolved.
    Spray anywhere you sit outside, around pools, decks, etc..
    Will not harm plants, flowers, as a matter of fact magnesium in
    epsom salt is a plus!
    Will totally repel mosquitoes from the area for approx. 80 days. even after rain
    Heard on Paul Harvey, has worked for author for 15 years
    Reputed to have a nice minty smell.
  6. i'm chiming in a little late, she is already clear but will start to stain again. i found that diapers were o.k. during the evening while we were watching tv but the whippets ripped them off! no matter what i purchased, they hated them. disposable were a joke, the $$$ fabric were a bigger joke. 

    hydrogen peroxide clean up blood on fabric. generally my dogs clean themselves well and only pool after lying down for a period of time.  the most comfortable diapers for from Phresh Pet that i found at Petco. They have more elastic and give.

    Remember your dog's stain will be clear generally from day 11-17 and then they start staining w/ a bloody discharge. the entire cycle can last from 4-5 weeks. one of my girls has a 5+week cycle. she will be spay this summer. spaying is best done 3 months after the cycle is completed, all the blood vessels return to normal.

  7. i'm full of all sorts of new things that i've been using lately and why not share. normally it's fish oil and that's it. meds when prescribed.

    in dealing w/ a wrenched neck(whippet landing incorrectly) and a couple of vertebrae out of alignment the vet/chiropractor/pt has suggested  MYOS Muscle. Mango was initially on crate rest and pain management, but this approach is now PT(easy to do at home) and this supplement, MYOS Muscle. It's amazing, in 2 weeks i see a difference in tone, remember she was on crate rest for a month.

    upon reading about the line i see they also have a joint supplement as well. Check it out, most of the reviews are by owners of older large dogs. so, who knows? 



  8. an equestrian friend of mine suggested this when one of the pups had horrible stable fly bites all over her. i started her with benadry to halt the allergic reaction but she was left w/ awful looking scabs and inflamed areas. coat defense worked beautifully, the area was cleared up in less than a week. then recently the other pup was chewing on her toes. i looked, inflamed skin partially due to running and digging to china. then i remember that i have a small container of coat defense in my canine supplies. low and behold- i sprinkled it in between toes and she instantly stopped chewing/licking. repeated it again the next day- just in case- and she's fine. still digging to china.

    so, for those of you who might be battling w/ coat/skin issues this is a good product to have in you dog supplies. i picked it up on amazon but it looks like it's cheaper on the manufacturer's web site. https://coatdefense.com/ 

  9. allergy to mold in grasses/dirt? very common. OR FUNGUS? at one point emily was licking away- my vet inspected her webbing, what i thought was just dirt turned out to be fungus. Felix had an issue w/ his nail bed at the same time- fungus. we used human jock itch spray and it healed up quickly. but let your vet look at it.

  10. i went thru the same thing when my vet of 38 years was reducing his hours, not admitting that he was ready to retire(he had twins very late in life) and eventually/unfortunately suddenly passed.

    i asked friends, looked for a practice with max 2 vets. Friends who used a practice that changed to a zillion vets were really disappointed. the larger practices often have new new grads who are text book savvy but not hands on and they never were able to get the same practitioner twice. so, the problem was never really dealt with.

    i am anti VCA and Banfield. There are quite a few groups out there, so look it up. One might need to visit one for a true emergency, so don't shy away, but I prefer a ma and pa operation. We did use one of the best VCA E-hospitals in Denver when Lettuce was running 105 and staining- fear of pyrometria. But we were very lucky and I opened my mouth up immediately and told them that unnecessary testing was out of the question. The triage vet was very understanding.

    Ohio state is not essential, I have had good luck w/ vets from Cornell, U of PA, and our adoption group used one trained in Prince Edwards Island.All the stats for a GH are published.  My long time late vet was more of a country vet located in a suburban hamlet but he was a great diagnostician.  My new vet explains everything more than thoroughly, knows i'm pretty conservative in treatment and respects that. She is a wonderful human and very scientific. 

    Good luck, unfortunately one can't tell by their receptionist. 

  11. houndstooth is ok, but  just about everyone who used them in this area ended up needing a regular dental anyway. raw marrow bones, collagen rolls(safer than rawhide) helps. also, dry food, i found out from a vet friend that i could be feeding my gh dry with out worrying about bloat, it's generally the AKC gh who get it. also HILLS makes(made) a dental food- larger pieces that helped keep the enamel clean.https://www.hillspet.com/dog-food/pd-td-canine-dry?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=12261618933&cq_con=112560662610&cq_term=hills dental care dog food&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_plt=gp&gclid=CjwKCAjwyeujBhA5EiwA5WD7_eW67wyrFHnrfKFLWL6jHjEFogcJaDzdSpqCYILqOaOX-aOvu3608BoCCCMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

  12. my daughter's 13.5 yr old dog is on pregabalin. much more $$$$, but she has liver issues and her vet is being super cautious. Mango(3yrs old) was just on gabapentin for 4 weeks- neck, spine issue due to crazy running and off bad landing. i started her on 100mg, twice a day then increased to 200mg twice daily the next day. she only weighs 37lbs(whippet) hence the lesser dosage. it did sedate her and helped keep her quiet- but also made her super dumb. my friend's 85lb borzoi was on 300mg, 3xs daily. i was watching her after my friend suddenly died. i reduced her intake to 300mg once a day and eliminated it after a couple of days, she was doing really well in our environment and didn't need it. strangely enough, the borzoi did have liver issues- she recovered from lepto which affected her liver. the Animal Medical Center(the best in NYC) did NOT put her on pregabalin. go know?

