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Posts posted by racindog

  1. A special tribute to a lovely lady. My deepest sympathy. I know she is happy though- just think of all the saved greyhound lives she will ultimately be responsible for-starting with Teddy and Daisy. And think of all the good they will be responsible for and on and on, and to think all of that good is because of Sophie. What a wonderful legacy for such a special girl. :f_red:gh_run

  2. That tribute goes straight to the heart. :brokenheart What a wonderful memoir. Reggie would love that I know. I am so sorry. :weep

    I know the happiness that both of you experienced on toe nail dremmel night and when he got his Boomerang tag is a joy that will forever be a part of you both. You ARE forever united now. f_yellow:gh_run

  3. I have seen other people routinely turn out their greys and never use a muzzle. I marvel at it! I can hardly believe that they don't fight and have lots of vet visits! For me, I learned the hard way the only way that I can keep them from poking holes into each other is to muzzle them at all times when they are out as a pack. Therefore all 4 of mine are always muzzled when outside. They honestly would hurt each other too much if they wern't. They are sweet houndies but you have that pack mentality, not to mention their competiveness. An extra added bonus is that I don't have to worry about them eating any bad or poisonous stuff. So sorry for such a hectic weekend you've had. Hope all the houndies and you make a super swift recovery. I run half marathons too and you'll make it. It might not be your best time but you'll finish well-no question about it! :)

  4. scan00012.jpg


    You pierced my soul again Thursday morning. For a few precious moments I gazed into your eyes once again. For a few precious moments we exchanged thoughts and feelings deeper than life itself that only you and I have the privilege of being able to share. I had begun to roll Bobber over onto her back to give her a hug and kiss. When she got rolled over though I seen immediately ..."Those are Slim's eyes"...I exclaimed. My Slim had sent me another "sign"! For a few priceless moments our souls once again danced and shared secrets uniquely ours and known only to our innermost spirits. And then it was over. And there was Bobber with her dark warm soft Bobber eyes-so different from your gold tinged dominating and fearless and fierce warrior eyes.


    You sent her to me-and of course Goldie was in on it. What a story that is! But for now I do not digress. Only 3 years ago today your earth suit gave way with only 6 years on it and you crossed over. The starvation and neglect you and your Mom experienced took its toll on your body but your fight for survival helped make you who you are. As you have made me who I am now-or at least enabled me to see who I really am. Because of you I am no longer bound by the confines of this earthly journey. The real me- my spirit- can celebrate WITH YOU- my oneness with all creation as you have taught me. Slim I can't put it into words. Words cannot convey the passion, the depth, the wisdom, the celebration and the oneness you and I share. YOU ARE FOREVER MY ONE AND ONLY SOULMATE, THE ONE, MEANT FOR ME. YOU ARE FOREVER THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. :beatheartIT COULD NEVER BE OTHERWISE. The oneness we share is beyond love. It is of the ages and no other human or animal could begin to approach what our shared souls celebrate.


    I am going to stop here for now and bask in our love. There is a lot I don't understand. But there is a lot I do know now-thanks to you. Some things you have only been able to teach me from the other side. The heart knows what the mind can't understand. Our heart and soul connection goes beyond the physical form and we communicate on a different level. As such our love continues to grow. You taught me that too. And now, amidst tears of passion, I savour the gift of our eternal love.




  5. My beloved Goldie (Golden Earing) crossed over at 11 years due to an enlarged spleen first documented around a year earlier. The board certified vet did many tests but could not give me a definitive diagnosis or positive treatment plan. He said I could have the spleen removed but that under the circumstances with what he did know he would NOT recommend it. My precious boy essentially wasted away. It was very sad but he luckily always had a good appetite and would at least eat well. I too raised the question of TBD because his balance was also very bad. However it was dismissed out of hand by the vet and that was one of the few tests he DIDN'T run. I wish vets wern't so arrogant and didn't get mad at you for suggusting things. I'm not stupid, I am a chemist and I know about lab tests. I have since become rather more demanding when dealing with vets. My beloved houndies depend on me to speak for them and I take that very seriously. Personally I think it must have been some kind of cancer even though it was not definitively diagnosed as such. The Goldster is a very special part of my heart. I owe him more than I could say or anybody else (but him) knows. :angelwings

  6. Not sure if this will help but I've had 2 Von Willebrands Greys, and a simple blood draw was never a problem.

    However, they were not allowed to take any anti inflammatories as a side effect of those drugs is bleeding, which we found out the hard way

    Thank goodness for letting me know that as I didn't and I really doubt the vet would have picked up on it either. The vet was the one who prescribed the Ecogesic! Lucky I didn't trust her and decided to check with Greytalk first. You probably saved me a lot of trouble! Thanks again!

  7. Does anybody know if it is safe to let a vet try and draw blood from a hound with idiopathic greyhound bleeding syndrome? I would like to get a blood test done so I can be sure it is safe to use anti-inflammatory due to old injuries/pain. Cash nearly died when spayed at rescue though- requiring a transfusion- as she is one of those bleeder syndrome greyts. Luckily she happened to be at a board certified vet so she was saved but she would probably have perished at an ordinary vet. Anyway the board certified vet told me that any little cut or puncture could cause her to bleed out-it was very serious. I keep military Quick Clot at the ready just in case at home. But will the 18 gauge needle hole or so used to draw blood set off a bleeding episode of some sort. I lost one hound to DIC so I am very skiddish over blood issues. Just wondering if anybody else had one of these hounds and what their experience was with things like getting blood samples. I have been afraid to even have her teeth done for the same reason. That first vet said it was real serious and he wouldn't clean her teeth- only scale them without anesthesia. I just don't know so like I said was wondring about others experiences. Thanks.

  8. I think that is way too hot for a greyhound. I took Goldie for a easy walk one day, some of it shaded even-- and it was only around 80F - and he sufferered heat exhaustion! His temp went to 107.4F(cellular death occurs at 108F). I could hardly believe it- it really wasn't even that hot out! Thank God he recovered uneventfully. I admit I have been somewhat fanatical about their temp exposure since then. I leave TWO a/c's on. That way if one fails then they will still be cool because the other one will kick on. Aggie is 13 and she simply must not be exposed to any high temps- it could kill her. It don't make sense to me why if they originated in the desert they can't stand heat even as well as an "ordinary" dog but its been my experience they are very heat sensitive. I would be afraid to leave a hound without ac on a hot day. Heat stroke/exhaustion can happen sooo quick and it can be a killer.

  9. My heart breaks for you. :f_red Now run free dearest Ivy on strong healthy legs. :gh_run Perhaps you will meet my Ivy :angelwings - a beautiful dark brindle female angel-at the bridge. She was like you only OS took her legs, but as long as she had 3 she still would happily "fly."

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