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Posts posted by racindog

  1. slim_1harn8-051.jpg




    You were rescued at 10 months old weighing a starved 47# from a pen in TN where you even had to fight a Rottweiller for any morsel to try to stay alive. You became my Moma's Boy-fiercely protective of me- a sentry dog in a greyhound suit. Once you fended off a St. Bernard that weighed twice what you did when it came after me. Another time you thwarted a burglary attempt-violently. Nothing you liked better than a fight. You are even now my fearless protector- my soulmate from the spirit world. Sometimes the heart and spirit know what the mind can’t understand. God permitted me a glimpse into the spirit world and you still live, are now and always my soul mate, and one day you will help me to the other side.


    “For love is as strong as death….


    Many waters cannot quench love,

    Nor can the floods drown it.”

    Song of Solomon 8:6-7


  2. :) No experience but I wouldn't hesitate. Let me share this poem:


    I cannot see you Mommy, when you cuddle me so near.

    And yet I know you love me, it's in the words I hear.

    I cannot see you Daddy, when you hold me by your side

    But still I know you love me when you tell me so with pride.

    I cannot see to run and play out in the sun so bright

    For here inside my tiny head it's always dark as night.

    I cannot see the treats you give when I am extra good

    But I can wag my tail in Thanks just like a good dog should.

    "She cannot see. The dogs no good" is what some folks might say

    "She can't be trained, she'll never learn She must be put away."

    But not you, Mom and Daddy You know that it's alright

    Because I love you just as much as any dog with sight.

    You took me in, you gave me love and we will never part

    Because I'm blind with just my eyes, I see you in my heart.


    Sherrill Wardrip


  3. Two words...Therapaws and Tuf-foot(www.tuffoot.com). Slim had serious chronic foot problems and that is when I discovered Therapaws. They can still run as fast as they want in them and they won't come off and they will protect the foot-especially during healing when it is most vulnerable to re-injury. I used to have to bandage feet quite often and I also got an extra large size to put over bandage and it worked so wonderful for when it is rain/mud. Tuf-foot is just plain good stuff. Really toughens up their feet. You can put it in a little spray bottle and just spray it on. Hope this helps. :)

  4. FRESH FACTORS!!! may be your miracle. If they don't work- but I think they will- I believe Lubrisyn is pretty good- have to get that from vet. I give my greyt 10cc/day. www.springtimeinc.com is the addy for the Fresh Factors. They have really been wonderful the years and hounds I have used them on. I don't like the chemical drugs like Rimadyl (even though I am a chemist) unless it is an absolute last resort as I am concerned about them affecting their kidneys etc. Good Luck. :)

  5. Genie you ARE and ALWAYS WILL BE an inspiration. You will NEVER be forgotten and will ALWAYS be loved. Run free sweet baby. Love, racindog, Slim, Cash,Bobber, Minny, and especially Aggie(adopted last year at 11 yrs old).

  6. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”


    “What we have enjoyed we can never lose…All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”


    -Helen Keller

    Love and prayers from racindog & the pack



  7. With Ivy's osteo they said it was important-that it could fracture the leg itself- but that the risk was worth it in this case. So they did one without incident. She did not seem like it bothered her too much. If there was any excessive pain she did a good job hiding it as it didn't seem to bother her. But really she sailed through the leg amputation too. Home in 4 days jumping back into bed! I really think Fresh Factors helped her- I gave her 6 a day. This was my experience. There was a good book published about canine amputees called "Without Regret." Ivy's picture heads up one of the chapters. As long as it is a greyhound savy top notch surgeon I don't believe there is anything to fear re: amputation. Ivy still ran like lightning afterwards. You couldn't tell she only had 3 legs because she was going so fast she was a blur! She was one who loved and had to run. The Dr. told me to let her do it. I will keep ya'll in my prayers. Good Luck.

