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Posts posted by PrairieProf

  1. I'm glad Cairo is feeling peppier today. You guys have been in my thoughts a lot -- he is so young and I feel so bad for you with this diagnosis.


    When my cat Quinn was diagnosed with cancer last May, I took pictures of him almost every day through the summer. I got a lot of great shots, and I'm so glad I have them now.

  2. Beats me. I just said thyroid because that's what I know most about -- my Carey has been hyperthyroid for a number of years now. If there was a problem it could easily be something else. But I wouldn't worry about it unless she shows other symptoms, or starts vomiting on a regular basis. Cats do indeed just puke a fair bit.

  3. If they vomit and their stomach is empty, it's going to be clear and watery. My cat does it from time to time. However, non-hairball vomiting can be a sign of various medical conditions (hyperthyroidism, for one). When is the last time your kitty had bloodwork? One incident of vomiting isn't an emergency, but if she hasn't had bloodwork in the past six months I'd have it done pretty soon. You really need to monitor them closely at that age (my cat is 13 too).

  4. What about giving Beau digestive enzymes to help him absorb nutrients from whatever food he is eating? I don't know if they have anything in them that would upset his system (though we're only talking 3/4 teaspoon per day anyway with the stuff I give Beth, Fresh Digest which is available at Petco). I did a quick online search and it did seem that they were being recommended for dogs and cats with IBD, or at least not contraindicated.

  5. The probiotic is hardly an issue -- just give it to Merlin at his next feeding. It's not like it takes effect or wears off so rapidly. And it probably is good for Sagan if anything. We're talking a nutritional supplement here, not prescription drugs! :)


    I'm a worrier too, so I do get your concern, but I can't imagine half a portion of the wrong food will really make a big difference.

  6. Tonganoxie Nibs -- that's fun to say. I bet I'm going to be repeating it in my head all day! My girl is extremely social too -- she thinks everyone we pass on the street is only out there because they want to pet her, and you can see she's bummed when it doesn't happen.

  7. I agree with SoulsMom (have hardwood floors too). It's a little greasy, maybe (it doesn't soak right in like hand lotion -- you'll feel it on your own fingers for a bit), so I try to rub it in while Beth is lying down and looks like she'll stay that way for a bit to let it soak in. But covering their feet isn't necessary.

  8. I'm glad you're at least considering the hydrolyzed protein. As I posted on another Beau thread awhile back, my friend's dog was diagnosed with IBD and has been doing fabulously on Purina HA for a number of years now -- no bowel issues at all. Admittedly he wasn't a touchy eater. She did extensive research on the different hydrolyzed formulas out there and came up with the HA as the best -- no ethoxyquin in it.

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