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Posts posted by JenniferS

  1. It really depends on the dog. I have had 3 and at one time they have all been an only child, but also been part of a pack of two for a time. Quiet Man was an only child for 6 years, and very happy that way. My other 2 did/do fine alone, but seem to prefer the company of another hound.

  2. I have always used this:

    Canine Auto Restraint

    It does take the dogs a few trips to get used to so they don't get tangled, but it is worth it. I would not let my dog be unrestrained in the car, and I also would not tether them with their martingale, they could be choked in a crash. I do not remember the G-force in a crash, but even at very low speeds, they could be a projectile into the windshield, injuring themselves and/ or you & your passengers. If I wear my seatbelt, so does my dog.

  3. I had to let my sweet Quiet Man go suddenly early yesterday morning and I was with him til the end. The grief and sadness and shock I feel is only comforted with the thoughts of how incredibly wonderful he was and how much I loved him and how much he loved me.

    He was truly one of a kind, and despite all his quirks which so many of you know about, he was the best dog and the love of my life. He loved his greyhound friends so much, and loved his walks, his toys, his couch, his breakfast and his dinner (he never turned a meal down in 7 years), his cookies, his extended family, his brother Murphy, and his mumma.

    He is what brought me into the greyhound world and has changed my life forever. I literally have thousands and thousands of memories of him and they will sustain me forever. I know he is looking down upon us and is with many of his friends, like Grainne, Klem, Rev, his sister Geraldine, and so many others.

    Run free my sweet boy, your mumma loves you very much. :(







  4. A few years ago Quiet Man was put on Proin for leaking and accidents. He was leaking a lot in his sleep and not even knowing he was doing it. He was never quite right on the proin, lethargic and not himself, although the accidents & leaking stopped. He then had an "episode" one night and I took him off it. By episode I mean in the past he has had a few times where he woke up to what can only be described as "after seizure" behavior. I've never seen him have a seizure before, but when he had these episodes he was very out of it and everyone I spoke with described it as how their dogs acted coming down from a seizure. Granted, this happened a few times before the Proin, but he had gone a really long time without one and as soon as I started the meds, it happened. I took him off it and it hasn't happened since.

    Eventually the accidents and leaking stopped. He had tested negative for just about everything. The only things I can think of is I had started him on Merrick canned food, which I believe was too rich & salty for him, so I stopped it. And there were a lot of negative changes to my household at the time and I wonder if he was reacting to the stress?

    I do know many people have had success with it, I am just sharing my personal experience. My vet had never heard of any side affects, so the decision to stop was purely mine.

  5. Has he lived in a kennel his whole life? If so, I would suspect he really just doesn't understand his new environment yet. Especially if the vet ruled most medical stuff out. Maybe crating him if he is used to being kenneled?

    My Murphy has had major pee accidents since I got him, had him vet checked, can't figure out what is going on. I also can't measure his water consumption since I can't separate him from QM. Then one day, the accidents stopped. I thought he was "cured" and just getting used to the routine here. But, now he's started having them again. Not daily like he used to, but randomly. I cannot figure out what is going on with him. There are further, more invasive tests the vet can do, but he is almost 13, and at this pint I'd rather just deal with cleaning up accidents. I bought a steam cleaner, one of the best purchases I have ever made :P

  6. It was 6 degrees this morning. I still walked Quiet Man, but just to the end of my street & back. It was maybe 5 or 10 minutes. Murphy went about 2 driveways down, then decided it was time to go back. I have to be careful because QM would just keep walking all the way around the block if I let him, he doesn't get bothered by any type weather, we walk 365 days a year. I have to cut it short in extreme weather against his will :P

  7. Barbara I'm crying with you and just know he will be truly missed but had the best life and was so lucky to have you and Rocky. He's with the others now, I'm sure they are happy to see him :rolleyes::angelwings


    We love you Klem,

    Jen, QM & Murph

  8. Good news, my vet doesn't think it's a tumor, but an overgrowth of the gum onto his bad tooth (gingival hyperplasia?). He does need a dental and will have the growth removed and gums cut back and possibly lose that tooth, so I'm nervous about the dental of course, but relieved that it's most likely not cancerous or anything like that.

    Thanks for the referral Patty.

    Donna I tried to PM you, but your mailbox is full :)

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