  8. Just found out that my little lady with bling, Cash, has her 5 & 6th vertebra kind of smashed together-almost no intervertebral distance- from an old injury at the track that has suddenly become more painful for her. One of the things the vet gave me is Tramadol for the pain: 1/2 -2 tablets every 8-12 hours for the pain. I won't give it to her until I find out from real greyhound people that it is safe as I don't have any prior knowledge about it. Have you used it? Is it safe? Does it work? Does dosage look appropriate? As soon as I make sure it is safe I'll give it to her so she can start feeling better. Thanks for your help!



  9. Don't give up until you try manuka honey. Make sure it is the REAL one and not a copy cat version-I think Manuka Honey Usa is reliable. There have been several studies-a lot with humans- that have shown it sometimes heals wounds that nothing else does. In fact I believe it is the only treatment that has been proven effective against MRSLA. I am a chemist and this is legit to the best of my knowledge. I'll be praying for her speedy recovery.

    I believe the belly is a completely different issue. I have seen similar on some hounds that I cleared up and didn't return by swabbing with high strength (95%) alcohol once or twice a day.




  10. I have had outstanding success with the original BACH Flower Essences. There are books which tell you which ones specifically to use. Right now I'd be giving him some Rescue Remedy until I figured out a more specific protocol. Having an outgoing greyhound also helped a lot. Apparently the self confidence of the stronger dog muat rub off on some of the scared ones. Time also helps. I'm sure he'll improve over time. Hope this helps. :rolleyes:

  11. You both are in my prayers. Just don't forget he is not leaving you. He is just crossing over to the spirit world. We are not humans and dogs going through a temporary spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings going through a temporary dog and human experience. You won't have to see him in his "earth suit" to know he is still a part of your life and is very very happy and well.

  12. My prayers and deepest sympathies are with you. Lovely pictures- they said more than any words could have. I will tell my bridge kids to look for her. I am sure she is with you still. You can see her kind and loving spirit through the pictures. I have found out that what we have loved so deeply we can never lose because it forever becomes a part of us.

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." Hellen Keller

  13. My prayers and deepest sympathies are with you. I will tell my bridge kids to look for her. I have found out that what we have loved so deeply we can never lose because it forever becomes a part of us.

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." Hellen Keller

  14. Yes my soulmate grey Slim had dislocated toes in both his front feet and then the ligaments etc. had- to use the board certified vets terminology -shriveled up. His toes would actually tear open because there was no longer anything holding them together! It was quite a situation. Ultimately my holistic vet helped me to manage the situation. I had to put Tough-Foot on his feet most every day and the biggest thing was Therapaws. He wore Therapaws all the times he was out of the house and that pretty much prevented it from occuring. I don't think theres much else that can be done. Vet told me that when it is one toe that they will often just amputate it but in Slims case it was multiple toes on each foot.

  15. My first grey, Ivy, also had her front right leg removed due to osteosarcoma. She is pictured in the book about canine amputations called "Without Regret." You will be surprised how LITTLE she is affected. It wasn't long before Ivy was RUNNING and JUMPING and doing EVERYTHING she did when she had 4 legs. She JUMPED into our bed the evening I brought her home after only 4 days hospitalization. I really don't think it hindered her at all and was actually a GOOD thing because she was able to run and play and be happy just like before. Good luck and my prayers are with you.

  16. Check out www.solidgoldhealth.com

    They will be glad to tell you any recommenedations they may have and they really know a lot.

    I've fed their regular foods for years. It is tops. I know they also make specialty food for allergic dogs. Just ask them. If anybody can help they can.

  17. Just wanted to say how beautiful she is. Great pictures. I can see she's very special and also very happy. Wish I could say I was surprised about the deplorable treatment at that first vet but sadly I'm not. I have only found one vet that I actually trust and I have been using vets for about 40 years. You've really got to watch them. Sometimes they don't mean any harm but they just don't realize-particularly with our delicate and fragile greyhounds.

