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Posts posted by JenniferS

  1. I just noticed a red growth and bleeding on Quiet Man's gum. I was not able to get a clear photo of it, this is the best I could do. The tooth that is yellow/black that it's on has a slab fracture on it from years ago that the vet has looked at and seemed fine, although discolored. His gums do bleed back there sometimes when I brush which I admit is not very often, and that's the only reason I discovered this so I don't know how long it's been there. With it being Christmas Eve the earliest I could call my vet is on Friday. I'm just wondering if any one had any thoughts as to what it might be. I'm hoping just a bad case of gingivitis and not a tumor of some sort, although it does look like it is growing out of the gum and onto the tooth :(


  2. Quiet Man's corn started out just like what you described, and that was a year ago, He had an intermittent limp on pavement, tiny black dot, etc. Mt vet also thought a foreign object had gotten in there (he doesn't have experience with corns). A year later it's worse than ever, and the only thing that seems to help is the Therapaw which has been a godsend. If it is a corn, it will grow slowly and come to the surface, you can pick it out, hull it out, pumice it down, put duct tape on it to soften it, but nothing seems to make it go away forever I'm afraid :(

  3. Yup, got one, and I pretty much nearly have to stop every 5 minutes because one of them is screaming in pain having got a leg caught or is wrapped around the seatbelt. I keep trying, and I will. Until then, I have to get them to the vet. I am completely aware of the dangers of crashing and an 80lb dog being launched forward. My DH sits in the back holding onto them and we have a barrier between them and me. Lea sits in the boot with the parcel shelf removed and Gordon is on the back seat with DH. There is a small dog guard in the middle. I can't do anymore. I drive at like 10 mile an hour!


    I fill the foot wells with cushions so there is more space and less gaps to fall down into but the problem is that Gordon can't sit. If DH walks him in circles on the back seat he will eventually lie down and with the cushions in the foot well he seems to be comfortable.


    I have no idea how people drive their dogs over to the continent!!!

    It does take time to get them used to it. The first few times I had to pull over to untangle him, and once I was in a spot where I could not pull over and he panicked and tried to chew through the seat belt! Try starting slow, offer treats, take a 10 minute ride, then increase with time, keep offering treats! What I do w/ my Subaru wagon is put one seat down, one seat up, so it creates a small area he has to stay in, and he has to stay facing forward. He has gotten totally used to this over time.


  4. Thanks! I used Batmom's method last night & it worked really well. Any ideas on how long to soak for and for how many days? The corn is coming apart from the pad on one side, if I can just get it to separate from the other side I can get a lot of it out. My poor boy, if he was more tolerant I'd just pcik & pick until I got it out.

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