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Posts posted by carronstar

  1. Heather,


    I'm so sorry Grandpa is going through this. I have had to make the dreaded decision twice, and I can honestly say it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I lost my father 10 years ago but making that decision was harder. I know that sounds really bad but it was very difficult for me.


    I knew I was doing the right thing, but saying goodbye and knowing that I would not see my sweet little angel again was unbearable. After each loss I told myself that I would not get that attached to another pet. I found that my life felt very empty without the unconditional love that only comes from a dog.


    After really thinking it all over, the love and good times they give us so out weigh the pain of losing them. That is what really matters.




    Please excuse me for kidnapping your post but you said nearly the exact thing I was going to write (if you substitute grandmother for father). It has been 4 years since I had to make that decision for Scarlett and it still haunts me.


    At some level, I have to say that people in my neighborhood unwittingly made the pure fact of the decision easier for me. There was the shepherd who lost the use of his legs, so his owner rigged up a harness and a little red wagon for him to get out of the house and to the park; a chocolate lab whose owners brought her to the park in a jogging stroller for a year, even though she could only hobble a step or two. I know that they did what they did out of love for their companion animals. I also know that I have to be strong enough to make the decision without factoring myself into it. I have to choose what is right for my girls. I made that promise when I got Scarlett 19 years ago and I will stick to it.

  2. You are definitely not alone. I am completely paranoid about my girl. I examine her every time we cuddle. I lost my first girl to oseteo so I watch for limps and listen for her nails scratching the ground in a dragging way when walking. But I remind myself that I left home one morning with a seemingly healthy, and happy girl, and I lost her that afternoon to status. Losing Morgaine that way tore me apart even though there wasn't a thing I could have done differently and my vet and my own doctor assured me that there was no way to predict what happened. I try to remember that I had Scarlett until she was 19 and that there is a decent chance that with lots of love and good medical care, there is no reason not to hope for the same with Aquitaine.



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