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Posts posted by JAJ2010

  1. Agreed! Not space aggression at all! She either wasn't as comfy as you think with this kind of play and let you know. Or she was escalating the play into the ouchy rough house zone. If your going to rough house with a large dog... well..... LOL


    I've rough housed with Rainy and ask the injuries I've gotten I've deserved. Bf was rough housing with Sunshine and got bit. Can't blame the pup for that one. LOL


    Take a deep breath, realize you crossed some dog boundaries and move on. :-) Live in the moment like the pups do. And have fun at your meet n greet!

  2. Thanks! That's good to know that xanax won't mess.up the treatment. Maybe I'll dose her before we leave the house... I'll call and ask. Poor Sunshine will be going solo since we have a puppy guest this next week. Don't want to leave a strange dog alone at home so Rainy will stay with our guest.

  3. needles did not work for DaVid. Nothing works for him. I am trying to find a vet that will do I-therm. He is now off Doxy and Rimadyl. I will start with pred in 7 days. I wish I could find the right neuro specialist for him.


    I hope you find the right Dr soon! (((HUGS)))

    I just don't want her cowering in a corner and the dr sticking her with needles. That's my crazy worst case senario in my head. I supose I can always sit on the floor and hold her in my lap if she gets that scared. I know I've gotten spoiled with our very good vet over the past couple years. We've been to many other people that shouldn't be able to touch even a turtle ler alone call themselves vets.

  4. I will make sure I ask about the calm spirit! Thanks. Now that I'm researching this vet I'm finding out she's only been at the practice for 3 years.... The Dr we use has over 25 years there! :hehe Knew she rocked!


    Filling out this accupunture intake form and this is all a little out there and crazy, even for me. Wednesday cannot come soon enough.

  5. I promise to update! I'm just hoping I can get her to relax enough to stay still and let the Dr approach her! Last thing I need is her darting around with needles sticking it if her. LOL this is a brand new Dr. for her. I'm guessing it'll take place in the regular vet room.... I'm going to bring 3 travel beds to layer so she can be comfy if she will relax. Maybe I should bring cheese to?

  6. Well she has an appointment Next Wed at 6:40pm. I sure wish "our" Dr did accupuncture... I'm worried this new vet will do something stupid and I will have to hate her. She can already see our record file so I'm sure knows all about the raw feeding, etc! :rofl


    Everyone keep your fingers crossed for a miracle. I'm going to give it a solid 4 apppointments. Then take a check point.

  7. I use the human sort which comes in capsules with fish oil. The girls get one of these in each of their meals mixed in and they seek it out to eat. I tried other tablets and powder and Paige informed me that this was effectively a poisoning attempt and that I should cease and desist immediately. :rolleyes:

    Ah yes, the classic poisoning attempt. Do you remember the brand and where you get them?

  8. The vet thinks Rainy might be developing some arthritis in her hind end. She's been having some wierdness back there. I haven't had any glucosamine in 6 months or so. I was buying the gucosamine for horses (regular cosequin powder) and dosing with 1/8 teaspoon. But they are raw fed and most of the times just have giant hunks of meat to chomp on, so powder is a pain.


    What does everyone else use?

  9. First possibly a vet trip to make sure getting up isn't causing her pain.... this whole thing sounds odd to me. How old is she?


    Then you have a few ways to get her up.

    1. Clip a leash to her and cheerfully say "Lets go!"

    2. Teach her the Up command or recall with super yummy food. Do this in easy places first.

    3. Tough love. Your going to move one way or another! You probably should NOT do this since she's growling at you. The odds of you getting bit are really high. Both my dogs know that if I put a hand on that collar I expect them to pay attention. If they ignore me, I will be mean and drag for a split second until my point gets across.

    4. Use a hose or squirt bottle to get her to move if she ignores you. Make sure you give her a fair shot of responding before you soak her.

  10. Has anyone used or considered trying accupuncture for generalized anxiety in a pup? I'm starting to see signs that Sunshine's anxiety meds are not working as well as they were and we've basically cycled through every drug class... Vet wants to cycle back to prozac, but everything is a wait 4-6 weeks and see type thing.


    There are no TTouch people nearby us so I'm considering doing that myself and seeing if it helps her. We do have accupuncture people nearby. I wonder if that would help her?

  11. Fastest way for me to fire a vet ;-) move on and never pay them another dime. You employ their services andshould require them to educate themselves enough to give it sound advice. I finally found a really good greyhound vet and didn't disclose what I fed until 2 years into our relationship! LOL she had to ask me point blank what they ate.


    She's always complimented their teeth and asked whatI brushed with. Always said we never brush teeth in our house. Every app since then she works the raw feeding comment in there somewhere. It's never judgemental or negative.


    Vets don't get many hours of nutritional study in school. The education they do get is generally funded by Kibble companies.


    You keep doing whatever works for your dog. If your encounter a nutritional issue you can adjust then ;-)

  12. I was trying to drown out the noise with the TV. It's usually on ALL the time of the BF is home. He seems tohave an aversion to silence. LOL


    Been reading about ttouch all morning. I think I'm going to try that on both pups tonight after dinner. They both used to live their canine lullaby cd. We stopped using it after we moved into a house. Don't have to drown out hallway noises. They are allowed to bark now :-)


    I'll have to check out those you tube links when I get back home tomorrow. Not enough 3G data juice out here to load that.


    Thankfully there were no more fireworks last night. BF is djing a dance tonight so everyone should be at that instead of playing with fireworks. Considering 2-3 years ago Rainy was trying to jump through a widow during fireworks I'm so proud of her!

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