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Posts posted by PrairieProf

  1. Oh no, I am shocked and so terribly sorry. I too was hoping for answers and a curable problem. I feel your pain especially as another single-houndie mom.



  2. Welcome from Iowa! I'd love to see pics of Cyrus with the tennis balls. My dog is like most greys, I think, in that she couldn't care less about them (though she likes to chase the other dogs who are chasing the ball!).

  3. Congratulations, but -- You're leaving her for a few hours when you just brought her home today??? Generally you want to work up to that with focused alone training starting with a minute or two (or even seconds, if the dog shows signs of anxiety). Good luck with that, I hope it works out. And I certainly hope she's crated or otherwise confined where she can't get at the cat!

  4. Beth's weight has fluctuated a bit in the eight months I've had her as I figure out the ins and outs of feeding her, but basically she's averaged about one pound above racing weight. I'm happy with that, as she looks muscular and gorgeous.

  5. I don't know about hypocalcelmia as a condition in itself, but my friend's (non-grey) dog had life-threateningly low calcium levels as an effect of hypoparathyroidism, an autoimmune condition. It all came on pretty suddenly. Have Wally's parathyroid hormones been checked? My friend's dog has been doing just fine for several years now with serious supplementation (and regular blood monitoring, also to make sure he isn't getting too much calcium either).

  6. Why would you think using dog toothpaste is bad in some way? -- it's no more "goop" than the toothpaste you use on yourself. (In fact, I'm wondering why there isn't enzymatic toothpaste for humans like there is for dogs, it seems a more active formulation!)


    My understanding is that it's food that generates the plaque, so I try to brush my dog's teeth after her last treats of the evening, the same as I'd do for myself if I were only brushing once a day.


    I've also begun rubbing some Wysong Denta Treat on my dog's molars after I brush, and it seems to help. One tooth that looked a little grimy in a crevice even with brushing seems to be improving a bit.

  7. Nothing much to add about the laziness -- my girl is quite active outside on walks and excursions to the dog park or a fenced area I call the "zoom zoom room," but the same as the others inside (except sometimes in the late afternoon when she's getting eager to go out and will do some stuffie-pouncing). But I wanted to add a welcome to GT -- and note that I'm sure everyone is eager to hear more about your new grey, and to see pictures!


    For the food, my dog also gets excited about a couple of spoons of plain yogurt or cottage cheese.

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