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Posts posted by PrairieProf

  1. Don't worry about the not pooping -- he's all cleaned out from the diarrhea, it would be odder if he DID poop right now. He'll go when food has worked its way through his system. (Did you really fast him for a day, btw? Seems like it hasn't been very long since your first post.)


    I wouldn't worry about the not drinking too much, either. Greyhounds don't necessarily drink a ton -- I think I've read somewhere that they tend to drink less than other breeds. Add some liquid to his food. If you take him on a walk, he may well want to drink after that.


    Greyhounds sleep ALL THE TIME (OK, 90%!) when nothing particular is going on. "Just mostly wants to be on my bed and sleep" sounds exactly like my girl, and she's less than three, healthy, and energetic. How it looks for hours on end in my house: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...27s+busy+sunday


    He really sounds like he's behaving in a perfectly normal/expectable way for a brand-new dog.

  2. Since he's brand new, I wouldn't assume the sleeping and lethargy necessarily means he's not feeling well, tummy-wise. He may just be settling down as he gets used to being in your place. Or it may be a response to the stress of all the newness. It's so hard to tell when you don't yet know what is normal behavior for him in a home. Anyway, ALL greyhounds sleep a lot!

  3. A lot of greys have trouble with a lot of foods, FYI -- take a look in the archives of the "Food and Dietary Discussion" section to read all about it. And a lot of greys (obviously not all) seem to do well on Purina Pro Plan (I personally would only feed [and do feed] the Pro Plan Selects version). You may have to do some switching around before you find a food that gives your dog good poops -- I think many if not all of us have been through this! So don't get panicky if the Castor and Pollux ends up not giving you the results you want, even after you transition more slowly.

  4. What a beautiful girl. I am so sorry for your loss, but glad she never suffered and went at a happy time, right after her walk. Few of us could ask for more for ourselves or our beloved pets.


    I enjoyed the story about her shoulder-slamming. I wouldn't be surprised to find out something like that was why my girl was retired too!

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