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Posts posted by PrairieProf

  1. Just thought I'd post an update . . . It's been about 2 1/2 weeks, and Beth just had her third acupuncture appointment this morning. She's been done with the Deramaxx for two days now. Anyway, no more yelps after just one a couple of days following the first appointment, and my vet says her neck muscles feel much looser now; she doesn't show any pain response to neck manipulation etc.


    He said she could do brief runs last week, and we did that several times; he says that now I can gradually step up the amount. So things are looking good, though I'm still quite anxious especially now that we're off the meds (I've read so much about disc issues here, I'm still expecting her to have that and constantly looking for signs). We'll go back for another acupuncture treatment in about two weeks now. And he gave me some more Deramaxx to just keep on hand. Anyway, wish us good luck for continued good health!

  2. Yikes. Beth has still been yelping too periodically from some neck issue, and I've begun working with a vet on it. I think we're still working on the soft-tissue injury idea, though I'm suspicious. She's on Deramaxx and doing a course of acupuncture (will have her second session tomorrow). So no advice, but I'll be following this with interest and some anxiety. It does seem like there might be a number of more conservative measures to try before the surgical option....

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