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Everything posted by BertnLil

  1. Clarice, my bridge baby, had a reaction to vaccines (she got a whole host of them) when she was 10. She was a mutt, and a very healthy dog. I brought her back to the vet the next morning, I can't remember what they did, but she ended up being fine. Fast forward to when she was 15. She was old, she had vestibular disease, and the notice came for her shots. DH and I brought her to the vet with many concerns about the vaccinations. They assured us she'd be fine. She got her vaccines. The next night she collapsed on the floor with what was obviously a neurological problem, we mistakenly thought it was the vestibular monster rearing its ugly head again. When she didn't improve after a day, we took her back to the vet, expecting her to return the next day after they had given her fluids. We got the call the next morning that it wasn't vestibular, they didn't know what it was, they could do tests and figure it out, given the nature of her symptoms she probably would only live for 6 more months, blah blah blah. We opted to put her to sleep. We were so distraught that it was a few days before we realized that it could have been a severe reaction to the vaccines. She was DH's first dog, she was 10 when we got married, and her death affected him like nothing I've seen before or since. He still blames himself for allowing her to get the vaccines. My point? If you question yourself about it, don't do it. She only had reactions when getting more than one vaccine at a time, so of course get the rabies, but when they get to a certain age, or start getting "old" I'm forgoing all the extras. I don't want to scare you, this is only my personal account, but like I said, if you have doubts, don't do it.
  2. Welcome from NJ--that painting is BEAUTIFUL, where'd your friend have it done?
  3. Thank you for posting--I had been wondering how this little girl was. She remind's me of my SIL's dog, Mick. Many thoughts and prayers for sweet Shirley.
  4. Hello from NJ Can't wait to see pics....?
  5. I did NOT know this story, what a HORRIBLE thing to have to have gone through. I also think she is reminding you to post that warning again. I remember when I adopted Lily they told us that if we had any big windows to bring her up to them and to touch them with her paws to show her that they were solid AND to put stickers on them. I must reiterate that I can't imagine how awful that was for you. I had tears in my eyes after reading this. Sending hugs.
  6. BertnLil

    My Golden Boy

    I am so sorry. RIP, Dakota
  7. MANY positive thoughts for Sarge.....
  8. Welcome from NJ! Your Annie is beautiful--as is your English!
  9. Oh my goodness, she was gorgeous. Run free, princess. :f_pink
  10. She's beautiful. Thank you for adopting this special girl.
  11. BertnLil

    Sad Day

    Oh no! Godspeed Scarlett. MANY hugs for your daughters. :grouphug
  12. Tears streaming down my face. Hugs to you today. What a lovely tribute.
  13. I am so, so sorry. Run free, Dempsey.
  14. I'm so sorry. Be gentle to yourselves in the upcoming days. Run free, Emmy
  15. Lily gets 2 1/2 cups of Pro Plan 2x a day plus a couple dollops of yoghurt, cookies, and sometimes a taste of whatever we have. This might sound like a lot, but she is very active (apparently she missed the "couch potato" memo--having a JRT for a brother helps, too ). When we got her over a year ago, she weighed 70 lbs. She now weighs in at only 73 lbs. and still has great muscle definition and obvious hipbones and shows about 4 ribs.
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