  13. https://www.hillspet.com/dog-food/pd-gastrointestinal-biome-canine-dry?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=12530672767&cq_con=123149238710&cq_term=gastrointestinal biome dog food&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_plt=gp&gclid=CjwKCAjwuqiiBhBtEiwATgvixP4ARNY-AFxWfTsUXjSMEqniPAMad5GyFsETu5hkTm_2jLnBKp95TxoCLKYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


    i'm currently watching a friend's borzoi who has survived Leptospirosis! Amazing, the disease is generally lethal- and she was vaccinated. The rat population in Manhattan was the culprit. Aside from her liver going into havoc, her gut was affected. She was tube fed for over 2 months. One of the many vets used put her on this hills food and it's working!

    I just wanted to share this with all of you who are trying every and anything to firm up your dog. This just might be a viable answer to your woes.

    The story of my friend's borzoi was posted on the FB GT page-https://www.facebook.com/groups/292159511913/?multi_permalinks=10159458146901914&notif_id=1682483837413370&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif

  14. Joe is going solo- 

    I rented a cute mancave for him in New Oxford for Thurs & Friday nights. So, check out BUSHMAN STUDIO. He found 6 or 7 full size blue prints, $25 each and I decided to throw in 2 of my black tees with his blue print design. They are size Medium and $35 a piece. This is the very last of that series. We are not doing another run of either. 

    There will be a $5 box of assorted goodies- prints, small drawings, etc.  The acquisition of vintage GH/sighthound items is getting both very very difficult and very very expensive. We are not going to invest in goods that are super expensive, overpriced and or mundane. Each piece is carefully curated. 

    Dewey was my last show- but Joe decided that since he still had the GH painting bug he should finish some new work and bring the last of his antiques to one more GIG. 

    So, stop by and say hello- one never knows what Joe has found these days! As always he does have his shop on RUBY LANE  https://w.rubylane.com/shop/bushman-studio/ilist?lane=art

  15. so ellen, what's the verdict? if you figure this one out i'll try it on Joe. He insists on giving the dogs desert! (a greenie or dog biscuit). I am great with keeping their weight down and torture Joe if they look a pound overweight and make HIM get on the scale with them. Me on a scale- only if i wish to stroke out from a sudden surge in my BP!

  16. annie was on flagyl for nearly 6 months until her "colitis" calmed down. 2 weeks on, off and 2 days later puddles. the vet decided to put her on it and have me reduce it slightly after a month. back on it- and i finally found a lower dose that was effective. rice & chicken and ID diet for quite some time. she dropped weight initially but put it back on.

    all of this was stress induced colitis! we were vending at a grapehounds event which turned into a nightmare since it was in the high 90s the entire time. the heat and camping and everything else was just too much. she showed no signs of stress at the show. it was after.

    i did ask about tylan vs flagyl. it's the vet's preference. dogs can live on limited food- ie rice and cooked chicken or turkey/beef indefinitely. my saluki survived parvo and lived on rice for 6.5 yrs- his digestive system couldn't take anything else.

    good luck

  17. do you want all wheel drive? if so, toyota sienna- goes for ever. otherwise I LOVE LOVE LOVE my honda odyssey. I happen to believe in crating dogs, especially in a mini-van. check out the dimensions of the width and crates for rear, lift gate crating. i fit 2 whippet size crates in the rear. all of the shapes and sizes have changed especially with the newer airline specifications. i currently picked up a Magnum crate- it looks like a vari-kennel x airstream camper cross- not as wide and nice and tall. a greyhound will most likely not fit into the ruffland x-large kennel. they are only 28" tall vs. the Magnum with is 33.5"

    my dogs fly all over the odyssey when not crated. but stay put in the smaller contained space of the CRV or a sedan. Still crating is the safest, especially if your going to have kidlets in the car.


  18. get rid of the treats, not the dog walker. if he is reliable, then stick with him

    put out one bag of a low calorie treat clearly labeled- ie a CARROT or some fresh STRING BEANS- dogs love them and they are good bulk.

    Science Diet Low Calorie food really workshttps://www.hillspet.com/about-us/nutritional-philosophy/innovations/weight?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=19468333119&cq_con=151738061224&cq_term=science+diet+healthy+weight&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_plt=gp&lightboxfired=true&_gl=1*uhff09*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxMmhBhDJARIsANFGOSuF6NmUyFm6LW0VidXXQVsosHjwug6j4udLtJXhWbEkbWiQFICloHYaAp5PEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#

     Velcro,(the late great scottie) had addison's disease. he needed to maintain his 24lb weight, meds were super $$$$ and scotties gain weight looking at food. I managed to get his weight down in a short amount of time and kept him on a combo of diet and a better food for his life. 

    you can also put out a bag-1/4c of the light food and just reduce it from the night time feeding.

  19. Joe, not I nor dogs, will be there on Friday and Sat. So, stop by and say hi. He has a couple of new GH paintings(he has too many greyt photos of GH not to keep on working) and decided to open up shop. Some new statues but limited jewelry. The jewelry is as difficult to find as hen's teeth these days. And I thought Dewey would be the last show- well, for me- not Joe obviously!


  20. carol's collars are the softest and proceeds go to her rescue group.- a win/win situation.

    i also use the commercial  breakaway collars- soft fabric but a lot of hardware. my current whippets can't use the boomerang slide on tags, they wore the hair away and irritated their skin. but the greyhounds were fine w/ them. 

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