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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Beautiful dogs and I love the collars!
  2. I have an almost 7 year old grey who broke her hock racing. She gets gimpy once in a while. I give her glucosamine and chondroitin. I want to give it to my 8 YO, too, but he has IBS and everything seems to loosen him up. Any suggestions for a sensitive stomach guy? I am also trying to figure out if I am even giving her enough. Cindy
  3. I am glad to hear from you. I had been following your threads and have been worried about you and your DH. While I am still so sorry for all that you and yours have been through, it is good to see you back. My continued thoughts and condolences.
  4. one of my greys torn the webbing between his toes during his racin' days. There are days and times that he will limp or refuse to place that foot down. I have determined that for some reason at times, it flares up. We soak his foot in cool water several times a day for a couple of days and it seems to go away. Good luck!
  5. Vet just called. No sign of infection. I am just supposed to keep an eye on it - yuck - and bring him in if it persists or gets worse! Thanks for the reassurances - I would be devastated with there was really something wrong with my heart dog!
  6. I appreciate all the feedback. I did call the vet because this was the first time I had seen it. We have had him for almost 4 years and he is almost 8. I guess that he is either going thru delayed puberty (if you knew him you wouldn't be surprised) or a mid-life crisis! At first, I wanted to know if he had been skanking around! The vet's office requested a "swab" and urine sample. That was fun. I am now waiting to hear from them. I guess, if I have to have problems with the pups, I would rather have some that are more interesting! I will keep you posted. thanks. Cindy
  7. I don't know how to phrase this delicately. My male (duh) greyhound has a thick, white discharge from the end of his penis. I noticed it last night and will be calling the vet when she opens this morning. In the meantime, has anyone ever had this happen with their greyhound? As far as other symptoms - nothing. Eating, sleeping, actvity levels, voiding - all normal. Doesn't appear to be in any pain or distressed. My vet is somewhat grey savvy, thanks to my crew, but I was hoping for some information before heading in. thanks so much. Cindy in MD
  8. if you don't mind my asking, who's your vet? I think that I am in the market for a new, more sighthound saavy one. thanks! Cindy
  9. Great to see another greyt person from Maryland! I live in Poolesville with my two greys, an elderly whippet and 4 cats! Oh, yeah, a husband and two teenagers round out the group! Cindy, mom to Dante and Zoe, greyt, greyt dogs!
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