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Posts posted by tra708

  1. we've been without abby for a month...it's been hard. i know others are going through the same. i just wanted to put this out there; there's a wonderful artist who makes really cool and beautiful pendants you can wear around your neck, and she creates them using a small amount of your dog's ashes. i know this isn't for everyone, but for me, it's very comforting to have a piece of abby resting against my heart at all times. maybe some of you would find a small measure of comfort from this, too. :heart


  2. congrats on your new boy! our dog abby had a lump in the same place that looked like that, and we let it go because we (and our vet) thought it was a lipoma. but, it turned out to be a mast cell tumor. it was filled with blood that would not clot (no platelets). so, hopefully billy's is nothing serious. don't worry until you know what it is. i just thought i should share our experience. please keep us posted!

  3. i am so sorry for your loss. everyone here understands and has been through it too. during the time between racing and the bridge, we can provide them with the most loving, fun life possible. i'll do it over and over again. and you did just that for King.

  4. misty was such a beautiful girl!! so sorry for your loss. i can only hope that she is playing with abby, who we lost on May 10th. abby was also a very feisty, spicy girl. we miss her so much. walking with you down this same road....



  5. so sorry you lost your boy. we lost our abby to mast cell cancer 3 weeks ago; others are travelling the same hard road right with you. the grief can be overwhelming. i can tell you that we just adopted another greyhound, and it is helping to channel our grief into love for a new hound, with her own special qualities. i couldn't imagine feeling joy again, but it's there, and waiting for you when you are ready.

    with healing thoughts,


  6. we are walking the road alongside you as well. 5 days so far. i just looked at all your pictures of Alan. he was such a beautiful boy. so sorry, and i hope each day gets a little easier.

    tracy, ellen, abby (1/96-5/09)









  7. i am so sorry for your loss. we have had the same quietness and empty dog beds in our house since sunday. it's really painful and thank god this forum is here. i hope you feel better soon. matty looks like a sweet and wonderful dog.

    tracy, ellen,

    and abby (1996-2009)


  8. i'm so sorry for your loss. we lost abby on sunday night and we too still have the collars and the frisbee and the toys and beds lying all over the place. can't move them yet. thank you for your beatiful post and may our dogs be playing together now!

  9. There are times when I sit and stare at all the pictures of my hounds on the walls of my house, and there are many, and reflect on those that are gone from my life. I miss them all terribly in a special way for each. But I am comforted by the fact that each and every one was able to live out their lives here with us, where they were well cared for and most importantly of all, loved. Pain is the price we pay for love and its a pain well worth baring when you know that it was for something so precious. For as many hounds that I keep in their own special place in my heart, there is an infinite amount of room for more. Those that have gone before have taught me well how to love better the ones that come after. Hearts heal and sadness changes to profoundly cherished memories that make a heart happy. It will come with time........


    I watched the video of Abby again and it makes me smile that she was so obviously well loved. Her happiness showed throughout the pictures and made my heart laugh. I hope your heart heals well with that extra space for more.cutelittlebeatingheart.gif



    thank you for that. it really helps. we do have much room in our hearts for another. as well as some really nice, but now empty, dog beds. :(

    i can't bear the thought of putting them away.

    thanks again,


  10. That is very nice and so true. It's almost 3 weeks and the pain sometimes is so unbearable. I never loved a pet as I did for my greyhound, Alan. I have received two books from GT'rs and have just begun reading one. I am hoping to cope with this horrific and sudden loss as you are. Someday, when you are ready, you will be able to give your love and devotion to another greyhound. I hope you find that place soon.

    i am so sorry about alan. i understand how you feel because i just lost my first greyhound Abby, to cancer, at 13. this happened just last night. i still can't quite believe it. it's probably the worst feeling i've ever had. i am just taking things minute by minute and trying to cope. i think it will help us to know that others are going through the exact same thing. these greyhounds are so special. and so are their people.




  11. i left a post several days ago asking how people got through losing a dog. well now it has happened. abby was 13 and had cancer and we knew from our last vet visit (ultrasound) that it had spread to her liver and she was also in danger of internal bleeding. yesterday we were with her all day. friends came over, she played frisbee, she ate grilled lamb chops and steak and treats, and went for a great ride in the car to the beach, where we shared a beautiful sunset walk. then, late last night, she got up on our bed, and we noticed a new lump on her abdomen. we knew it was filling with blood, that she was starting to feel distress, and that it was definitely time to go. there was no question about it. the emergency vet was phenomenal. abby passed away quietly and peacefully on her fluffy bed, with us lying on it with her. i thank everyone for their suggestions on how to cope with this loss for the first time. i can't even really wrap my mind around it yet. i've posted her video on here before, so apologies if you've seen it already....but if i know people are watching it, maybe it would help me get through this day.

    love to all who are going through the same thing.


  12. at 11pm last night we had to let our dear sweet Abby go. i can't begin to imagine what today will be like or the next day or the next day. we had her for 13yrs and she was a great great dog. i am sure i will find some comfort on this forum, reading other people's stories. thanks to everyone who writes in, through their tears. if i know some people are watching her video today, it will ease the grief.


    naples fl

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