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Posts posted by tra708

  1. I just wanted to chime in with my support. You make the most informed and loving choices you can, but many things are just out of your control. I've been through this twice, and in hindsight there are things I wish I had done differently, for sure. And I spent many hours freaking out, and shed many tears of regret.

    Like others have said, stuff happens that you couldn't have predicted, despite your best efforts to do exactly the right thing. Don't be so hard on yourself!!

    It sounds like once you get rid of the infection, your girl will turn the corner towards getting better. Find the vet that you feel the most connection with, and

    ask them what they would do if it was their own dog. Don't panic.

    Healing thoughts and prayers for your pup.

  2. She isn't panting as much now, and although she still can hardly walk, she seems to be in better spirits. She does have a little arthritis in the back end, which means she only has one good leg at the moment. :( The back end is what the Metacam was for, and it was working well before this happened.

    When at rest, she seems comfortable, and she still eats enthusiastically. So, there's that.

    Monitoring closely for now. Thanks!

  3. You are not being harsh at all. Honestly I am in agreement with you, but my vet said to at least give her a chance to improve for a week or two.

    I am trying to make the best decision without being paranoid about others' judgement (real or imagined). It's hard, and seeing her unhappy and

    not enjoying life, is crushing. I've now been through this kind of situation twice before this, and one comforting thought afterwards was that I did

    not wait too long. I never judge anyone else on this, but I tend to be in the "day too soon" camp.

    About the cast on the leg...her wrist cannot bend in it.

    Anyhow, thank you so much for your input.

  4. Has this ever happened to anyone here?: a week ago I took Lola to the vet with back end/legs weakness, and got her on a daily dose of Metacam. She improved immediately with that. Then all of a sudden, she was limping horribly and would not put weight on her front left leg.

    She could not walk at all! X-rays showed a possible fracture of the wrist bone. (no bone cancer)


    Now she has a cast on, and is pretty immobile. I have to help her outside to pee, and she pants and shakes a lot. Walking is difficult.

    Has anyone's dog broken a bone in the front leg because their arthritis in the back made them start depending too much on the front??


    By the way, she is almost 13. in just a few short days, she has gone from being healthy and energetic--to seeming like she's 100 yrs old!!


    I feel so bad for her. Can anyone share a similar experience?


    Much thanks,


  5. I know this topic has been covered before, but I just got freaked out because not only does Connie have dry looking patches on her sides under her arms, but really scaly skin on her back too! Her coat is oily and rather sparse. She's black, I don't know if that makes a difference, but she's definitely the only hound I've had with this kind of skin.

    So far, I've tried using Missing Link in her food for about a month. It's helped a little. I've finally found food that makes her poop really good, so I'm reluctant to start messing around with that again. But, maybe another supplement?

    Has anyone else ever had a hound with such scaly skin? Any suggestions?


  6. Last night Lola was shaking uncontrollably because of neighborhood fireworks, so I tried this stuff Adaptil spray. I sprayed it on the blanket she was lying on, and on a sweatshirt that I put next to her. Within 10 minutes, she was able to stop shaking and lie down and relax. It was a pretty amazing result. Adaptil comes in a spray and a plug-in room diffuser too. So, I don't know if you've ever tried it, but that stuff might help Chase deal with his anxiety.

    Hey also, maybe you could try some soft classical music first, and then gradually work up to whatever you like to listen to. Good luck!


  7. Lola was scared of everything when I first got her. The drapes, the garbage, the furniture, the wind. You name it. If you walked into the same room with her, she would leave! She still gets freaked by things sometimes, but she is a different dog than she was before. She also was 5 yrs old when I adopted her.

    With the passage of time and a lot of patience, just like others have said, things will improve, and it will be very rewarding. What Greyt_dog_lover says makes a lot of sense! Give your new pup some time and love. :)

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