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Posts posted by carronstar

  1. What a lovely post. I've lost two and my heart still breaks when I think of them. I look at my Aquitaine though and can see them in her. There is a strand of shared bloodline through all three of my girls and I find that comforting.


    I can never make it through the Remembrance section without tears running down my face. The guy who sits across from me must really wonder why my work makes me cry.

  2. This is one of those things that makes me really happy I live in the city. I loathe Cicadas and the park across the street from me is full of them. When they start up their group buzzing I live in fear that one will fall on me. The idea of a wasp that kills them is slightly more terrifying. But if they sting your babies -- it's all out war!!!!! Good luck, I hope you get rid of all of them quickly.

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