  18. Well, my husband's dad lost his battle with cancer and passed away last Sunday, March 2nd. We were in Michigan with the dogs for about a week and a half. Bonnie had a really rough time. At the recommendation of some family members, we drove Bonnie about an hour away for her weekly vincristine injection. Granted this was the day after my father-in-law passed away, but I just didn't like this vet's office. They called us back, not into a room but just into the hallway, to explain and talk to an employee. It wasn't even a vet tech or someone who had any knowledge of medications, or chemo :blink:. I pulled out the case of medications and started to explain what we needed. Her response..."how do you spell that medicine?". UUUUHHHHH! My husband and I were in tears when we left. We drove home and waited to hear from them. Nothing. I called around 3 PM and they told me she was ready to go, no problem. We drive the hour back to the vet's office- they had shaved her front left leg all the way around and did the vincrstine by IV, not injection. And, they didn't give her the Cerenia medication to help with nausea either. We had a tough week after that. No one in the area had the Cerenia medication. Everything went downhill. She wouldn't eat, looked like she was in pain, and overall her health suffered. She threw up three times in the middle of the night and we took a trip to the ER vet Wednesday morning before the funeral. This place gave her an injection of Reglan, took digital X-rays of her belly, and gave us some Reglan tablets to last the rest of the week. I got a much better vibe at this place, thank goodness.


    I left last Wednesday and drove through the night because I HAD to work on Thursday. Things got a lot better when we got home. Bonnie improved and her appetite was much better. We fed her whatever she would eat whenever she acted hungry. She's gained a pound back since the trip to the ER vet in Michigan. Yesterday (Monday) we took her to our vet's office. I think he expected a pathetic bag of bones (we had been in contact with him several times while in MI). He thought Bonnie looked good. Her bloodwork was all normal. They gave her the fifth weekly injection of vincristine and then the Cerenia later. She's been playing the past few days and today she ate pretty well.


    So, talk about ups and downs! :eek Thanks so much to all of you for your good thoughts and prayers. I tried to check GreyTalk from the hospital in the beginning, but when things took a turn for the worse, obvious that didn't happen. I'm so glad to be home and get things back to normal. Today was a really nice and sunny day. I took some pictures of Bonnie outside. We received their new Hope for Hounds collars last week. Bonnie is looking so much better! Here she is-


    Enjoying the sun. Notice the shaved patches (both sides- bottom of neck, and now left leg)



    Staying close by my side



    Hearing something



    Laying down, wanting lovin'



    Bonnie Twist, our patchwork girl, hanging in there!



  19. Cash is a 8 (almost 9) yr old female black greyt. She is a greyhound "bleeder' and she has a racing injury- a badly broken right hind leg that was left to heal crooked so when she steps she is stepping on the footpad at a twisted awkward angle-not flat on the foot like it should. I adopted her at 6 yrs old and she does very well with routine acupuncture/holistic care to prevent pain etc. and never has any problems. She runs like lightning and is very happy-and beautiful too. It is remarkable. About 6 months ago she lost the outside toenail on that foot and amazingly there was little or no bleeding. It grew back as it was expected to. It got not quite full or normal length and is gone again! Once again there is little or no bleeding. It is very sore of course. All other toes, in fact everything else about her, is in wonderful condition so the only thing I can atttribute it to is perhaps it is taking the brunt of the abnormal forces put on that twisted paw when she runs and breaks off. But it is inside the toe where it breaks off. You can't see the nail after it happens. I'm not too worried as I know I can just put Therapaws on that foot and it probably won't happen again but I thought I would mention it in case any of ya'll had a similar thing where they lost their toenail, and then lost it again before the new one got fully growed back in. As in aside about 3 months ago my 5 yoa male greyt lost the same toenail on the same foot! There was a lot of bleeding when it happened but it too healed quickly and the new nail is growing out. It has to be a coincidence because I don't wnat to think that now I can expect his to come out again too! I have had several greyts for many years and have of course had toe issues before but until this happenned hadn't had any to lose a nail.

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