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Posts posted by linda

  1. Oh my, I've been thinking about Caesar since yesterday. While they're all beautiful, his was the face on your signature that I was always drawn to.


    Having lost a dog to seizures, I understand how hard it is to watch them suffer, and how helpless you feel when they're suffering, but that doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye. He was a sensitive old soul, and I know you'll miss him deeply.



  2. I lost a deerhound overnight at the early age of (just turned) 8. The vet suspected a heart problem, but I didn't have an autopsy done, I couldn't stand the thought of her going through that. She went quietly and with her daughter by her side. It's always difficult and a shock. Take care of yourself.



  3. Gary's been panting like crazy too, with the improvement in weather in Southern Ont. It was a quick jump from cool/cold to warm, and he does this every year - gets nice so I want to walk, and then he needs to be dragged around the block because he's roasting...air conditioning does help!

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